
zhènɡ zhì quán lì
  • political power;political authority
  1. 对于中产阶级农民出身的军阀来说,自由远不如政治权力有吸引力。

    To middle-class peasants who became warlords , liberty was less attractive than political authority .

  2. 它们大大巩固、强化了政治权力秩序、社会生活秩序以及意识形态秩序。

    They greatly consolidated and strengthened the order of political authority , social life and ideology .

  3. 政治权力取决于经济实力。

    Political power depends upon economic strength .

  4. 拥有政治权力是敛财的惯常途径。

    Political power has long been a well-trodden path to personal wealth

  5. 新机构没有侵犯到政治权力。

    The new institutions do not encroach on political power

  6. 他们都是些非常现实的政治家,一心追逐政治权力,为达目的毫不留情。

    They were effective politicians , ruthless and single-minded in their pursuit of political power .

  7. 政治权力一直在民众手中。

    Political power has been placed in the hands of the multitude .

  8. 他们行使巨大的政治权力。

    They wield enormous political power .

  9. 我们感觉像普通人一样被政治权力排斥。

    I feel like ordinary people are excluded from political power .

  10. 构建政治权力的现代语境&公共权力的理论分析

    Constructing modern theory of political power & Elucidating the public power

  11. 政治权力是政治学、政治哲学的研究主题。

    Political power is the research subject of politics and political philosophy .

  12. 通过现代传媒来监督政治权力有其法理依据。

    There law reference on media supervising political power through modern media .

  13. 政治权力掌握在少数几个残忍的人手中。

    Political power was in the hands of a few ruthless men .

  14. 第二部分,乡村社会政治权力结构变迁的原因。

    Part two : Reasons of village social political rights structure changes .

  15. 它与葛兰西的实践哲学、国家构成理论以及政治权力理论有着不可分割的联系。

    It is closely related with practical philosophy , and political power .

  16. 政治权力对新闻传播事业的影响

    Analysis of influence of political power on journalism and communication

  17. 论政治权力与政治权利关系的二重性

    On the Dual Relation between Political Power and Political Rights

  18. 他被剥夺了过去享有的一切社会地位和政治权力。

    He is deprived of hold positions of authority he formerly enjoyed .

  19. 女性政治权力薄弱是关键原因;

    The weak in politic rights is the criminal cause ;

  20. 从那以后,争夺政治权力的斗争从来就没有停止过。

    Since that time the struggle for political power has never ceased .

  21. 点态化的模糊幂群合法性、理性和有限性&洛克眼中的政治权力规则


  22. 权力是指包括国家政治权力在内的一切社会影响力。

    The power refers to the whole social force including national political power .

  23. 政治权力从新德里向邦首府转移。

    and a shift in political power from New Delhi to state capitals .

  24. 这同样也给他带来了很多政治权力。

    which again gave him lots of political power .

  25. 其次,政治权力要优先发展。

    Secondly , the development of the political power is a top priority .

  26. 二元政治权力结构的权力分配与特征分析

    An Analysis of the Power Assignment and Characteristics of Dual Political Power Structure

  27. 虽然如此,但他们并没有真正的政治权力。

    Nevertheless , they had no real political power .

  28. 这样,政治权力就成为大家争夺的目标。

    Thus political power became an object of struggle .

  29. 从政治权力的合法性看执政能力建设

    On the construction of capability of governance from the legitimacy of the political power

  30. 信息时代的互联网络与政治权力

    The Internet and Political Right of Information Ages