- 网络radioactive caesium;cesium;caesium;radiocesium

Radioactive caesium has also been detected .
Similarly , levels of radioactive caesium in bottom-dwelling fish remain pretty much unchanged more than 18 months after the accident .
Determination of Radioactive Cesium in the Soil
Effects of Prussian blue on enhancement of elimination of radioactive cesium from the body and its toxicity
They say the feed consumed by the animals measured up to500 times the national safety limit for radioactive cesium .
Japan 's government says it is a serious matter that beef contaminated with radioactive cesium has reached the domestic market .
They then compared the effects of gamma radiation from radioactive cesium on the white blood cells compared to the untreated control samples .
Japan has banned shipments of rice from an area near the nuclear power station at Fukushima after high levels of radioactive caesium were detected .
The sea near the nuclear plant has also shown elevated levels of radioactive iodine and cesium , prompting the Japanese government to test seafood .
In recent days , a private laboratory confirmed the presence of increased levels of radioactive cesium in some dirt at Tokyo 's Edogawa ballpark .
Radiotherapy is usually provided by means of sealed containers of radioactive caesium or radium that are placed in the vagina and in the cavity of the womb .
As for people , more than 3000 individuals from a town 23 kilometers north of the stricken nuclear plant also bore detectable levels of radioactive cesium in their bodies .
In July , for example , beef , vegetables , and ocean fish sold in supermarkets were found to have radioactive caesium in doses several times the safe level . [ 1 ]
The spatial redistribution and the effective factors of soil erosion were examined on a hillslope of 240m long in the Loess Plateau in the downslope direction by Caesium-137 technique .
Investigation of sorption of radioactive strontium , cesium , cobalt and europium on geologic media
The shoes designed by Masaya Kushino are for planting rapeseeds whose plants can remove the radionucleotides caesium-137 and strontium-90 from the soil .
Engineers are currently planning a two-stage ion exchange process to extract radioactive cesium and technetium from the soluble part of the alkaline tank waste .
South Korea has detected radioactive cesium in frozen cod imported from Hokkaido , Japan , but the amount didn 't exceed official limits , Kyodo News reported .
In order to enhance purification effect , this paper developed an adsorption-microfiltration process and a coagulating coprecipitation-microfiltration process to treat radioactive wastewater which containing cesium and strontium respectively .
But the problem is these wild boars have been contaminated with caesium-137 - a radioactive substance with a half-life of 30 years - from eating plants and small animals around the exclusion zone , and now the hunters won 't go near them .
Sorption and retardation of radioactive strontium and cesium on the granite
Sorption and desorption of radiostrontium and radiocesium on calcareous soil
The main radionuclides representing health risk are radioactive caesium and radioactive iodine .
The adsorptive capabilities of mineral materials for radionuclide Sr , Cs were investigated on the ground of basic physics and chemical properties .
Previous releases of radioactive iodine and caesium had shown that material from the core of at least one reactor has been released .
But that was not before fishermen about 70km south of the plant had caught tiny sand-eels , known as konago , with larger than normal traces of radioactive iodine and caesium .
Some of our radioactive waste products , such as cesium-137 , are melted and mixed with glass , then cooled into a solid block that can be wrapped in more shielding so they can be safely transported and stored .