
  • 网络renewal;RENEW;renewal phase
  1. 露天矿主要设备最佳更新期灰色系统预测

    Gray forecasting Model for Optimum Renewal Time of Major Open-pit Equipment

  2. 视情维修制拖拉机合理更新期计算方法的研究

    Study on Calculation Methods of Rational Renewal Cycle of Tractors

  3. 利用放射性同位素氚含量,初步估算出不同地区地下水的更新期,其地下水年龄均低于35a。

    By radioactive isotope Tritium analysis , different groundwater 's ages were approximately estimated , which are younger than 35 years .

  4. 列出了更新期的计算公式,并以第一汽车制造厂CA141车身涂装线为实例进行了计算。

    The calculation equations for turnover time were given . The turnover time was calculated with the CA 141 body painting line in No. 1 Automobile Factory as example .

  5. CA&141型运材车最佳更新期的研究

    Study on The Best Replacing Period of CA-141 Transporting Trucks

  6. 运材汽车最佳更新期确定方法的探讨

    Approaching the Methods of Defining the Optimal Reproductive Period of Logging Trucks

  7. 农用拖拉机合理更新期的探讨

    An approach on the rational farm tractor replacement period

  8. 钻探设备最佳更新期的确定

    Determination of the best renewal time of drilling equipment

  9. 以防护成熟龄为基础,确定剌槐水土保持林的三个经营阶段:成熟前期、防护成熟期和更新期。

    Three phases for management of WSCF were divided according to protective maturity ages .

  10. 论电泳漆的更新期

    Turnover time of electrodeposition paint

  11. 将模式应用于模拟厦门港污染物质的迁移,计算厦门港海域的水体更新期,得到满意的结果。

    The model was applied to compute water renew time and the pollutant distribution in Xiamen Bay .

  12. 最后介绍该模型的推广,即更新期为确定的情况下,寻找设备预防维修期的阶段划分和相应预防维修率优化控制的方法。

    Finally , the algorism for segmentation of preventive maintenance stages and their optimal control were derived in case the replacement period is given .

  13. 并对此方法从拖拉机所有者追求经济利益的角度,确定了大修制拖拉机最佳更新期与合理更新期的经济界限。

    Then , both optimal and rational renewal cycle under different conditions were analyzed from the viewpoint of optimizing the economical benefit of the tractors owners .

  14. 并指出了影响运材汽车最佳更新期确定的主要因素:汽车型号、生产条件、管理水平、年运输周转量等。

    It also pointed out the main factors of affecting the optimal reproductive period definition of logging trucks : the truck model , productive conditions , management level , annual transport turnover amount , etc.

  15. 利用这种方法确定更新期更符合拖拉机技术状态变化和零件磨损的规律。

    These methods that are adopted to define renewal cycle of tractors are better in keeping with the law of technology state variation of tractors and wear and tear of spare parts than the two methods above .

  16. 探讨了运材汽车最佳更新期确定的两种方法:低劣化数值法和边际效益法,可供木材运输企业(个人)在决策时参考。

    This article approached two methods of defining the optimal reproductive period of logging trucks : the inferior value method and the marginal benefit method , which may be for the reference of timber transport enterprises or individuals when they make decisions .

  17. 大体上可分为四个阶段:冷水舌离岸期,北部冷水半封闭期,北缩消亡期和更新期。

    The whole variational process can be divided into four period : the period of leaving coast of the cold water tongue ; the period of semi-closing of the Northern Cold Water ; the period of diminishing northwards and the period of regenerating .

  18. 新老产品共存是高新技术产品更新换代期的主要特征。

    The coexistence of new and old products is the main feature of high-tech products during the replacement period .

  19. 对产品更新换代期决策的净现值法的优化

    Optimization for NPV on the Decision in Production Renewal and Change The Differences of NPV Calculating Methods and The Elimination

  20. 然后通过计划的滚动,实现需求分布的更新和计划期上各时间段订购点与订购批量的更新。

    By rolling the planning horizon to the next period , the demand distribution was updated , and optimal replenishment periods and order-up-to-levels for the new planning horizon could be determined .

  21. 纵观此方面的论文,有的从技术方面探讨了设备更新的最佳更新期;有的从经济方面寻找最佳更新点。

    Among all articles of this aspect , some discuss the best renewal period of facility and some seek the best renewal spot of facility .

  22. 备注:列表中所载资料将会定期更新,而有效期已届满的命令及相关文件,会视乎情况予以删除。

    Note : the information in the list will be updated at a regular interval and expired orders and related documents may be deleted as appropriate .

  23. 认识到这一点之后,我的下一期专栏将是一个非常受欢迎的往期专栏的更新,在那期专栏中,我解释了预测您的结果行的顺序为何不像听起来那样简单。

    With that in mind , my next column will be a rewrite of a very popular past column in which I explained how predicting the order of your result rows is not as simple it sounds .

  24. 在对设备更新改造基初理论研究的基础上,对到了更新期的设备,探索了从各种方案中选择最经济合理的方案,以提高设备改造的经济效果;

    On the basis of an analysis of some fundamental theories of the Renewal and renovation of Equipments , the paper introduces a couple of methods on how to choose a most reasonable and economic plan out of many to achieve the renewal and renovation of equipments .