
  1. 能源问题和环境的污染问题迫切要求对现有车用发动机进行改造,以降低其有害废气排放以及提高发动机的经济性。

    On grounds of air pollution and energy crisis , the reformation of engine is pressing to decrease emission and increase the economics of engine .

  2. 他们的壁纸可能是他们的宠物、自拍、父母、孩子、配偶、现有的车/想要的车、最喜欢的演员/歌手/运动员、最喜欢的《圣经》章节、一张漂亮的风景照甚至是系统默认壁纸。

    Their wallpaper may be of their pet , selfie , parents , children , partner , current car / dream car , favorite actor / singer / sportsperson , favorite Bible verse , a beautiful scenery or even the default wallpaper .

  3. 这个新系统不了解现有购物车的情况,因此,用cartId(或者auctionId)实现finder服务比较困难。

    This new system does not know about the existing shopping cart , and thus , it is difficult to implement the finder services with the cartId ( or the auctionId ) .

  4. 跟车理论是交通流理论的研究内容之一。在论述、分析与评价现有跟车模型的基础上.提出了新的跟车模型,并进行了检验。

    Based on the evaluating of Car-following Models , this paper puts forword a new Car-following model .

  5. 但是,仅通过改善现有内燃机车的性能来解决这一问题是很困难的。

    But it is very difficult to resolve the problem only by improving the capability of current gas engine cars .

  6. 概述了现有智能车的智能控制算法;建立了一个基于关系强化学习模型的自主驾驶系统。

    Outline the control algorithm of the existing intelligent cars and establish an Autonomous Driving System base on Relational Reinforcement Learning .

  7. 速度的提升为旅客提供了极大的便利,但同时也给现有的车地无线通信系统带来了巨大的挑战。

    The rising speed provides much convenience to passengers , but on the other hand , it also brings great challenges to the current wireless communication .

  8. 讨论了现有消防车部署要领、火灾环境特点、消防机器人功能,指出现有消防车避障能力不够。

    The deployment of key for existing fire trucks , fire environmental characteristics and functional fire-fighting robot is discussed . It is not enough the capacity of obstacle avoidance for existing fire trucks .

  9. 这种车锁在现有的车锁基础上安装一个微型常闭开关、纽扣电池以及报警蜂鸣器,并通过导线进行电路连接。

    Compared with the prior bicycle lock , the utility model is additionally provided with a micro normally closed switch , the button battery and the alarm buzzer which are in line connection by wires .

  10. 现有五辆车。

    We have five cars on hand .

  11. 我们有一部现有的小型车,十九元九毛五一天。

    We have a compact available for $ 19.95 .

  12. 对现有的内燃机车以及加入超大电容后的起动过程进行理论分析。

    Simulation research on big capacitor applied in the starting process of diesel locomotive ;

  13. 本文简单介绍了现有进口探伤车上探轮的工作原理及其局限性;

    The paper introduces the working rationale and its limitation of wheel detectors used in existing imported rail flaw inspection car .

  14. 其次,分析了长江沿线主要省市的汽车需求状况,长江沿线重点汽车企业的现状,及长江现有经营商品车物流的三家船公司的经营现状;

    Second , it analyzes demand of automobile in the provinces near Yangtze River , the condition of several automobile manufactures near Yangtze River and the operation condition of three current companies .

  15. 文章介绍了为满足现有电控汽油车改装为清洁燃料汽车的需要而开发的一种燃气汽车空燃比闭环控制系统。

    The article introduces the close loop air / fuel ratio controlling system of gas-driven vehicles developed specially for the demand to modify the existing electronic controlling gasoline-driven vehicles into the vehicles with clean fuel .

  16. 这次收购将降低Here现有股东——德国车企奥迪(Audi)、宝马(BMW)和戴姆勒(Daimler)的持股比例。

    The purchase would reduce the shareholdings of Here 's owners , the German carmakers Audi , BMW and Daimler .