
zhènɡ zhì bù zhǔ rèn
  • director of the political department
  1. 坚持三支队伍一起抓努力为司法行政工作改革发展提供可靠的组织保证和人才支持&司法部党组成员、政治部主任张苏军同志访谈

    Adhering to the joint management of the three professions , and endeavoring to provide trustworthy organizational guarantee and personnel support for the reform and development of the judicial administrative work

  2. 其中关于政治工作部分,由该军政治部主任起草,经司令员、政治委员审查修改,并且共同署名。

    The section dealing with political work should be drafted by the director of the army 's political department , examined and corrected by the commander and political commissar and then jointly signed by all three .