
  • 网络Improved Invention;invention of improvement
  1. 在改进现有发明方面,德国机械工程师技艺非凡。

    German mechanical engineers are brilliant at improving existing inventions .

  2. 他志在改进他的发明。

    He aims at improving his invention .

  3. 零缺陷装置是大众汽车有限公司发动的一场流水线上的革命,来源于零缺陷质量管理,强调制造工序的技术改进和发明创新。

    Zero-defect device is a revolution launched on the production line by VW it originates from zero-defect quality management , emphasizing technical renovation and creation in the manufacturing process .

  4. 在最后的岁月里,爱迪生继续创造并改进那些发明,其中包括电影摄像机、碱性电池、复印机,以及麦克风。

    The rest of Edison 's life was spent making and improving inventions including the motion picture camera , the alkaline battery , the copy machine , and the microphone .

  5. 双机架炉卷热轧机是在单机架炉卷轧机的基础上改进与发明的一种全新带材轧机,它兼有单机架轧机和连轧机的工艺特点。

    Two-Stand Hot Reversing Mill is a new type strip mill , it had been improved and invented based on Single-Stand Hot Reversing Mill , and it has both characteristics of Single-Stand Hot Reversing Mill and Hot Tandem Mill .

  6. 直到生命的最后一刻爱迪生都坚持发明创造以及完善改进自己的发明。

    Edison continued to invent and perfect existing inventions up until his death .

  7. 他不久就努力从事改进机器和发明新部件的工作。

    He was soon hard at work making improve-ments in the machine and inventing new parts .

  8. 这些只是爱迪生发明或帮助改进的众多发明中的三种。

    These are only three of the many devices Thomas Edison invented or helped to improve .

  9. 随着科技革命的发展,加强科学研究,实现技术改进和技术发明已成为跨国公司获得高额利润、争夺市场、提高竞争力的重要手段。

    To intensify scientific research for realization of technology improvement and technology invention has become important measures for multinational companies 10 get high profit , scramble for markets and raise competitiveness .

  10. 在引水渠出现之前,埃及、巴比伦和亚述人用原始运河引水灌溉,而罗马人则利用土木工程技术对运河进行改进,从而发明了引水渠。

    While the Romans did not invent the aqueduct - primitive canals for irrigation and water transport existed earlier in Egypt , Assyria and Babylon - they used their mastery of civil engineering to perfect the process .

  11. 托马斯·爱迪生改进了美国人贝尔发明的电话。

    Thomas Edison developed the telephone invented by Bell , an American .

  12. 机器技术的每一步进展,都是从手工工具使用时的局限中发现了改进的方向,前一阶段的技术缺失是后来改进和发明的向导;

    The very development of machine , comes from the improvement of the way which brought forth by the constraint of using handcraft tools .