
dà shuǐ
  • flood;tornado
大水 [dà shuǐ]
  • [flood] 长时间降雨之后形成山洪暴发或河流泛滥,即洪水

  • 大水过后,留下一片凄凉景象

大水[dà shuǐ]
  1. 暴雨和大水淹死了许多牲口。

    The heavy rains and flooding killed scores of livestock .

  2. 总水管破裂了,整条街道发了大水。

    A water main burst and the street was flooded .

  3. 大水把他冲回到洞里。

    The force of the water washed him back into the cave .

  4. 过去一下暴雨,这条河就发大水。

    This river used to get flooded whenever there was a rainstorm .

  5. 秧苗给大水冲跑了。

    The seedlings were washed away by the flood .

  6. 庄稼叫大水冲走了。

    The crops were washed away by the flood .

  7. 由于发大水,许多开车旅游的人被迫停留在那个镇上了。

    Many motorists were forced to stop over in that town because of floods .

  8. 每年从没见过这么大水。

    Such serious flood never appeared in the past .

  9. 还好,这场大水没有把堤坝冲坏。

    Fortunately , the flood did not break the dike .

  10. 我说:“好吧!我正好要去南方游说吴国和越国的国王,那我就请他们激起西江的大水来迎接您,可以吗?”

    I said : " All right , I am just going to the south to sell ideas to the kings of the States of Wu and Yue . I will ask them to stir up the water of the Xijiang River to welcome you . Will that do ? "

  11. ENSO和长江大水对天文因子的响应研究

    The study on the responding of ENSO and severe floods in the Yangtze River to the astronomical factors

  12. 在新奥尔良以南的普拉克明县,大水漫过一座防洪堤,冲击了附近的居住区,美国国民警卫队(NationalGuard)对几十名未注意到疏散令的居民实施了营救。

    In Plaquemines parish , south of New Orleans , a levee was overtopped , flooding surrounding neighbourhoods and forcing the National Guard to rescue dozens of residents who had not heeded evacuation orders .

  13. 绝大部分MCS初生于淮河流域并且其成熟时的位置位于淮河流域是造成这次大水的主要原因之一;

    The large number of MCS originated and maturated in Huaihe River region is a main cause of this inundation .

  14. 利用GEOS-9卫星红外1云图对2003年6月21日至7月22日淮河流域大水期间的MCS做了普查分析。

    Based on the GOES-9 satellite IR images during inundation from 21 June to 22 July 2003 , the mesoscale convective systems are investigated over the Huaihe River region .

  15. 采用VB对AutoCAD进行二次开发,根据一般模架CAD系统的体系结构和实现方法阐述了大水口模架CAD的结构和软件实现的原理。

    A VB program is developed in AUTOCAD . According to the general structure of mould frame CAD ′ s system and realizing method , the structure of the SideGate frame CAD and the software realizing principle was expounded .

  16. 如果另一次大水如预计一般把泄漏的石油又推回了河里,这可能会对河中的鱼类资源构成威胁,蒙大拿州鲑鳟类保护协会执行理事BF称。

    If another surge of water pushes oil further into back channels as expected , it could be a potential threat to fisheries , said Bruce Farling , executive director of Trout Unlimited 's Montana chapter .

  17. 当围岩渗透系数大于10~(-4)cm/S时,需要排放较大水流量,衬砌背后水压才有明显折减,且隧道各个部位水压折减相差较大,排水点处部位水压折减最大。

    When the permeability coefficient of surrounding rock is over 10-4cm / s , water pressure on the lining will inevitably decrease until drainage quantity is large enough , having a large difference at every part of lining , which is minimum at the drainage part .

  18. 关于高盐大水浇淋酱油发酵工艺若干问题的探讨

    Inquire into the technology of salt-water - drench - ferment sauce

  19. 大水退去之后,我们返回曼谷。

    The flood having retreated , we went back to bangkok .

  20. 试析1931年江淮大水对苏省经济发展的影响

    Effect of 1931 Flood on the Economic Development of Jiangsu Province

  21. 今年因发大水收成很坏。

    The bad harvest htis year is due to the flood .

  22. 至于那只大水手箱,我们准也没有见他打开过。

    The great sea-chest none of us had ever seen open .

  23. 1998年长江、嫩江大水给我们的启示和反思

    Reflection on 1998 the Yangtze River and the Nenjiang River Floods

  24. 大水冲刷着花园的围墙。

    The garden wall is being washed by the flood water .

  25. 拿个杯子因为要发大水了。

    Grab a glass because there 's gonna be a flood .

  26. 发大水了,我们得到高的地方去。

    The flood start and we have to seek higher grind .

  27. 大水矿床疏干排水对区域水资源的影响研究

    Influence of Draining on Regional Water Resources at Heavy-water Deposit

  28. 大水矿区堵水方法及其应用结果

    Build Up Water Method In Inundation Mine Area And Effect of Application

  29. 发大水了吗?他叫道。

    ' Is there a flood ? ' he cried .

  30. 大水平力作用下组合墩台在引桥墩设计中的应用

    Application of Combined Dolphins in Design of Piers under Large Level Force