
  • intentional arson
  1. 我们已经排除了有人故意纵火的可能性。

    We 've eliminated the possibility that someone started the fire deliberately .

  2. 有人故意纵火导致了洛杉矶连日的山林大火。

    A deliberate arson lead to a continuous forest fire in Los Angeles .

  3. 警方认为有人故意纵火。

    Police believe the fire was started deliberately .

  4. 目击者说是故意纵火。

    Witnesses say that the fire was deliberate .

  5. 墨西哥城当地报纸报称火警调查员正在调查火灾起因,不排除有人故意纵火的可能。

    A newspaper in Mexico City said fire inspectors were investigating the cause and did not immediately exclude arson .

  6. 英国船舰故意纵火并迅速冲向西班牙的无敌舰队,对敌造成毁灭性后果。

    The English ships that were deliberately set on fire sailed rapidly into the Spanish Armada with devastating effects .

  7. 在袭击中的故意纵火的吉普车司机目前正在医院中处于被监守的状态下。

    The driver of the Jeep who was badly burned in the attack is under armed guard in hospital .

  8. 我们知道,因为为了骗保险金而故意纵火叫“犯罪”。

    We know , we know , because burning something down for the insurance money is a " crime . "

  9. 过去十年间,近百名中国人因为同车乘客在公交车上故意纵火或者炸毁公交车而死亡。

    In the past decade , almost 100 Chinese have died after fellow passengers deliberately burnt or blew up buses .

  10. 他衣服上的汽油痕迹提供了法庭证据,证明他是故意纵火。

    The traces of petrol found on his clothing provided the forensic evidence proving that he had started the fire deliberately .

  11. 然而在西班牙,环境游说团体绿色和平组织一项最近的研究声称,故意纵火犯只是少数。

    In Spain , though , a recent study by Greenpeace , an environmental lobby group , suggested that deliberate arsonists were only a minority .