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  1. 当地警方后来认定两者的同学陈某是犯罪嫌疑人。

    Local police identified Chen , their classmate , as a suspect .

  2. 他们都表示不能原谅陈某的行为。

    They said they cannot forgive Chen 's behavior .

  3. 据后来的调查发现,陈某在高考志愿填报系统中一共篡改了4名同学的志愿。

    A subsequent investigation found that Chen had altered four students ' applications in the online application system .

  4. 在法庭上,陈某的母亲向受害者家庭下跪乞求他们的原谅。

    In court , Chen 's mother knelt down before the families of the victims to beg for their forgiveness .

  5. 经审,陈某,23岁,苏某,22岁,均系福建省泉州市人。

    After the trial , Chen , 23 , Sumou , 22 years old , are in Quanzhou , Fujian people .

  6. 目前,涉案的两名犯罪嫌疑人陈某和徐某已被即墨警方依法刑事拘留。

    Currently , the two suspects involved in Chen and Xu , Jimo , police have been under criminal detention according to law .

  7. 不过,该市公安部门表示,尽管陈某的行为“粗鲁”,但并不构成犯罪。

    However , the city 's public security department said that while Chen 's behavior was " rude , " it didn 't constitute a crime .

  8. 本文通过深入分析陈某故意伤害一案,引出对刑事和解、人身危险性理论、缓刑执行等问题的探讨。

    Through in-depth analysis of a case of intentional injury Chen , This article leads on the theory of criminal reconciliation , personal danger , and probation enforcement .

  9. 10月25日,承认篡改同学高考志愿的陈某被判入狱7个月,罪名是破坏计算机信息系统。

    On Oct. 25 , a young man surnamed Chen , who admitted to altering his classmates ' college applications , was sentenced to seven months in prison on charges of damaging the computer information system .

  10. 10月17日,陈某当庭读了一封道歉信,乞求四名受害者和他们的家人原谅。目前这四名受害者已经开始了大学生活,但是录取他们的学校却不是他们最初的志愿学校,而是被陈某篡改之后的大学。

    On Oct. 17 , Chen read a letter of apology in court , asking the four victims and their families to forgive him . The four students are now studying in universities to which they were admitted based on the altered applications rather than their actual qualifications .