
gēng yī
  • Changing clothes;change one's clothes;change dresses;go to the lavatory
更衣 [gēng yī]
  • (1) [change one's clothes]∶更换衣服

  • 是日,武帝起更衣, 子夫侍尚衣轩中得幸。--《史记.外戚世家.卫皇后》

  • 请更衣

  • (2) [go to the lavatory]∶避讳语。指去厕所大小便

  • 权起更衣,肃追于宇下。--《资治通鉴》

更衣[gēng yī]
  1. 他在游泳池旁的小更衣室里脱掉了衣服。

    He got undressed in a small cubicle next to the pool .

  2. 我走进卧室更衣。

    I went into the bedroom to change .

  3. 我回到更衣室,狼吞虎咽地喝茶、吃三明治。

    I was back in the changing room wolfing tea and sandwiches .

  4. 米基是个活宝,在更衣室里总是逗人笑个不停。

    Mickey was a good laugh and great to have in the dressing room .

  5. 她在更衣室等组长。

    She waited for the group leader in the dressing room .

  6. Lostthedressingroom指全体队员对主教练失去了信心,即将被炒鱿鱼,dressingroom(更衣室)多指球队的全体队员。

    Lost the dressing2 room is a term which describes a manager in a situation where he has lost the confidence of players and is about to be fired ; " dressing room " is an idiom which refers to the players of a team .

  7. 一位服务员正在冲洗更衣室

    An attendant was sluicing out the changing rooms .

  8. 雷茜·德尔加罗走过黢黑而又漫长的大厅来到了浴室的更衣室。

    Lacey Delgado walked down the long dark hall leading to the locker1 room bathrooms .

  9. 陪购男友总是会很乐意地带着他的女主顾到处逛,帮她挑选衣服,并在更衣室外耐心等待——总之,他愿意做男人在购物中不喜欢做的一切事情。

    A shopping boyfriend is always happy to take his female client around , helps her pick her outfits , and wait patiently outside the change rooms -- does all the things men don 't like about shopping .

  10. 一群恶毒的女孩在更衣室中嘲弄嘉莉?怀特(CarrieWhite),用拍照手机将她受辱的情景拍了下来并把它传至网络。

    The mean girls who taunt Carrie White in the locker room record her humiliation with camera phones and upload it to the Web .

  11. 之后,这位NBA联盟的MVP捂着膝盖,一瘸一拐地回到了更衣室。

    The reigning league MVP grabbed the knee and limped off to the locker room .

  12. 比赛后回到更衣室之后再度现身时,他们看上去就像克拉克•肯特(ClarkKent,超人在平时生活中的身份)了。

    Then they return to the locker room and come out looking like Clark Kent .

  13. 在阿斯特广场(AstorPlace)的戴维·巴顿健身房,Glam&Go是设在女士更衣室里的。

    At the David Barton Gym on Astor Place , Glam & Go was installed inside the women 's locker room .

  14. 在莱德维尔100英里山地自行车赛等一些赛事中,CEOChallenges会配备技师来为高管组装自行车,还会准备一个房子,用于赛后淋浴和更衣。

    At some events like the Leadville Race , CEO Challenges provides mechanics to assemble executives " bicycles and a house to shower and change after the race .

  15. 在展示手袋时,会铺开原料皮垫,而在更衣室则配备了缀有gucci字母的长衣。

    Leather pads are rolled out when presenting handbags and monogrammed Gucci robes can be found in the dressing rooms .

  16. 有一天,我去参观布鲁克菲尔德广场(BrookfieldPlace)新开的Equinox健身房,那里的高级男更衣室要通过虹膜扫描才能进入。

    The other day I visited the new Equinox Brookfield Place , where the men 's executive locker room is reached by iris scan .

  17. WinstonChurchill的男仆总是说,杰出的男人无法自己更衣:他笨拙地坐在那里,让你给他穿衣。

    WINSTON CHURCHILL 'S valet always said the great man could not dress himself : He sat there like a dummy and you dressed him .

  18. Gigi和她的队友赛后来到更衣室时,科比祝贺我们那天的胜利,也祝贺我们的赛季结束。

    Kobe Gigi and her teammates came into the locker room after the game . He congratulated us on the win that day and our season up to that point ,

  19. 在看见了杜兰特在G5因为跟腱断裂倒下后,球迷和其他NBA球员最担心的就是克莱返回更衣室。

    After having witnessed Kevin Durant go down for the season with a ruptured Achilles in Game 5 , fans and fellow NBA players feared the worst as Thompson went back to the locker room .

  20. 在此情况下,现有的洁净室、公共走廊和更衣室等基础设施仍将大致不变,RABS概念仅应用于灌装生产线。

    In this situation , the existing infrastructure of cleanrooms , corridors , and gowning rooms would remain largely unchanged , with RABS concepts applied solely to the filling lines .

  21. Tardis里面的更衣室很多,通常只在博士重生之后的镜头里出现,因为博士要挑新衣服嘛。

    The TARDIS has had various cloak rooms , usually it is only shown after a regeneration when the Doctor is seen looking for a new set of clothes .

  22. 我们怀疑任何容许开放更衣无菌干预的无菌工艺系统,包括RABS,基于现有的及新开发的技术将会有一个长的有效期。

    We doubt that any aseptic processing system , including RABS , which is tolerant of open-gowned aseptic interventions , will have a long shelf life based upon current and developing technology .

  23. 今年RFU将投入8000万英镑资助基层橄榄球运动,项目包括为格罗斯特郡(Gloucestershire)的一个俱乐部修建新的会所,不久前该俱乐部的更衣室还设在一个马棚里,地板上有麦秆。

    The RFU will spend £ 80m this year on grassroots rugby , on projects such as a new clubhouse for a club in Gloucestershire whose changing facilities not so long ago were a horse box with straw on the floor .

  24. “挖掘者”成员奥莱尔·塞尔居(AurelSercu)最近来到战壕,向大家解释了这条沟渠如何把战壕与地下泵房、更衣区、工作间和军火库连通起来,而这些空间如今均已被水淹没。

    Aurel Sercu , one of the Diggers , walked the site recently , explaining how tunnels had led away from the trenches to an underground pump room , a changing area , a workroom and a stock of ammunition , all underwater now .

  25. 他把礼物放人更衣箱然后锁上它。

    He put the gift into his locker and locked it .

  26. 我去看看女更衣室。

    I 'm gonna go check the women 's locker room .

  27. 我还在更衣室找你们呢。

    I was looking for you guys in the locker room .

  28. 我先去更衣好极了。

    I shall get into some riding clothes . - good .

  29. 供员工更衣和梳洗的地方。

    These are provided for staff to change and wash up .

  30. 她轻手轻脚,一声不吭地站在更衣室里。

    Soft and silent , she was standing in the dressing-room .