
  • 网络Government regulation;public regulation
  1. 基于PPP模式的城市基础设施政府监管研究

    Study on Government Regulation of Public Private-Partnership Model in Infrastructure Projects

  2. 也提出了类似项目EPC模式在投资控制、政府监管等层面的经验、问题及建议。

    EPC also made a similar project experience in investment mode control , government regulation and other aspects of the problem and suggestions .

  3. 人们要求国会调查政府监管机构为何花了这么长时间才关闭该工厂。

    Congress is being asked to investigate why it took so long for government regulators to shut the plant down

  4. 再次,结合G市自来水供水公司民营化改革过程及其政府监管,以G市自来水公司为例,对改革中的政府监管模式进行了总结。

    Once again , the city water supply company combining G privatization reform process and its government regulators to G City Water Company , for example , the reform of government regulatory model are summarized .

  5. 准政府监管模式、强化会计责任追究、确认新COSO框架、实施财务报告内部控制有效性评价等,是美国新会计监管框架的基本要素。

    The new accounting supervision framework has basic elements , including government supervision mode , strengthening accountability , affirming COSO framework and effective evaluation of internal control .

  6. 从外部来看,要加大政府监管力度、加强专家咨询体系的作用;从内部来看,需要建设面向安全文化的人力资源管理系统,建立安全文化体系运行的PDCA体系。

    From the outside , it needs to emphasize government supervision and to strengthen expert advisory system ; from the inside , it needs to construct human resource management system which targets at safety culture and PDCA system that helps the operation of safety culture system .

  7. 政府监管重构中,监管机构的设计和改进是其重要环节。

    In government re-regulation , agencies design is its important link .

  8. 基础设施产业政府监管权的配置

    On Securities Regulatory Powers The Regulatory Structure of the Infrastructure Sector

  9. 城市公交车运输行业民营化及政府监管问题研究

    The Study of City Bus Privation and the Relevant Government Regulation

  10. 三是以政府监管为主的监督信用。

    Third is supervision credit with government supervision as main body .

  11. 许多政府监管规定对投资级别和投机级别的证券进行了区分。

    Many government regulations distinguish between investment and speculative grade securities .

  12. 城市公交事业市场化过程中的政府监管问题

    The Government Supervision and Regulation of the Market-oriented City Public Transportation

  13. 通过设置容量成本参考系,实现有效合理的政府监管;

    Easy to realize government regulation using a capacity cost reference framework ;

  14. 基础设施商业化与政府监管

    On Commercialization of Infrastructure Facilities and Government Supervision over It

  15. 我国独立审计行业的政府监管和自律

    Government Regulation and Self-regulation of the Independent Audit Profession in Our Country

  16. 政府监管部门则批准提高关税来为项目提供资金。

    A government regulator authorised tariff increases to pay for the projects .

  17. 第四,研究加强小额贷款公司政府监管的对策。

    Fourth , the countermeasures to strengthen government regulation of small loan companies .

  18. 他们本能地认为,政府监管仍然必不可少。

    Instinctively , they felt government supervision remained critical .

  19. 欢迎政府监管的喜悦将很快变得索然无味。

    The joys of government regulation will quickly Pall .

  20. 但政府监管仍依赖于信用评级。

    Yet government regulations continue to rely on ratings .

  21. 食品安全问题的政府监管研究

    The Study on the Food Safety of Government Regulation

  22. 食品安全生产与政府监管行为的博弈分析

    Game Analysis on the Behavior of Food Safety in Production and Government Regulation

  23. 一些经销商呼吁政府监管部门解决这种力量失衡。

    Some dealers have called for government regulation to address the imbalance of power .

  24. 第七,加强政府监管力度。

    Finally , strengthen the government 's supervision .

  25. 剖析我国现行食品安全政府监管体制存在的弊端。

    Analysis on the disadvantages of existing government food safety regulation system in China .

  26. 地下经济最本质的特征是逃避税收和政府监管。

    The basic nature of underground economy is to escape from taxation and government'supervision .

  27. 金融市场约束失效与政府监管强化研究

    Research on Market Discipline Effects and Government Regulation of the Banking System in China

  28. 学习《电信条例》转变观念增强政府监管意识和能力

    Studying Telecommunications Regulation , Changing Concepts and Enhancing Government Supervision and Control Consciousness and Ability

  29. 在强化政府监管职能同时,进一步完善行业自律和第三方中介组织的市场化监督体系。

    Further improve self-discipline system and the market supervising system organized by the third-side agency .

  30. 会计职业道德问题的政府监管成本探讨

    The Discussion on Government 's Supervise Expense for the Problem of Accountant 's Vocational Morality