
jiù shēnɡ shè bèi
  • Lifesaving equipment;life preserver;lifesaving unit
  1. 救生设备附近已粘贴IMO使用指南的标志。

    IMO symbols of operation instructions are posted in adjacent position of the life-saving apparatus .

  2. 确保你已经检查好了竞技场的设备!PSC检查中救生设备常见缺陷与防范

    Make sure you check out the Arena fights ! Deficiencies in lifesaving appliances frequently detected during PSC inspection and control measures thereof

  3. 但是,这些救生设备在中国很少见。

    However , such life-saving devices are rarely seen in China .

  4. 吊艇装置是船舶救生设备的重要组成部分。

    Boat-handling gear is an important part of life-saving equipment .

  5. 歼击机飞行员带有整套的救生设备。

    A fighter plane carries a kit of lifesaving appliance ;

  6. 重视船舶救生设备保障人员生命安全

    Personnel Safety Assurance Depends on Marine Lifesaving Appliance

  7. GB/T8242.4-1987船体设备术语救生设备

    Terminology for hull equipment & Life-saving appliances

  8. 在我跳船之前做的最后一件事是给救生设备充气。

    The last thing I do before I jump ship is to inflate my life preserver .

  9. 在灾难及事故救援中,无线电救生设备具有举足轻重的作用。

    The survival radio equipment plays an important role in the rescue mission when disaster and emergency occur .

  10. 另外安放在各个专用位置的安全和救生设备也被掠夺。

    Also the safety equipment and life saving appliances located at the various dedicated areas had been looted .

  11. 如果我将救生设备的气放掉,会更容易爬到救生筏上。

    It 'll make a little easier to climb in , well , if I deflate my life preserver .

  12. 副应确保本船的消防和救生设备处于良好和随时可用状态。

    The third officer should ensure to keep the fire-fighting and life-saving equipments aboard a ship in good order and in immediate use .

  13. 本公司主营:五金工具油漆刷塑料刷柄电器塑料外壳海上救生设备享誉全球。

    The main products are : hardware tools , painting brushes , the plastic handle of brushes , outer shell of electronics , life-saving machine at sea etc with variety of categories .

  14. 救生设备是船舶法定安全设备,而救生艇和救生艇收放装置是救生设备的重要组成部分,承担着在紧急情况下保证人身安全的重任。

    Life-saving appliances are statutory safety equipments in ships , while lifeboat and boat-lifting devices are the important parts of the life-saving appliances which take the important responsibility of keeping the persons from the danger in emergence .

  15. 本文针对潜艇救生设备中的水下开关的有效动作和水密承压稳定性问题,从霍尔效应入手,阐述了霍尔承压水密开关的制作原理和相应的电气设备的技术参数。

    Aimed at the effective action and pressure stability of watertight switch in submarine lifesaving appliance , the paper presents operating principle of Hall Bearing-press watertight switch and its corresponding electrical technical parameter in terms of Hall effect .

  16. 因此,医院可以确保救生医疗设备即时可用并得以专业维护。

    Hence , hospitals can ensure that life-saving medical devices are instantly available and expertly maintained .

  17. 弹射座椅是在紧急情况下将飞行员弹射出舱并带离危险区以获得救生的设备。

    Ejection seat is a device which rescues the pilot by taking him out of the danger in case of emergency .

  18. 本公司是一家专业从事救生消防设备及机械设备的研究、开发、生产型企业。

    The company is an enterprise which is specialized in research , development and production of lifesaving , fire-fighting and machinery equipments .

  19. 公司主要产品有:船用救生消防设备、陆地救生消防设备、船用五金机械属具三大系列。

    There are three series of main products in our company , including marine lifesaving fire-fighting equipments , land lifesaving fire-fighting equipments and marine hardware machinery accessories .

  20. 起重车用于搬运或提升货物或救生船的设备。

    The apparatus used to hoist and transfer cargo or lifeboats .

  21. 盗窃、故意损坏或者擅自移动救生物品和设备;

    Steal , damage deliberately or move without authorization lifesaving articles or appliances ;

  22. 检验救生筏固定设备的可靠性和是否能够方便抛放水中。由船级社/船东见证。

    Inspect the reliability of life raft fixture and whether can easily cast to water . witnessed by classification society / shipowner .

  23. 美国还将帮助培训警察和紧急救灾人员,并提供发电机、求生工具及救生服等设备和装置。

    The United States will also help train police and emergency personnel in disaster response and provide equipment such as generators , survival kits and life vests .

  24. 这是您的座位区,演示防撞击姿势,出口,救生衣还有氧气设备。

    This is your seat area and shows the brace position , exits , lifejackets and oxygen .

  25. 特别提醒您,请爱护机上设施设备,正常情况下请不要触碰机上救生衣等紧急设备。

    Under normal conditions , please take care of the aircraft equipment and do not touch the emergency equipment such as the life vests .

  26. 在甲板上发现了三件救生衣及一些救生设备,包括一个紧急信号灯,但是没有发现救生筏。

    Three life jackets and survival equipment , including an emergency beacon , were found on board , but no life rafts . The destroyer was winking urgently .

  27. 救生信号弹是民用船只海上救生的必要设备,其质量的好坏直接关系到人身安全。

    Since the lifesaving signal detonator is an essential marine lifesaving appliance in the merchant ships , its quality is critical to personal safety .

  28. 检查所有气涨式救生筏,救生衣和救生圈等的种类、数量、布置和安装是否符合设计图纸,所有的救生设备应具有合格证书。

    Inspect the category , amount , and fixing of all inflatable life raft , lifejacket and lifebuoy whether according to design drawing , and all life saving appliance shall have the qualified certificate .