
  • 网络Fire supervision and management;fire control administration
  1. 现代小城镇消防监督管理探析

    The analysis on fire supervision and management in small modern towns

  2. 加强公众聚集场所消防监督管理的几点思考

    Considerations in strengthening the fire supervision management of public assembly area

  3. 利用科技手段加强商场消防监督管理

    Exploiting Technological Means and Strengthening the Market Fire-fighting Supervision and Management Market

  4. 社会转型期完善消防监督管理模式研究

    Research on Management Mode of Fire Supervision Improvement at Social Transition Period

  5. 公众聚集场所消防监督管理存在问题及对策

    The fire problems existing at public places and the solutions to them

  6. 对消防监督管理制度改革的思考

    Thoughts on innovations in improving fire supervision and management system

  7. 消防监督管理要适应市场经济发展要求

    Fire Management Should Apply to the Development Requirements of the Market Economy

  8. 消防监督管理工作产业化发展理论初探

    The study on the development of normalization of the fire supervision work

  9. 我国消防监督管理制度改革初探

    The First Study on Reform of Our Country 's Fire Protection Administration System

  10. 浅谈完善和健全消防监督管理的新机制

    Multiway to perfect new intendance system of fire protection

  11. 对当前建立和完善消防监督管理法律制度的思考

    Thoughts on establishing and improving the fire supervision system

  12. 新型消防监督管理模式初探

    On New Fire Supervision and Management Model

  13. 规范消防监督管理持续、稳步推进性能化防火设计工作

    Fire supervision and management-to advance performance-based design

  14. 消防监督管理咨询专家系统的开发及应用&关于运用计算机和因特网提高消防管理现代化水平的思考

    The development and application of the expert inquiry system software on fire protection supervision and management

  15. 消防监督管理系统是以消防重点单位管理为基础、消防监督为核心的消防监督执法平台。

    Fire supervision and management system is a platform of law execution which is based on the management of important fire_control units and focused on fire supervision .

  16. 就如何加强消防监督管理,增加管理的科技含量,从而使各项防火措施落到实处,将消防隐患消灭在萌芽状态进行了探讨。

    The paper discusses on how to strengthen the fire-fighting supervision and management and increase the technological content of management in order to take precautions against fire and nip the hidden dangers in the bud .

  17. 改革建筑工程消防监督审核管理运行机制的研究

    Study on the reformation of operation mechanism of building fire protection management

  18. 鞍山消防监督2006管理系统设计

    Design on the Management System of Anshan Fire-fighting Monitoring 2006

  19. 从分析当前消防监督队伍管理中难点、热点问题入手,有针对性地提出了相应的对策。

    Through analyzing the difficulties and hotspots of the fire supervising , this paper presents countermeasures accordingly .

  20. 运用管理学理论,研究了改革建筑工程消防监督审核管理运行机制的理论依据、具体步骤和做法。

    By the means of the management science , the paper studied the concrete steps and methods on the current reforming building fire protection management operation mechanism .

  21. 利用现代信息技术,加强校园消防设施的监督管理,实现实时监督、动态管理是校园消防监控工作的必然趋势。

    Using modern information technology to strengthen the supervision of campus fire facilities and achieve " real-time monitoring and dynamic management " is the inevitable trend of fire control work .

  22. 分析了消防产品质量监督管理工作的现状和存在问题,就监督部门如何转变职能、加强监督工作做了探讨。

    The paper analyzes the current situation and the problems of the quality supervision and testing of fire building materials , discusses the ways of how to change the function and lengthen the supervision of the center .

  23. 研究成果可用于加强建筑消防安全监督和管理工作,也对火灾隐患的整改提供了一些科学依据。

    The research results can also be used for strengthening the work of supervision of security against fire of the building and management , and it can offer some scientific basis to the rectifying and improving of fire hazard too .

  24. 浅议消防法制建设与监督管理改革

    On Reform of Legal System Building and Supervision Management of Fire Protection

  25. 业务背景为大连市消防局日常消防监督管理各项业务。

    The operation background is the operations of fire control and superintend in Dalian fire bureau .

  26. 因此将建筑物进行客观、准确的消防安全分级对消防监督管理、消防力量的配备、消防法律法规的制定等具有重要的指导意义。

    As the result , giving architecture an accurate fire safety grade is significant to fire control work , fire crops ' preparing , and establishment of fire laws .

  27. 结合多年来开展消防监督工作的实践,从消防法律法规、消防安全管理体制、技术标准等方面分析了公众聚集场所消防安全监督管理存在的问题,并提出了相应对策措施。

    This paper analyzes the problems concerning fire safety management based on fire fighting practice , fire laws , fire safety management system and technology standards . The paper also put forward some solutions to them .

  28. 消防工程质量是建筑能否有效抗御火灾的关键,加强建筑消防工程质量政府监督管理,保证和提高建筑消防工程质量就显得越来越重要。

    Quality of construction fire fighting projects is the key of resisting fires effectively . So enhancing government supervision of construction fire fighting projects and ensuring and improving quality of fire fighting projects look more and more important .

  29. 在总结建筑消防经验教训的基础上,分析了主要的消防安全隐患问题,提出了消防监督管理应采取的有效措施。

    On the summarizing the fire controlling experience and analyzing the reasons , authors put forward several effective ways in management of fire control .

  30. 在我国消防界,常常把公共消防安全管理活动称为消防管理和消防监督或者是消防监督管理。

    In China , the public fire safety management is usually defined as fire supervision or fire supervision management .