
  1. 但是,由于脱离不了教育救国论的藩篱,平民教育社最终走向衰落。

    However , Populace Education League eventually declined due to its narrow view of Education Saving the Nation .

  2. 因此,近代教育救国论基本上是与历史潮流发展相合的。

    It is therefore concluded that the save-the-country-by-promoting-education theory in modern Chinese history goes basically with the tide of historical development .

  3. 作为中国近代教育救国论的主要代表,梁启超把兴女学作为改善社会和家庭的关键和突破口。

    As the main representative of saving China by education in modern age , Liang Qichao regarded the opening of the woman school as the key point and the breakout to improve the society and families .

  4. 近代教育救国论述辩胡适论西方在华教会教育

    A Clarifying Approach to the save-the-Country-by-Promoting-Education Theory in Modern Chinese History Hu Shi 's Views on the Western Missionary Education in Modern Chinese History

  5. 同时,本文也简单阐明了留美学生对近代中国高等教育所产生的一些负面影响,诸如教育救国论的提出,科系设置上的照搬照抄等等。

    Meanwhile , the paper also indicates the negative influence that the students abroad in the US brought to the modern China higher education , such as the theory of the education saving the nation , copying word for word in setting the subjects and disciplines , and so on .