
  • 网络diphacine-Na;diphacinone;diphacinone-Na
  1. 但从灭鼠成本和易用性考虑,敌鼠钠盐为首选。

    However , considering control cost and practicability , diphacinone Na-salt was the best choice .

  2. 高效液相色谱法检测食物中毒样品中的敌鼠钠盐

    Determination of diphacinone sodium in food poisoning samples by RP-HPLC

  3. 结果表明:化学灭鼠剂磷化锌、敌鼠钠盐、溴敌隆随毒性的降低其防治效果明显下降,生物灭鼠剂C型肉毒素和弓箭法防治高原鼢鼠不仅效果较好,而且效率比较稳定。

    It is indicated that the control effectiveness of third-generation chemical rodenticide was declined with the decreasing toxicity , while biological rodenticide Botulin Model C and arrow method gave good performance with stable effectiveness .

  4. 灭鼠药物采用0.05%敌鼠钠盐毒谷;

    The raticide used was poison corn with 0.05 % Diphacin-Na .

  5. 氯敌鼠钠盐在云南西部应用的评价

    Appraisal on Chlorophacinone Used in the West of Yunnan

  6. 敌鼠钠盐中毒症实验室诊断指标的研究

    Study of Laboratorial Diagnostic Index of Diphacinone Poisoning

  7. 敌鼠钠盐中毒33例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 33 cases of diphacin-na poisoning

  8. 不同浓度敌鼠钠盐毒鼠效果比较

    Comparison on the Effect of Poison Bait with Various Concentration Natrium Diphacin Against Rodents

  9. 目的研究敌鼠钠盐和溴敌隆在广西家鼠鼠疫疫源地的灭鼠效果。

    Objective To study effects of diphacine na-salt and bromadiolone against commensal rodent in Guangxi plague area .

  10. 结论敌鼠钠盐仍值得在广西家鼠鼠疫疫源地中继续应用。

    Conclusion Diphacine na-salt was one of the best anticoagulant rodenticide against commensal rodent in Guangxi plague area .

  11. 目的比较第一代(敌鼠钠盐)和第二代抗凝血杀鼠剂(大隆)的现场防制效果。

    Objective Comparing the efficacy of the first and second generation anticoagulant rodenticide diphacine Na salt and brodifacoum on commensal rodent .

  12. 结果:急性杀鼠剂(磷化锌)和慢性杀鼠剂(敌鼠钠盐)在杀灭效果上无显著性差异(P>0.05);

    Results : There was not obvious difference of killing efficacy between acute rodenticide ( zinc phosphide ) and chronic rodenticide ( diphacinone ) ( P > 0.05 ) .

  13. 结果表明:氯敌鼠钠盐对鼠适口性好,杀灭效果理想,对非靶动物安全,且使用成本低,可作为敌鼠钠盐的替换品种大面积推广应用。

    The result shows that chloroph ; cine-Na is of good palatability to mice and of high efficiency . It 's also Safe to the untargeted animals and of low Cost .

  14. 其1‰敌鼠钠盐毒饵对褐家鼠的有选择和无选择摄食试验的毒杀比均为10∶10。

    The percentage Kill of its 1 % sodium diphacinone poison baits were all 10 / 10 in both the choice feeding test and and non-choice feeding test for brown rats .

  15. 通过系统诊断确诊,某警犬育种场和信鸽育种场死亡的警犬和信鸽,系食用含敌鼠钠盐(Diphacine&Na)的高粱而引起的慢性中毒。

    Systematic diagnoses confirmed that some police dogs and homing pigeons in a police dog breeding farm and homing pigeon farm died of chronic poisoning caused by feeding with sorghum containing Diphacine-Na .

  16. 在老式禽场持续20个月的研究显示:①单纯采用敌鼠钠盐毒饵的化学控制方法,害鼠咬袋率超过20%;

    Study lasting 20 months in old fashioned poultry farm showed that : ( 1 ) The bitten bag rate ( BBR ) by rodents was more than 20 % under chemical contro only with Diphacine Na poison bate ;