
  1. 具体研究方法如下:文章的第一部分,首先通过整理我国经济适用住房和廉租房一系列的政策条文和现实热点,抛出本文研究的大背景。

    The studies methods as following : First part , the author puts forward a big background through clearing up a series of policy rules and real hot spots of our economically affordable housing and low-rent housing .

  2. 以医院、县级医院、成本核算等为关键词,查阅大量国内外文献和政策条文,了解研究进展,明确研究方向和重点;(2)典型抽样。

    Access to a large number of domestic and international literature and policy provisions with key words like " hospital "," county-level hospital "," cost accounting " etc * Learn the latest research progress and draw a clear direction and focus for this study ;( 2 ) typical sampling .

  3. 根据公平、受益者补偿的原则和我国有关生态补偿的政策与法律条文规定,必须采取适当的措施对水源区进行合理的补偿。

    According to the principle of " justice ", " beneficial owner compensation " and related ecological compensation policies and laws , proper countermeasures should be taken for reasonable compensation of water source area .

  4. 在第一部分转型时期我国教育质量政策的内容考察中,汇总了建国后自计划经济时期到社会主义市场经济时期有关我国教育质量政策的条文性、表述性的内容。

    The first part mainly talks about " the content exploration of education quality policy in our country during the restructure period " .