
  1. 一种Internet上的优先权加权平均数据传输方法

    A Priority Weighed Queuing Scheme for Transmitting Data over the Internet

  2. 基于Internet实现GPS实时定位数据传输方法的研究

    A Study of GPS Data Transmitting via the Internet for Real-time Positioning

  3. 介绍了N∶N网络数据传输方法和编程技巧。

    This paper introduces the technique of N ∶ N net data transmission and program composition .

  4. 阐述了一种基于PC运动控制卡的插补数据传输方法。

    A method of interpolation data transmission based on PC motion control card is discussed .

  5. RS-485总线的高速串行远距离数据传输方法

    RS-485 bus-based high-speed serial remote data transmission method

  6. 本文介绍了1种由BCM-80单板机到AppleⅡ微机的图象数据传输方法。

    In this paper , the data-transmission method from BCM-80 to Apple ⅱ is presented .

  7. 最后使用Globus工具集实现了这种数据传输方法,并进行了传输性能的分析。

    Finally , Globus toolkit was used to implement this approach and analysis of performance in transfer was also conducted .

  8. 通过研究高效并行处理算法和可靠的高速数据传输方法,确保了R-D算法的可行性和实时性。

    The R-D algorithm is executed in real time by using high efficient parallel processing algorithm and high speed data transferring method .

  9. 一种FANUC-0i和PC机的数据传输方法

    A Data Transmission Way between Fanuc-0i and PC

  10. 分析了工控领域广泛应用的现场总线PROFIBUS-DP与MODBUS的协议结构与数据传输方法、设计协议转换网关的可行性以及网关的电路设计与工作流程。

    The structures of two widely used fieldbus , i.e. , PROFIBUS-DP and MODBUS are analyzed , as well as the data transmission methods and the feasibility to design the protocol conversion gateway .

  11. 论文分析了远距离数据传输方法和Manchester编解码工作原理,同时设计了Manchester码的驱动电路,并采用VHDL语言在MAX+PLUSⅡ编程环境下实现其功能。

    This paper analyses the method of data transmit of long distance and the encoding and decoding theory of Manchester and designs the driver circuit , then realizes its function in MAX + PLUS ⅱ by using VHDL language .

  12. 本文根据远程振动监测与故障诊断系统对网络通信的需要,建立了一种基于UDP与FTP协议相结合的网络数据传输方法,有效解决了大批量振动相关数据的可靠传输问题。

    According to the requirement for network communication of remote vibration monitoring and fault diagnosis system , a network data transmission method is set up based on UDP and FTP protocols , which solved the reliable transmission of large amounts of vibration relevant data efficiently .

  13. 研究了多片DSP并行处理算法,通过设计高效的距离向并行处理算法,可靠的高速数据传输方法和合理的方位向算法时序,在两块HHPC板组成的处理系统上实现了R-D并行算法。

    Researched the parallel arithmetic of mass DSPs . Through designing high efficient parallel procession algorithm for range dimension , high speed data transferring method and reasonable timing for cross dimension , the R-D parallel procession algorithm is realized in processing system of two HHPC broads .

  14. 光纤工业网络中实时数据传输方法的研究

    The Study of Real-time Data Transfer Method in Fiber-optic Industry Network

  15. 分段式液位测量仪多路数据传输方法

    Multi-channel data transfer method for divided-into-segment liquid level measurement device

  16. 用于磁共振谱仪的高速数据传输方法的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the High-Speed Data Transmission Method for MRI Spectrometer

  17. 一种自适应无线移动自组织网络数据传输方法

    Selsyn-data system An adaptive data dissemination approach of wireless mobile ad hoc network

  18. 被动无线传感器网络的一种新的数据传输方法

    New Data Transmission Method in Passive Wireless Sensor Networks

  19. 流星余迹通信自适应数据传输方法的研究

    A Study of the Method of Adaptive Data Transferring in Meteor Burst Communications

  20. 喷泉码是一种高效,可靠的数据传输方法。

    Fountain Codes are an efficient and reliable transmission method over the erasure channel .

  21. 半导体芯片测试数据传输方法的研究

    Research of Semiconductor Chip Test Data Transmission Method

  22. 磁悬浮列车定位测速及数据传输方法研究

    Study on the Method of Train Locating Speed Measuring and Data Transmission for Maglev Train

  23. 家电网络故障诊断系统中远程数据传输方法

    Research for the Method to Remote Data Communication in Network-based Consumer Electronics Production Fault Diagnosis System

  24. 一种数据传输方法,其中,通过每个报文开头的同步字符来获得定时信号。

    A system in which timing is derived through synchronizing characters at the beginning of each message .

  25. 介绍井径测井仪的工作原理、信号处理和数据传输方法;

    Introduced are the measuring principle , signal processing and data transmission of the caliper logging tools ;

  26. 现在比以往任何时候都更需要快速的数据传输方法和更有效的利用内存空间。

    There is now , more than ever , a need for quick data transfer methods and more efficient use of memory space .

  27. 根据数码印花独有的特点,将这种数据传输方法应用到数码印花系统中,并对数码印花系统的硬件部分及硬件监控程序进行设计。

    According to digital printings proper character , It is possible to apply the method to digital print system , and design the hardware and its watching program of digital print system .

  28. 同时,以太网也逐渐进入工业控制领域,并且,在现场总线领域,已经研究出强实时性、高带宽、高可靠性的实时以太网数据传输方法。

    At the same time , Ethernet is also used in industrial control domain . In field bus , there are some new techniques on Ethernet with the characters that are hard-real time , high bandwidth and high reliability .

  29. 确定了时间装定信号的内脉冲编码数据传输方法;选择了信号频率调制及非相干解调方法和检错重收的差错控制方法。

    And at same time , I choose the inner pulse coding method on data transmission for the signal of the time setter , use frequency modulation and unrelatable demodulation , and apply error checking to the error control .

  30. 简要介绍了旋转变压器/数字转换模块的工作原理和数据传输方法,探讨了其在寻北仪系统中与PC/104总线的接口电路设计,并且给出了A/D转换程序。

    The working principle and data transmitting method of resolver-digital transmitter are introduced concisely , the interface circuit design of the transmitter and PC / 104 bus in north-finder system is discussed , and the A / D converting program is also given .