
  • 网络large format printer;LFPs
  1. 大幅面打印机是一种介于消费品和工业品之间,兼有两者特点的产品。

    Large format printer is a type of product which is characterized by features of both industrial and consumer products .

  2. 本文引入贝叶斯网络模型,一种定性与定量相结合的统计方法,对大幅面打印机市场进行了分析,并制定了相应的营销组合策略,展现了与常规市场营销分析方法不同的分析思路。

    We introduced Bayesian Network , a statistical combination of qualitative and quantitative , to analyze large format printer market , and defined appropriate marketing strategy , which resulted a different method from the regular ones .

  3. 当运用常规的定性或定量市场营销分析方法对大幅面打印机市场进行研究分析时,由于种种原因,无法获得满意的结果。

    For various reasons , regular qualitative and quantitative market analysis methods can not achieve satisfactory results when applied to large format printer market .

  4. 在大幅面喷墨打印机系统中,需要绘制的图像数据一般存放在主机端,打印机必须得到这些数据才能绘制出所需要的图像。

    In large-format inkjet printer systems , image data is generally stored in PC terminal , and is needed for the printer to render target image .