
  • 网络data envelopment analysis;DEA
  1. 目前我国大多数学者测度效率使用的都是数据包络分析方法。

    At present , most Chinese scholars use the DEA model to measure the efficiency .

  2. 我国社会保障公共服务效率评价研究&基于数据包络分析方法

    Efficiency Evaluation of the Social Security Public Services in China & A Study Based on DEA Model

  3. 随着数据包络分析方法(DEA)的应用,使这种效率测度成为可能。

    The application of DEA makes the efficiency measure of asset utilization possible .

  4. 最后,运用DEA数据包络分析方法建立网络课程教育综合效益评价模型,应用模型对6门网络课程进行实证评价研究。

    At last , set up a DEA-evaluation-model and apply this model to 6 courses .

  5. 数据包络分析方法(DEA)是可用于交通运输项目评价的重要方法之一。

    Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ) is one of important methods of assessing the transportation projects .

  6. 运用数据包络分析方法,建立和求解DEA模型,明确决策者偏好,并作出最终决策

    This article establishes and solves the model DEA by means of data envelopment analysis , and achieves final decision

  7. 本文运用数据包络分析方法,建立一个评价相对绩效的DEA模型。

    By using the Data Envelopment Analysis method , we establish some DEA models to analyze the relative evaluation .

  8. 基于C~2W模型与C~2WY模型的样本数据包络分析方法研究

    Research on Sample Data Envelopment Analysis Method Based on C ~ 2 W Model and C ~ 2WY Model

  9. 本文提出数据包络分析方法(DEA)在铁路运输与社会经济协调发展评价中的应用思路与过程。

    The comprehensive technical efficiency and pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency are computed using Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ) method .

  10. 首次运用数据包络分析方法(DEA)对中国内河运输配置效率进行了实证研究。

    In addition , the first empirical study on Chinese IWT allocation efficiency using data envelopment analysis ( DEA ) is demonstrated .

  11. 推导数据包络分析方法中CCR模型的一种新方法

    A new method for CCR generation

  12. 构建了基于数据包络分析方法(DEA)的高校内部院系相对竞争力评价体系。

    Establishes an evaluation system of relative competitiveness of universities ' internal schools on the basis of Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ) .

  13. 运用数据包络分析方法研究陕北退耕还林的运作模式,建立了陕北退耕还林(草)的DEA模型。

    The DEA model is set up after the data envelopment analysis ( DEA ) was applied to grain for green in Shan-bei district .

  14. 并运用数据包络分析方法(DEA),对中国AMC处置不良资产的效率进行了度量。

    And it applies the data envelope analysis method ( DEA ) to measure to the China AMCs ' non-performing asset disposition efficiency .

  15. 同时还运用数据包络分析方法(DEA)测算了2004年29个地区及2005年23个地区的粮食直补效率。

    Next , it measures the efficiency of the grain direct subsidy of29 provinces in2004 and that of23 provinces in2005 with DEA ( data envelopment analysis ) .

  16. 引入数据包络分析方法,提出了一种基于贷款可接受案例集的DEA型信用评估模型和分类边界为分段线性分离超平面的分类方法。

    In this paper , we develop a DEA model based on accepted cases set and propose a classification method with piece wise linear separating hyperplane as its boundary .

  17. 二是从投入产出角度评价高校知识服务能力,构建了基于数据包络分析方法的CCR和BCC模型。

    Secondly , it evaluates university knowledge service capability from the angle of input-output and constructs BCC and CCR model based on DEA .

  18. 另外,对线性与非线性的数据包络分析方法进行了比较,案例表明合适的非线性方法较原DEA方法有更好的拟合优度。评价决策单元相对效率的修正DEA方法

    The application shows that suitable nonlinear methods may outperform DEA method in terms of goodness of fit . A Corrected Data Envelopment Analysis Model for Estimating the Relative Efficiency of Decision Making Units

  19. 介绍数据包络分析方法,结合实际案例&某拟建炼油厂项目,对该项目非DEA有效方案进行了诊断与分析,并利用投影理论对方案进行了优化。

    Introduced a method of Data Envelopment Analysis . Based on the real project & a planned-construct oil refinery , analyzed and diagnosed non-DEA effective scheme , and do the optimization for the scheme by projected theory .

  20. 将数据包络分析方法(DEA)和主成分分析方法(PCA)结合,用投入产出比的相对有效性评价物流产业结构,并构建了DEA/PCA分析模型。

    DEA ( data envelopment analysis ) and PCA ( primary component analysis ) were combined to evaluate the structure of logistics industry in terms of relative efficiency of input and output , and a model was presented .

  21. 对区域产业技术创新能力的评价现状进行了描述,并基于数据包络分析方法(DEA)对区域产业技术创新能力进行了分析评价。

    The paper described the actuality of regional industrial innovation ability from outside contrary to inside , and then , introduced the Data Envelopment Analysis . In the following , we used DEA evaluated the regional industrial innovation ability .

  22. 针对上述问题,本文结合层次分析法(AHP)处理定性指标的优势和数据包络分析方法(DEA)分析问题的客观性,研究基于含偏好约束锥的数据包络分析评标模型及其应用。

    According to the before-mentioned causes , this paper combines the merit of Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) and Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ), research on bidding evaluation model and its application Based on DEA with preference constraint cone .

  23. 在此基础上,借鉴海洋强国指标体系,建立海洋产业生产力水平测算指标体系,利用成熟的数据包络分析方法(DEA),构建海洋产业生产力测评模型,并进行实证研究。

    On this basis , referring on marine index system , establish index system of marine industry productivity levels . Using mature Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ), set up evaluation model of the marine industry productivity , and make empirical research .

  24. 目前,评价银行效率方法很多,数据包络分析方法(DEA)是其中比较先进和成熟的方法之一,特别适合对具有多投入、多产出特点的银行进行效率评价。

    At present , there are many methods of bank efficiency evaluation . Nevertheless , data envelopment analysis ( DEA ) is one of the more advanced and mature methods , especially for efficiency evaluation of banks with the many investment - outputs characteristics .

  25. 针对创新能力评价结果,再利用数据包络分析方法对各区域的创新绩效进行了有效性分析,并利用投影分析,给出了创新绩效非DEA有效区域的改进方案。

    In face of the evaluation results , this paper re-used the data envelopment analysis methed for analyzing the validity of the reginal innovation performance . And then put forward advices that can improve the performance of these non-DEA valid regions by using projection analysis .

  26. 运用数据包络分析方法,提出区域创新有效性分析的指标体系,并根据2003、2004年的数据,运用运筹学软件lingo对山东省的区域创新有效性进行了分析。

    In this article , we put forward the index system to analyze the system of regional innovation system by using DEA method , and based on the data of 2003 2004 , we analyze Shandong province of China by using lingo software .

  27. 本文将常用的两种测算规模收益方法,即C-D生产函数和数据包络分析方法进行对比研究,分析两种方法在测算企业规模收益方面的优缺点。

    In this article , the commonly used two kinds methods of survey the scale benefit , include C - D production function and the data envelope analysis method have the contrast research , and analyze two methods good and bad points on surveying the enterprise scale benefit aspect .

  28. 区分有效决策单元的数据包络分析方法

    Data envelopment analysis method for contrasting the efficient decision making units

  29. 数据包络分析方法在胜利油田投资效益评价中的应用

    Evaluation of investment benefit of Shengli Oilfield with data envelopment analysis theory

  30. 基于偏序集理论的数据包络分析方法研究

    Method of Data Envelopment Analysis Based on the Theory of Partially Ordered Sets