
  1. 如何培育地方税源经济是当前的新课题。

    How to develop the economy of tax fund is a new problem now .

  2. 浅析培育地方税源经济中的错误倾向及其对策地方税源与税收增幅矛盾探讨

    Some Problems about Developing Economy of Tax Fund and Some Solution to Them Discussion of the Conflict Between Regional Tax Source and the Extent of Tax Increment

  3. 各级政府和领导应树立大局观念和长期观念,抓住机遇,采取有效措施,正确处理培植税源与发展经济的关系。

    The governors at all levels should set up a long-term sense , seek any chances , take effective measures and deal with correctly the relationship between tax fund development and economic development .

  4. 税源是税收的经济来源,它决定税收的规模。

    Tax is the tax revenue source of income , it decided to the size of the tax .

  5. 加快发展,培植税源,增强乡镇经济实力;

    3 , Accelerate development , cultivate the source of tax revenue , strengthen the economic strength of villages and towns ;

  6. 当前普遍存在片面强调引进税源,忽视发展经济、挖掘新的经济增长点的错误倾向。

    There exist some wrong ideas that introduction of tax fund is only stressed , economic development is ignored and a point of new economic growth is tapped .