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  1. 不过,根据脱北者的描述,为了糊弄搜查人员,供应商使出了浑身解数,偷运了使用电池的DVD机,还有更容易藏起来的闪存盘。

    But defectors say the suppliers have worked hard to foil inspectors , importing battery powered DVD players as well as more easily hidden flash drives .

  2. 同时,这种动物不喜欢生存在林木茂盛的地方,因为那里更可能藏着它们的捕食者。

    Also , the animals avoid woody areas where predators are more likely to hide .

  3. 男人更常藏起自己惊讶和害怕的表情,而女性则会努力克制自己厌恶、蔑视、生气等情绪在脸上的表现。

    Men are more likely to hide surprise and fear while women control disgust , contempt and anger and many other emotions .

  4. 白颔鳄龟,还有一些其他的龟类,经历过一段比较棘手的进化过程:因为他们这些海龟,走路慢,又没有什么可以防身的武器,所以他们更宁愿藏在深水中,从而可以避免冲突。

    White-throated snapping turtles - as well as other turtle species - faced a tricky evolutionary challenge : They 're turtles . Slow of foot and short of weapons , these animals prefer to avoid confrontation by hiding underwater .

  5. 实践证实,改进后的Logistic模型预测结果更符合油气藏的生产实际,能为油气藏的储量管理提供可靠的依据。

    The practice proves that the result predicted by the improved Logistic model is more fit for the real production of the oil - gas reservoir , and can provide the reliable theory basis for its reserves management of the oil - gas reservoir .

  6. 每当风声响起,他会担心是否有更险恶的声响藏在其内。

    Every time the wind blew , he wondered what more sinister sound it masked .

  7. 是的,但是目前的政府让银行和金融机构感到不可信任。所以现在人们更愿意将钱藏到罐子里或是存到贪心的银行里。

    Yeah , but corrupt governments in the past have created distrust among banks and financial institutions , so now people prefer to have money hidden in a jar or a piggy bank .

  8. 持有比特币的人更愿意把它们藏起来,而不是花掉,因为通缩意味着囤积起来的比特币能够在未来买到更多的真实商品。

    People who own bitcoins will prefer to hold on to them rather than spend them , because deflation will mean that their stash of bitcoins will buy more real goods in the future than now .