
ɡōnɡ jī jī
  • Attack aircraft;strike aircraft;attack plane
  1. 海军方面已决定取消购买A-12隐形攻击机的合同。

    The Navy has decided to cancel its contract for the A-12 Stealth attack plane

  2. 海军电子攻击机装备的现状及发展趋势

    Status Quo and Development Trend of Navy Electronics Attack Plane Equipment

  3. Air(初三适用)攻击机对地攻击WSEIAC模型研究

    WSEIAC Model Research of Air - to-Surface Strike for Attacker

  4. 哈格尔还承诺停飞已然过时的A10攻击机编队。

    He also promised to close down the antiquated A10 attack aircraft fleet .

  5. 攻击机对地攻击WSEIAC模型研究

    WSEIAC Model Research of Air-to-Surface Strike for Attacker

  6. 然而,在整个九十年代期间获得小的进展这由于战斗机和攻击机在PLAAF预算中给予较高的优先权。

    However , little progress was made throughout the1990s as acquisition of fighter and attack aircraft was given higher priority in the allocation of PLAAF 's budgets .

  7. 历史上的今天:第19号飞行1945年的今天,神秘的“第19号飞行”,美国海军5架TBF—3鱼雷攻击机从福特·劳德达海军机场起飞进行出海训练飞行,在百慕大魔鬼三角区失踪。

    Flight 19 1945 - Flight 19 , a squadron of five U.S. Navy TBF Avenger bombers on a training flight out of Fort Lauderdale , is lost in the Bermuda Triangle .

  8. 这个后坐力是相当恐怖的,因为搭载它的A-10雷电攻击机的2个引擎每台只能产生4吨的推力。

    It produces almost 5 tons of recoil force , which is crazy considering that it 's mounted in a type of plane ( the A-10 " Warthog " ) whose two engines produce only 4 tons of thrust each .

  9. 攻击机靶场效能随机型指标体系研究

    Random Index System of Attacker Effectiveness in Absence of Air Defenses

  10. 无人攻击机瞄准方程的建立及其仿真

    The Establishment of Unmanned Bomber 's Aiming Equation and Its Simulation

  11. 攻击机反舰作战能力评估的综合指数模型

    Synthesized index evaluation model for anti-ship combat capability of attack plane

  12. 所有敌攻击机确认击坠,区域消毒完毕。

    「 All enemy attack planes confirm destroyed . Area sanitized .

  13. 你们上方有一架赛隆攻击机。

    There 's a Cylon Raider right on top of you .

  14. 对地攻击机攻击阶段的作战效能分析模型

    Combat Efficiency Analysis Model of Attacker During the Final Stage

  15. 戴维斯号航母和攻击机小队就位了么?

    Is the crateon Davies in position and the strike team ready ?

  16. 防空导弹对编队攻击机的反击方案分析

    The Strategy Analysis of Air-Defense Missiles ' Counter-Attacking Formation Airplanes

  17. 攻击机和中型轰炸机也突破了东面城墙。

    Rocket-carrying fighters and medium bombers breached the East Wall .

  18. 攻击机战斗飞行过程半物理仿真系统总体方案

    The Semi-Physical Simulation System for the Combat Flight Process of Multi-Task Attacker

  19. 混合攻击机机群在空战中的最优控制策略

    The Optimal Strategy of the Mixed Group of Attackers in Air Combat

  20. 攻击机机群战效评估建模的系统平均动力学方法

    System Average Dynamic Method of Modeling for Operational Effectiveness Evaluation of Attackers

  21. 电视制导无人攻击机垂直命中目标毁伤概率分析

    Analysis of Kill Probability Hitting the Target Vertically for the Television Homing UCAV

  22. 联合作战条件下攻击机突防能力的概率模型研究

    Study on the Model of Aircraft Breakthrough Effectiveness in the Modern Battlefield Environments

  23. 攻击机编队的对地攻击作战效能分析

    Operational effectiveness analysis of group airplanes attacking ground targets

  24. 敌人派出了绝大多数攻击机力量。

    They 've launched most of their fighter force .

  25. 攻击机作战效能评估的顶层数学模型

    Top Mathematical Model for Operational Effectiveness Analysis of Attacker

  26. 无人攻击机对地目标检测门限优化研究

    Optimization Research on Ground Target Detection Threshold for UCAV

  27. 防空火力分配对攻击机损失的影响分析

    Analysis of airplanes ' loss for the distribution of the aerial - defence firepower

  28. 基于概率分析法的无人攻击机作战效能分析模型研究

    Combat effectiveness analysis models research of unmanned combat aerial vehicle based on probabilistic method

  29. 攻击机安全退出引导原理研究

    Research on Leading Safety Escape Principle of Fighter

  30. 攻击机编队对地攻击之伤亡评估

    Loss Evaluation of Group Airplanes Attacking Ground Targets