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  • 网络Mathematical Science
  1. Jayaraman是位于春奈(Chennai)的数学科学研究所的一位理论物理学家。

    T.Jayaraman is a theoretical physicist with the Institute of Mathematical Sciences , Chennai .

  2. Murenzi是非洲数学科学研究所(AIMS)的委员会成员,也是DianFossey大猩猩国际基金会的成员。

    Murenzi is a member of the board of the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences ( AIMS ) and of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International .

  3. 面向21世纪的我国数学科学前沿研究重点与方向

    The Forefront Fields of Mathematical Science of China in the 21st Century

  4. 洛特卡定律、普赖斯定律和我国数学科学文献

    Lotka 's Law , Price Law and the Chinese Mathematics Science Literatures

  5. 2006年获邵逸夫数学科学奖。

    He also received the Shaw Award in 2006 .

  6. 几何是形状的数学科学。

    Geometry is the mathematical science of shape .

  7. 经济学怎样成了一门数学科学&经济思想史的一种简要考察

    How Economics Becomes a Science of Mathematics & A Brief Examination to The History of Economic Thought

  8. 数理统计是一门应用范围很广泛的数学科学。

    Mathematical statistics is a kind of mathematical science , which is widely used in a large range of scientific applications .

  9. 数学科学精神与人文精神的统一,数学科学教育人文化,是数学的最佳教育形态。

    That mathematics science spirit unifies with humanities spirit , mathematics science educated in humanities way , is the best education appearance of mathematics .

  10. 并且以数学科学为例,阐述通过教育环节构建和增强科学创新能力的方式和途径。

    Taking mathematics as an example , it also expounds on the methods and ways to develop and improve creative ability in science through education .

  11. 联邦基金会数据显示,自1970年起,数学科学和工程学所占,下降了。

    Federal Funding for Research in Mathematics , Science GDP and Engineering as a share of GDP1 / 3 has declined by1 / 3 since1970s .

  12. 发展我国的数学科学&在中国数学会数学教育与科研座谈会上的讲话

    On Development of Mathematics in China & A Speech addressed to the Forum of the Chinese Mathematical Society on mathematical education and scientific research on August 18,1989

  13. 虽然在物理学和数学科学各分支研究中,对称性研究发展的相当不错,但是对称性研究仍然是一个很有活力的研究领域。

    Although the symmetry theory is developed quite well in the each branches of Physics and Mathematics , it is still a very vivid and active research field .

  14. 伴随着计算机的广泛应用,数学科学已渗入到各行各业,成为一种普遍适用的体现能力的技术。

    With the extensive application of computers , applied to the walks of life , mathematics science has become a technique reflecting one 's abilities that is universally applicable .

  15. 社会科技的变迁、数学科学的发展、教育理论的演变及国际文化的交流是影响中西数学教育思想变迁的根本因素。

    The development of social technology , mathematics science , education theories and the exchange of international culture are the key factors contributing to the changes of mathematics education ideology .

  16. 数学科学作为一种文化,不仅是人类文化的重要组成部分,而且始终是推进人类文明的重要力量。

    As a kind of culture , mathematics is not only an important part of the whole human culture , but also a constant powerful force to push forward the human culture .

  17. 《标准》明确指出,学生要初步了解数学科学与人类社会发展之间的相互作用,体会数学的科学价值、应用价值、人文价值。

    It explicitly indicates that students should primarily know about the interrelation between mathematics and the development of human societies , and experience scientific value , application value and humanistic value of mathematics .

  18. 这些要求的结果就是,女生可以从她们是否对数学科学有兴趣和天赋来判断,而不是从传统的性别观念决定的。

    As a result of such requirements , girls are able to judge from experience whether their interests and talents lie in science and math rather than letting gender stereotypes decide for them .

  19. 通过分析这些数据可以获得对人类有益的有关生物结构和功能的信息,对基因数据的分析研究已成为生命科学、数学科学与计算机科学等学科非常活跃的交叉课题之一。

    We can gain some information about biology structure and function by analyzing these data . Now analyzing and researching gene data have become very active cross problem of life sciences mathematics and computer science .

  20. 本文从理论和实践以及视觉艺术和网络技术相结合的角度出发,通过对数学科学与计算技术学院网站的设计与实现进行分析,对网站要发布的信息行了较为深入的探讨。

    The thesis explores information that the web sites will announce or issue from theory and practice , by analysis of the design and realization of web sites for Mathematic Science and Computing Technology Institutions .

  21. 20世纪下半叶进入信息时代以后,数学科学本身的进步引起数学知识的爆炸,数学课程的内容更加多元化。

    In the second half of the 20th century into the information age , the progress of the Mathematical Sciences leads to the explosion of mathematical knowledge , which causes the diversification of mathematics courses .

  22. 数学科学现已成为推动人类文明进步,知识创新的重要因素,并将更深刻地改变着客观现实的面貌和人们对世界的认识。

    Mathematics science has already become the important factor to promote the human civilization and the knowledge innovation , and will change the appearance of the objective reality and people 's understanding of the world more deeply .

  23. 计算机模拟仿真研究将经济学理论、数学科学和计算机应用相结合,在分析理论的基础上进行建模并使用计算机程序实现,通过对现实生活中经济活动和经济现象的模拟来进行研究。

    Computer simulation integrates economic theory , mathematics and computer science together . Based on the analysis of economic problem and our real economic life , computer simulation can describe these economic phenomena with program and research them effectively .

  24. 第二部分,是基于课堂教学的探究性学习理念的理论基础,分析了数学科学的双重性特征,阐述了探究性学习的支撑性理论。

    The second part is the theory basis of the inquiry learning based on classroom instruction . Expound the dual character of mathematics science , elaborate the basic theory of inquiry learning and explore the essence of inquiry learning .

  25. 它是数学科学工作者、应用数学家和数据处理工程师在各自领域研究中分别独立发现的,经过几十年的探索,已经建立了数学形式化体系,其理论基础日渐坚实。

    It is the math scientists , applied mathematicians and data-processing engineers in their respective fields , respectively , an independent study found that after decades of exploration , has established a formal system of mathematics , and its increasingly solid theoretical foundation .

  26. 本文以关系映射的反演方法为例,简要探讨辩证法在数学科学中的运用。发展我国的数学科学&在中国数学会数学教育与科研座谈会上的讲话

    In this paper , example for inversion of relation-mapping , we find the elementary application of dialectics in mathematical science . On Development of Mathematics in China & A Speech addressed to the Forum of the Chinese Mathematical Society on mathematical education and scientific research on August 18,1989

  27. 基础课是英文、数学和科学。

    The core subjects are English , mathematics and science

  28. 全球经济也不能容忍美国劳动者文化、数学和科学能力日益减弱。

    Nor is the global economy forgiving of an American workforce with increasingly weak literacy , math and science abilities .

  29. 她说,“在发现缺少数学、科学、工程学课程后,我创办了‘儿童工程学(EFK)’,让我的学生可以报名。”

    She said , " I started Engineering For Kids ( EFK ) after noticing a real lack of math , science and engineering programs to   enroll my own kids in "

  30. 如果是数学或科学方面的问题,给他一本答题簿就行了。

    If it is a matter in math or science , give him the answer book .