
  1. VDSL:下一代的数字用户环路技术

    VDSL : The Next Generation Digital Subscriber Loop Technology

  2. 高比特率数字用户环路技术是在光纤用户网普及之前,向用户提供宽带业务的一种过渡手段。

    The high-bit-rate digital subscriber line technology used to be a transitional means to provide subscribers with broadband sefores prior to the popularization of light-fiber subscriber networks .

  3. 数字用户环路传输技术的新发展

    The New Development of Digital Subscriber Loop Transmission Technology

  4. 本文介绍了离散多音调制的基本原理、系统的构成,以及性能特点,介绍了不对称数字用户环路的技术特点、应用前景。

    This paper present the basic principles , the system construction and the characteristics of DMT .

  5. 目前,非对称数字用户环路ADSL宽带技术倍受关注。

    Presently , Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line ( ADSL ) wideband technique is paid attention to extremely .

  6. VDSL数字用户环路接入及其关键技术

    VDSL Digital Loop Access and Key Technology

  7. 简单介绍了各种宽带接入技术,重点介绍了ADSL(非对称数字用户线环路)接入技术及其应用,并给出详细的系统设计方案。

    This paper gives a brief introduction of the main broad bandwidth IP accessing technology . It focuses on the ADSL ( Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop ) access system , and gives the system solution to ADSL in the modern distance education .