
fànɡ shè zhěn duàn
  • radiodiagnosis
  1. 目的:为了认识血管球瘤临床表现和放射诊断的规律。

    Objective For the understanding of the clinical manifestations of glomus tumor and the laws of radiodiagnosis .

  2. 食管型颈椎病的临床放射诊断

    The Clinical Radiodiagnosis of Cervical Spondylotic Esophagopathy

  3. IEC放射诊断质量保证标准概况

    A survey of IEC quality assurance standards in radiological diagnosis

  4. 结论:DSA技术参数的调整对介入神经放射诊断和治疗起着至关重要的作用。

    Conclusion : The technical parameters of DSA play key role in interventional neuroradiologic diagnosis and treatment .

  5. CT技术能够准确、直观地展示物体内部组织结构信息,现今已经成为放射诊断领域不可或缺的一部分。

    CT technology is able to accurately and visually display the structure information of objects in the internal organization , and nowadays has become an integral part in the field of diagnostic radiology .

  6. 对X线检出的胸部阴影不能定性的,CT能区别为肺挫伤、肺血肿、肺囊肿、胸壁血肿等病变,为临床提供了较平片更加准确的放射诊断。

    CT examination can also distinguish among pulmonary contusion , hematoma , cyst and hematoma of chest wall that X Ray can 't determine the nature . CT can provide more information and evidence to clinical diagnosis than X Ray .

  7. 近年来,随着RIS、PACS等信息系统的引入,胶片在医院放射诊断上的作用正在逐步消失。

    However , in the recent years , with the introduction of RIS and PACS , film is now gradually losing the usage in radiology diagnosis .

  8. 在医学影像学专业的放射诊断学课程中引入以问题为基础的教学法(problem-BasedLearning,PBL),以问卷调查结果作为评估依据,与传统的以授课为基础的教学法进行对比分析。

    To estimate the effect of problem-based learning ( PBL ) in diagnostic radiology teaching , the problem-based learning was introduced to diagnostic radiology teaching in medical imaging specialty of China Medical University . Problem-based learning was compared with conventional lecture-based learning according to the investigation results as evaluation index .

  9. 右室阻塞性异常肌束的放射诊断

    Radiologic study of obstructing anomalous muscle bundle of the right ventricle

  10. 四例单发右室发育不良的放射诊断与血液动力学改变

    Isolated hypoplasia of right ventricle ── radiological diagnosis and hemodynamic changes

  11. 单心室放射诊断研究&Ⅰ.56例心血管造影分析

    Radiologic study of univentricular heart & ⅰ . angiography in 56 cases

  12. 山东省放射诊断阳性率调查分析

    Survey on the positive rates of X-ray diagnostic examination of Shandong province

  13. 放射诊断医疗照射指导水平的确定方法

    Approach for Determination of Guidance Levels for Medical Exposure in Radiological Diagnoses

  14. 单心室放射诊断研究&Ⅱ.X线平片诊断的评价

    Radiologic study of univentricular heart & ⅱ . evaluation of plain film diagnosis

  15. 放射诊断医疗照射指导剂量水平研究

    Study on the Guidance levels for medical X-ray diagnosis

  16. 如何培养放射诊断科医生的临床科研能力

    How to Cultivate Clinical Research Ability of Radiology Doctors

  17. 先天性腔静脉畸形的胚胎发育与放射诊断

    Radiological Diagnosis of Congenital Anomaly of the Vena Cava

  18. 完全性肺静脉畸形连接于右上腔静脉的放射诊断

    Radiological diagnosis of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection with right superior vena cava

  19. 以学生为中心实践为重点的放射诊断学课程建设神经放射诊断方法学

    Construction of curriculum of diagnostic radiology with center on students and emphasis on practice

  20. 放射诊断科全面质量控制的管理初探

    Total Quality Control Management in Diagnostic Radiology Division

  21. 残胃癌与残胃假肿瘤放射诊断

    X-ray Diagnosis of Gastric Stump Cancer and Pseudotumor

  22. 图像计算机在临床肺部放射诊断中的应用

    Image computer apply for clinical lungs radio diagnosed

  23. 完全性肺静脉畸形连接的放射诊断

    Radiological diagnosis of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection

  24. 对早期食管癌放射诊断价值的再评价(附302例食管双对比造影与手术病理对照)

    Re-evaluation of Radiologic Diagnosis for Early Esophageal Cancer ( A Report of 325 Cases )

  25. 放射性废物:诸如受放射诊断材料或放射治疗材料污染的玻璃器皿;

    Radioactive waste : such as glassware contaminated with radioactive diagnostic material or radiotherapeutic materials ;

  26. 主-肺动脉间隔缺损的放射诊断

    Radiological Diagnosis of Aortopulmonary Septal Defect

  27. “心脏与大血管”一章是放射诊断学教学的难点。

    The chapter " Heart and Great Vessels " is a difficult part in diagnostic radiology teaching .

  28. 目的:探讨放射诊断对小儿支气管透X线异物的诊断价值。

    Objective : To study the value of radiodiagnosis in the diagnosis of radioparent bronchial foreign bodies in children .

  29. 若干常规放射诊断典型投照条件下成年受检者器官剂量与有效剂量的估算

    Estimation of Organ Doses and Effective Doses of Adult Patients for Some Types of Projection Conditions During Radiological Diagnoses

  30. 信息熵-模糊积分决策模型的心脏病放射诊断专家系统

    A model of informational entropy and fuzzy integrated decision of microcomputer medical expert system on radiodiagnosis of congenital heart disease