
fàng xíng
  • Release;let sb. pass;let-off
放行 [fàng xíng]
  • (1) [let sb. pass]∶指岗哨、关卡准许通过

  • (2) [let-off]∶放过不予惩罚

放行[fàng xíng]
  1. 他们需要等空中交通管制人员的放行。

    They have to wait for clearance from air traffic control .

  2. 在确认没有违反制裁条例后,货船被放行了。

    The freighter was allowed to proceed after satisfying them that it was not breaking sanctions .

  3. 我们已经包租了那架飞机,希望政府会对他们放行。

    We 've chartered the aircraft in the hopeful anticipation that the government will allow them to leave .

  4. 警察检查了这些车辆后才放行。

    The police examined the cars and then allowed them to go ahead .

  5. 海关凭原入境申报单查验放行。

    Customs clearance shall be based on inspection of the original declaration made at the time of entry .

  6. 澳大利亚和美国都已为收购放行,使得欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)成为最终的反垄断裁决机构。

    Australia joins the US in clearing the deal , leaving the European Commission as the final antitrust arbiter .

  7. 2012年,联想也曾在另外两笔交易中获得了Cfius的放行。

    Lenovo also secured Cfius approval for two other deals in 2012 .

  8. 该系统默认东西方向为主干道(放行30s),南北方向为次干道(放行20s)。

    The system default for the main road east-west direction ( release30s ), secondary roads north-south direction ( release20s ) .

  9. 对公告发布之日前启运的来自墨西哥和美国疫区的猪及其产品,经猪流感(H1N1)检测合格后方可放行。

    Those shipments that depart before the notice issuance shall be released only when tested negative for the virus strain of H1N1 of swine influenza .

  10. 初步的OOS结果并不表示该批次一定是不合格不可以放行的。

    An initial OOS result does not necessarily mean the subject batch fails and must be rejected .

  11. 在伦敦,交通当局已放行Uber展开运营,尽管出租车司机抗议称,Uber的应用是一种非法计程表。

    In London , transport authorities have allowed Uber to operate despite protests from taxi drivers that its app is an illegal taximeter .

  12. 对进出口x,由所在地商检机构凭申请人提供的有关证明批准免验,并办理放行手续。

    X to be imported or exported may be exempted from inspection with the approval of the local commodity inspection agency which shall then perform the formalities for clearance on the strength of the relevant certificates presented by the applicant .

  13. 美国国家药房联合会协会(nationalassociationofboardsofpharmacy)表示,该公司放行了一些“非法从美国以外地区采购的药品”广告。

    The firm had let through several advertisers " that source their prescription drugs from various locations outside of the United States * which is contrary to US law , " according to the letter from the National Association of boards of pharmacy .

  14. 方法:对比传统的质量控制方法,结合GMP的要求,对无菌药品参数放行优越性进行阐述,并提出具体的实施方法。

    Methods : The advantage of parametric release of axenic drug products was elucidated in contrast with traditional quality control technique . Specific practical measures were proposed in accordance with the requirements of GMP .

  15. 神经网络输出为入口匝道的放行率(即控制变量),并详细地阐述了神经网络的结构和训练算法,其中训练算法采用了SPSA(simultaneousperturbationstochasticapproximation)方法。

    The output of neural network is the transit rate that is control measure , and we detailed show the frame of neural network , here the parameter estimation is completed by simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation ( SPSA ) .

  16. 新的附件只能在1该能力获得EASA批准后才能放行。

    Any new component can not be returned to service until the capability gets EASA 's approval .

  17. iqa在原材料扣留单上填写让步放行原因和方式并通知产品供应部、采购部和质量主管。

    IQA fills why and how the raw materials are released in the detainment sheet , and informs the managers of product supply department , purchasing department and quality department .

  18. HartmutMehdorn在他自己追求的占领全球方面已经达到了些许胜利–例如获得部分私有化的放行信号,但仍存在持续的局部战役要攻坚。

    Mr Mehdorn has been notching up victories in his own quest for global domination-getting the go-ahead for a part-privatisation for instance-but there are continuous battles at local level .

  19. 交付罚款后,海关放行这批货物。

    The custom release the goods against payment of a fine .

  20. 空中交通管制放行你到卡拉奇经过你飞行计划航路。

    ATC clears you to Karachi via your flight planned route .

  21. 验证登录授权放行通知书号码共十四码。

    The import release notice of authorization number has fourteen digits .

  22. 出入境人员潜伏期梅毒放行标准探讨

    The Discussion of Latent Period Syphilis Transit Standard of Entry-exit Persons

  23. 从行车调度员处得到放行列车的许可。

    Obtain permission from the traffic controller to release the train .

  24. 苏丹的货物要放行了

    We 're going to get the shipment out of Sudan .

  25. 绿色和平的员工答应了要求,并获得放行。

    The Greenpeace employees obliged , and were allowed to leave .

  26. 但他相信,该项目未来将被放行。

    But he believed that the project would go ahead .

  27. 刻痕片剂部分的溶出度数据应该满足制剂放行要求。

    Dissolution data on split tablet portions should meet finished-product release requirements .

  28. 放行之前他们检查了每个人的徽章。

    They checked everyone 's badge before letting them in .

  29. 在海关放行前损失的货物;

    Goods lost before being granted access by the customs ;

  30. 这位外商获得了边防警察正式批准放行。

    The foreign businessman was cleared with the border police .