
  • 网络Digital Economy
  1. 打造数字经济新优势

    Create new competitive strengths in the digital economy . ❻

  2. 亚洲各经济体引入新措施推动数字经济、数字基础设施建设以及国际数字领域合作。

    Asian economies have introduced new measures to promote the digital economy , advancing digital infrastructure construction and international digital cooperation , among other initiatives .

  3. 数字经济助力推动复工复产,稳定经济形势,成为亚洲经济未来增长的新引擎。

    The digital economy has helped promote production resumption , stabilized the economic situation , and become a new driving force for Asia 's economic growth in the future .

  4. 金砖国家新工业革命伙伴关系是下阶段金砖经济合作的一个重要抓手。要敢于先行先试,将企业合作同新工业革命伙伴关系结合起来,争取在创新、数字经济、绿色经济等领域拿出更多亮眼成果,助力五国经济实现高质量发展。

    The BRICS partnership on new industrial revolution is vital to BRICS economic cooperation at the next stage , the business sector results in such areas as innovation , digital economy and green economy so as to promote high-quality development of BRICS economies .

  5. 数字经济与政府规制数字经济时代:银行追求的是利润还是速度&本刊记者赵小兵采访EDS大中华及韩国总经理伍壮明

    Banks Pursue the Profit or Speed in Digital Times FIGURE

  6. EDS在数字经济时代的金融管理

    Financial management of EDS in the era of digital economy

  7. 国际互联网Internet正是这样的技术,它正在,并将更为深刻地改变人类,使我们进入一个新的时代&数字经济时代。

    Internet is such a technology . It is and will change mankind in a more profound way , whereupon , we are entering a new age & the Digital economy Age .

  8. 如今,旧金山是新兴数字经济的大本营,其中的代表包括Airbnb、Uber,当然还有Twitter。

    Now it 's home to such new-establishment icons of the digital economy as Airbnb , Uber and , yes , Twitter .

  9. 他提议,双方对接发展战略,加强在5G、数字经济和现代农业等领域的合作。

    He suggests the two sides align their development strategies and enhance cooperation in 5G , the digital economy and modern agriculture .

  10. 二十一世纪是数字经济的时代,特别是INTERNET的迅速发展,能够使生产要素在全球范围内实现高速高效的配置,极大推动世界经济的全球化进程,使人类生活的地球缩小成了地球村。

    Twenty-one first century is a digital economic age , especially Internet develops rapidly , which makes the product factors configure in high speed and in high efficiency and promotes the globalization of the world economy , which makes the earth we live become a country as well .

  11. 浅谈数字经济的发展与挑战

    An Analysis of the Development and Challenge of Digital Economy

  12. 因此,数字经济正如流淌在拷贝的河流里。

    The digital economy is thus run on a river of copies .

  13. 美国数字经济发展的动因及启示

    Agent of and Inspiration from the Development of Digital Economy of United States

  14. 数字经济的狂热追求者们有时候会忘记比特也许并不是一切。

    ENTHUSIASTS of the digital economy sometimes forget that bits are not everything .

  15. 在这个过程中,数字经济发挥了关键作用。

    Throughout this process , the digital economy has played a critical role .

  16. 基于数字经济的管理信息系统构架

    The Constitution Of MIS Based On The Digital Economy

  17. 从城市空间、职能、竞争等方面具体的论述了数字经济和城市关系的复杂性与相关性。

    It also specifically discusses the complexities and relations between the digital economy and city .

  18. 想象一下,如果数字经济经历类似的调整,会有什么样的结局。

    Imagine what the outcome would be if the digital economy experienced a similar adjustment .

  19. 网络营销是数字经济时代,企业营销战略中重要的组成部分。

    Online-marketing is the significant part of the marketing strategy in a company in digital era .

  20. 新的数字经济同硬盘存储技术的持续发展紧密相连。

    The new digital economy is linked to the continued evolution of hard drive storage technology .

  21. 10月1日,欧洲负责管理数字经济的部长们将齐聚巴黎商讨未来。

    In Paris on Tuesday , Europes digital economy ministers will meet to discuss the future .

  22. 电子商务将逐渐成为数字经济时代的商务活动主要形式。

    Electronic commerce is going to be the major business form in the coming digital economy .

  23. 从打造数字经济看欠发达省区IT人才的培养

    To Develop Digital Economy , What Should Undeveloped Provinces and Districts Do in Training IT Talents

  24. 本文认为战略导向绩效管理系统是企业适应当今全球化、信息技术革命和数字经济时代的必然选择;

    The strategic performance management system is the necessary choice to enterprises in the new economy times .

  25. 去年,数字经济提供了1.91亿个就业岗位,占总就业人数的四分之一。

    The digital economy provided 191 million jobs last year , representing a quarter of total employment .

  26. 泰国政府发言人YongyuthMaiyalarp说,这将有助于实现泰国雄心勃勃的数字经济政策。

    Government spokesman Yongyuth Maiyalarp said the move will help realise the country 's ambitious digital economy policy .

  27. 数字经济首先是在美国而不是在其他国家诞生的,除了技术方面的因素以外,美国国内特殊制度环境也是重要因素之一。

    In addition to technology , special institution environment in America also plays an important function in digital economy .

  28. 它将设定基准,为发展中国家的国有企业和数字经济制定规则。

    It will set benchmarks by delineating rules for state-owned enterprises in the developing world and the digital economy .

  29. 到了9月,他被提名担任欧盟数字经济与社会专员。

    By September , he had been nominated for a new job : commissioner for digital economy and society .

  30. 官方数据显示,数字经济占浙江经济总量的37%以上。

    Official statistics show that the digital economy accounts for over 37 percent of the economic growth in Zhejiang .