
  1. 在σH>σV>σh的地应力条件下,水平并比垂直井井壁更坚固;

    When the earth stresses H > V > h , horizontal wellbore is more stable than vertical wellbore .

  2. 一种名为“坚固平板”的新型产品已经问世,面向那些需要比iPad更坚固的平板的人群。

    Enter a new breed of so-called rugged tablets , designed to meet the computing needs of folks who require something a little more macho than the iPad .

  3. 制滑雪板技术员会做滑翔试验来使的滑雪板更坚固。

    Ski technicians undergo a gliding test to enhance the skis .

  4. 推土机清理了城市中废弃的街区,为搭建更坚固的临时营房腾出空间。

    Bulldozers cleared unused city blocks to make room for sturdier temporary huts .

  5. 只有两个人的友谊更坚固。

    It 's so much more friendly with two .

  6. 另外,地下建筑通常比高层建筑更坚固,安全。

    Additionally , underground areas have strong structures and are safer than high-rise buildings .

  7. 一旦干了,它会比水泥更坚固,但比砖头更美味。

    Once that dries it will be stronger than cement , but tastier than a brick .

  8. 现在你感到内心的基石更坚固了,由此,你能朝前迈出积极的步伐。

    Ideally , you now feel a stronger internal foundation from which to take positive steps forward .

  9. 实际上人类要求在更多的场合使用的主要不是混凝土的强度,而是希望它有更长的寿命,更坚固和耐久。

    In practice man hopes that concrete is mech longer ages , much durable not only strength .

  10. 学习要求的艺术之后,你的婚姻关系会更坚固。

    By learning the art of asking for support , your relationships Will gradually become greatly enriched .

  11. 珐琅质,形成保护膜,使您的牙齿更坚固,健康。

    Enamel , the formation of protective film , to make your teeth more strong , healthy .

  12. 由于末端执行器拥有更多的链接,所以他们也比铰接机器人更坚固。

    They are also stronger than serial robots because the end effector is connected to more links .

  13. 研究人员发明了一种更坚固的钢材,不会在低温下出现裂缝或断裂。

    Researchers have created a tougher form of steel that will not splinter or crack at low temperatures .

  14. 新的车型为使用弹簧制动系统,拥有全新更坚固底盘的揽胜。

    The new vehicle uses the coil spring suspension of the Range Rover in a new stronger chassis frame .

  15. 距今至少1500年前,中国的石匠发现,和糯米糊调在一起,石灰浆竟然会更坚固。

    At least 1,500 years ago Chinese masons discovered that mixing in sticky rice soup makes lime even stronger .

  16. 该产品最大的特点是更坚固耐用、外型美观、经济实用、出入境方便快捷。

    The greatest feature of the product is more durable , good looks , economical , convenient entry and exit .

  17. 一旦合并完成而且通过检验,我们就可以将合并的代码复制回更坚固的代码线。

    Once the merge is complete and verified , we can copy the merged code back to the firmer codeline .

  18. 但我非常想要做一个更坚固的罐子&一个放在火里不会破裂的罐子。

    But I wanted very much to make a harder , stronger pot-a pot that would not break in a fire .

  19. 21世纪的商业需要21世纪的基础设施,现代港口、更坚固的桥梁、更快的火车和最快的互联网。

    Twenty-first century businesses need 21st century infrastructure & modern ports , and stronger bridges , faster trains and the fastest Internet .

  20. 急诊室内像额外的宽床、更坚固的马桶、特殊的升降患者的装置的设备越来越普遍。

    Share Extra wide beds , stronger toilets and special patient lifting devices are becoming more and more common in emergency rooms .

  21. 一个更坚固的波纹塑料版本已经被开发出来,它的成本相同,而且已经在10个国家进行了测试。

    A more robust corrugated plastic version has been developed that costs the same and is ready to be tested in ten countries .

  22. 吸收了松树焦油的布;使击球手更坚固的用于棒球的把柄上。

    A rag soaked with pine tar ; used on the handle of a baseball bat to give a batter a firm grip .

  23. 但我非常想要做一个更坚固的罐子——一个放在火里不会破裂的罐子。

    But I wanted very much to make a harder , stronger pot - a pot that would not break in a fire .

  24. 遮光处理在较低的前后面板和沿两侧借内地更坚固的外观比轿车。

    Black-out treatment in the lower front and rear fascias and along the sides lend the Outback a more rugged appearance than the sedan .

  25. 这些芯片使用的晶体管由更坚固的碳化硅而非纯硅制成。

    Instead of using transistors made from pure silicon , those employed by these chips are made from silicon carbide , which is more robust .

  26. 当时,厂商习惯在香烟纸包装里插入硬卡片,使包装更坚固、使用时间更长。

    Back in the day , manufactures used to insert stiffening cards into their paper cigarette packs , to make them sturdier and last more ;

  27. 成为固体或更坚固,促成凝固。他们今天顽固,明天顽固,后天还是顽固。

    Make solid or more solid ; cause to solidify . Die-hards they are today , and die-hards they will remain tomorrow and even the day after .

  28. 墙壁是用碎石砌成的,为了使它更坚固,还用粗糙不平的大石块嵌住其间的空隙里。

    The wall was built of rough Stones , among which , to give strength to the structure , blocks of hewn Stone were at intervals imbedded .

  29. 最后,该产品比钢轻6倍,密度低5到6倍,更坚固2倍,抗弯刚度高13倍。

    The end product is six times lighter than steel , five to six times lower in density , two times harder and has13 times higher bending rigidity .

  30. 不过,多亏有了机载激光,该团队能够发现这些经受住时间考验的更坚固、更稳定的建筑。

    But thanks to the lasers attached to the helicopters , the team was able to discover more substantial and robust structures which have stood the test of time .