
shù jù liú fēn xī
  • data flow analysis
  1. Action演算中动作内部数据流分析方法及其实现

    Method and Implementation of Data Flow Analysis for a Single Action in Action Calculi

  2. Ambient演算的数据流分析方法及其实现

    Method and Implementation of Data Flow Analysis for Ambient Calculus

  3. 指针分析对于使用C语言编制程序的数据流分析有着重要的意义。

    Pointer analysis plays an important role in the dataflow analysis of programs which are written by C.

  4. 在语义模型之上是“控制和数据流分析API”。

    On top of the semantic model is the " Control and Data Flow Analysis APIs " .

  5. 设计并实现了基于数据流分析的Web资源访问控制原型系统,通过应用实例分析并检验了上述机制的合理性。

    A prototype system of web resource access control based on data stream analysis is developed . The rationality of mechanism is checked up in this system .

  6. 在分析与设计过程中采用了UML统一建模语言进行流程描述和数据流分析。

    In the analysis and design process using the process described in the UML Unified Modeling Language and data flow analysis .

  7. C语言程序中指针的广泛使用严重地影响了数据流分析的精确程度,从而严重地影响了程序优化和程序变换的效果。

    The extensive use of pointers in languages such as C greatly affects the accuracy of data flow analysis which further affects the result of program optimization and program transformation .

  8. 数据流分析技术能用于软件测试中的错误和异常诊断,而GAG系统是构造数据流分析技术的有用工具。

    Data Flow Analysis can be used to diagnose errors and abnormalities in software testing .

  9. 其次,对GCC抽象语法树文本进行了标准化及消除文本中与控制流分析和数据流分析无关的冗余信息。

    Secondly , the abstract syntax tree text is standardized and the redundant information unrelated to the control flow analysis and data flow analysis is eliminated .

  10. 针对Ambient演算的定义,提出了Ambient演算语法结构树的概念,并且给出一个基于Ambient语法结构树的Ambient演算的数据流分析方法及其实现。

    According to the definition of ambient calculus , we propose the concept of ambient syntactic structure tree , and introduce a data flow analysis method for ambient calculus based on the structural tree of ambient calculus and the implementation of the analysis algorithms .

  11. 本文提出了一种以交互式PASCAL程序设计环境FPE/1中的增量属性计值机制为基础的增量数据流分析方法,并给出了对循环依赖属性的计值方法。

    Based on the mechanism of incremental attribute evaluation in the interactive PASCAL programming environment FPE / 1 , an approach to incremental flow analysis and an evaluation technique for attributes with circular dependencies are presented .

  12. 软件规范中的函数调用约定指出,caller和callee都需要保存函数调用前后的程序状态。根据数据流分析和过程间分析,caller和callee会保存和恢复的程序状态有不同的分工。

    According to calling convention , caller and callee have to save and restore the corresponding registers across boundaries of procedure call , and these registers are divided into caller-save registers and callee-save registers .

  13. 介绍了静态二进制翻译系统ITA中基于控制流和数据流分析的函数返回类型恢复技术,并给出相应的实现算法。

    The technology of recover function return type in ITA binary translator , which is based on the control-flow and data-flow , was introduced , and the corresponding algorithm was also proposed .

  14. Oslo和Ometa只能定义语言的解析器,与之相比,MPS的功能更多,能定义语言的编辑器、约束、类型系统、数据流分析,还有生成器。

    Comparing with Oslo and Ometa that only allow defining parsers for languages , MPS provides additional features such as editor , constraints , type-system , data flow analysis and generator .

  15. 通过wireshark软件捕获P2P和非P2P一分钟的纯净数据流分析其流量特征和节点特征,并将这些特征作为神经网络的输入参数,结合BP算法进行仿真,验证参数在识别过程中的有效性。

    By wireshark P2P and non P2P software to capture one minute of pure data flow analysis of flow characteristics and node characteristics , and characteristics as the input parameters of the neural network with BP algorithm simulation to verify the validity of the parameters in the recognition process .

  16. 本算法对FUD链的拓展,使得数据流分析可以静态与动态相结合,弥补了编译理论中数据流分析的保守性与设计验证中覆盖评估的精确性二者间的差别。

    This idea makes it possible to do data flow analysis statically and dynamically , which is a bridge across the gap of conservatism in compiler technologies and accuracy in verification ones .

  17. 本文将软件工程中软件设计和开发的方法与FMS控制系统的研制相结合,用数据流分析(DFA)方法给出了FMS控制系统的数据流图(DFD);

    In this paper , the methods of software design and development presented in Software Engineering are used for studying FMS control sytem . At first , the DFA ( Data Flow Analysis ) method is used to give the DFD ( Data Flow Diagram ) of FMS control sysetem ;

  18. 基于格的数据流分析框架研究

    A Study of Data - flow Analysis Framework Based on Lattice

  19. 数据流分析可以检查跨越多个类的问题。

    Data flow analysis can examine problems that span multiple classes .

  20. 信息流和数据流分析在程序检测中的应用

    Information and date flow analysis and its applications in program detection

  21. 基于区域图数据流分析的通信优化算法

    A Communication Optimization Algorithm Based on Data-Flow Analysis of Region Graph

  22. 基于数据流分析的软件容错策略

    A DFA based Approach for Software Fault Tolerance WOUNDED PATIENT FLOW

  23. 并简要地介绍了所提出的需求过程间数据流分析的方法。

    The idea of demand interprocedural data flow analysis is also presented .

  24. 高速网络数据流分析的若干问题研究

    Research on Some Key Problems of High-speed Network Traffic Analysis

  25. 数据流分析在电控发动机故障诊断中的应用

    Application of Data Flow Analysis in Fault Diagnosis of Electronic Control Engine

  26. 数据流分析是一类典型的静态程序分析方法。

    Data flow analysis is a set of static program analysis techniques .

  27. 一种基于数据流分析的程序定义域自动确定方法

    A Method of Program Domain Automated Determination Based on Data Flow Analysis

  28. 用数据流分析方法检查程序信息流安全

    Data Flow Analysis for Checking Information Flow Security of Programs

  29. 基于数据流分析的测试用例自动生成技术

    An Automatic Test Data Generation Technique Based on Dataflow Analysis

  30. 增量数据流分析及其在增量程序设计环境中的应用

    Incremental flow analysis and its application in incremental programming environment