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dà jù
  • Big Giant;Daju
大巨[dà jù]
  1. 应用瞬变电磁物探手段,查明了大深度巨厚砾岩的分布规律及富水特征。

    The distributive law and water-bearing characteristic of the giant thick conglomerate in the deep area is found with applying the geophysical exploration of instant change electromagnetism system .

  2. 这里风速很快,而且冷得刺骨,但在几大气体巨行星中,这里的环境可以说是最好的了,你估计可以飞上那么一会儿。

    There are high winds and it 's bitterly cold . It 's the friendliest of the gas giants to our Cessna , and you could probably fly for a little while .

  3. 地表复杂表现在地表高差变化大,巨厚砾石层或者低速砂层、黄土层,激发和接收困难,表层静校正严重,施工不便;

    There are exquisite elevation variation and huge thick gravels or low velocity sand or loessial layer on surface , the excitation and receiving both are difficult , operating in field is not easy and the statics correction problem is seriously existed ;

  4. 太阳系有9颗星球有足够浓密的大气:地球——显而易见——还有火星、金星、四大气态巨行星、土星的卫星泰坦,还有太阳。现在让我们仔细分析下在这些星球上分别会发生什么。

    There are nine solar system bodies with atmospheres thick enough to matter : Earth-obviously-Mars , Venus , the four gas giants , Saturn 's moon Titan , and the Sun . Let 's take a closer look at what would happen to a plane on each one .

  5. 急性胰腺炎大鼠模型巨嗜细胞移动抑制因子(MIF)表达变化规律的研究

    The Study of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor ( MIF ) Expressionin Rat Acute Pancreatitis

  6. 只有使用中模式,大模式和巨模式的程序可以使用覆盖。

    Overlays only supported in medium , large and huge memory models .

  7. 像超级大老板宝宝巨老板宝宝

    Like super big boss baby mega boss baby

  8. 由此表明氯霉素和链霉素能干扰大鼠肺巨噬细肿的正常功能。

    It indicates that chloramphenicol , and streptomycin may interfere with the normal functions of alveolar macrophages from rats .

  9. 许多稀有濒危动植物物种在国家公园中得到保护,其中包括大水獭和巨食蚁兽。

    It is home to many rare and endangered species of flora and fauna , among them the giant otter and the giant anteater .

  10. 滇缅大震与长江巨洪的遥相关

    Far correlation between large earthquake in the Yunnan Burma area and serious flood along the Yangtze River

  11. 这个过程发展之快,数量之大,影响之巨,都是人们始料不及的。

    This process is rapid development , large quantities , giant impact , are the people expected .

  12. 与潮汐的简单观测不大相同,潮流研究的难度既大、费用也巨。

    In contrast to the simple observations of the tides , tidal current studies are difficult and expensive .

  13. 零售业遭受重创,这个过程发展之快,数量之大,影响之巨,可以说是人们始料未及的。

    Damage to the retail industry , this process of rapid development , the number of large , the impact is huge , it can be said is unexpected .

  14. 密执根盆地是北美大陆上一近圆形的大盆地,具巨厚层沉积物,构造作用简单,属于稳定的克拉通内部盆地。

    Michigan basin , a stable craton basin is a huge round basin in North American Continent where the sediment is rather thick , however the structure is very simple .

  15. 中国古代医学书籍浩如烟海,其数量之多、影响之大、贡献之巨堪称中国文化瑰宝。

    There are tremendous amount of Chinese ancient medicinal books , and they are been called as Chinese cultural gem because of their great amount , wide influence and enormous contribution .

  16. 认为:M盆地油气丰富但复杂多变,早期,紧临中非断裂带,断陷深度大,沉积了巨厚的下白垩统生油层系;

    M basin has abundant oil and gas with complication and variation , which in early stage close to the Middle African faulted belt had great faulted depth and giant Lower Cretaceous oil source bed ;

  17. 目的了解TPO模拟肽L203对骨髓抑制后大鼠的促血小板生成作用及对大鼠巨核细胞分化、增殖的影响。

    Objeactive To research on TPO analogue peptide L203 to the thrombopoiesis effective and cultural megakaryocyte differentiation , the multiplication influence in myelosuppressive rats .