
  1. 分权背景下的政府垂直管理:模式和思路

    Government Vertical Management in Decentralization : Modes and Ideas

  2. 我国政府垂直管理的现状、困境与思考

    The Current Situation , Difficulties and Thinking for the Vertical Management of the Chinese Government

  3. 希望这些建议措施对完善政府部门垂直管理模式具有一定的参考作用。

    I hope that these measures has a reference to improve government management of the vertical model .

  4. 政府部门垂直管理是目前行政体制改革的重要内容,被认为是解决中央与地方关系的有益尝试,公众对该管理模式给予极高的期望。

    Vertical management of Government departments , an important part of administrative reform , is considered to be useful to address the relationship between central and local governments .

  5. 中央政府建立了垂直管理的审判与检举体系,以便统一反腐败法律的适用。

    The central government established an integrated system managing vertically to accuse embezzlers .

  6. 为缓解这些问题,中央陆续在一些政府部门实行垂直管理。

    To alleviate these problems , the central government establishes the vertical management institution .

  7. 其中政府几个部门的垂直管理体制改革更体现了新形势下垂直管理的必要性和时代性。

    Among them , the reform of vertical management system in several government agencies further reflects the new situation and the need for vertical management .