
  1. 三是采用了豪放纵逸的大写意笔法。

    Third , it adopted the bold and unrestrained vigorous freehand brushwork .

  2. 大写意画的有我与忘我

    With or Without Me in the Freehand Painting

  3. 陶瓷绘画中的大写意

    The Elite in the Porcelain Painting

  4. 他所开创的大写意花鸟画派对其之后四百余年的花鸟画产生了极大的影响。

    His freehand brushwork of flower-and-bird painting has influenced flower-and-bird painting for over four hundred years after his death .

  5. 远山,近林,此作品以它独一无二的方式将大写意与小写意结合得完美无瑕。

    With mountains far away and forests nearby , the work in its unique style unites spring with small freehand brushwork perfectly .

  6. 但在其以后的艺术道路中,其绘画一改工整的面貌,向大写意花鸟画领域延伸。

    But in his art on the road , the painting changed the face of the neat , extending to the freehand bird areas .

  7. 朱宣咸爱画寿桃,往往运用没骨大写意画法,将桃画得很大,具有强烈的视觉冲击力。

    Zhu Xuanxian likes painting the peaches of longevity , which are usually in large sizes and adopt hidden trunks and large impressionistic-style skill , giving strong visual impact .

  8. 中国绘画发展到明中期以后,开始进入了一个重要的转折期,其标志是水墨大写意绘画,其代表画家就是徐渭。

    After the middle Ming Dynasty , the development of Chinese painting began to enter into an important transition period , which was marked by freehand brushwork in wash painting . The representative painter is Xu Wei .