
  • 网络CNC Milling
  1. 在数控铣车床中,C轴即为绕主轴轴线(Z轴)的回转轴,在数控加工中心中,主要利用C轴的功能来实现主轴的插补运动,加工复杂的曲线、曲面。

    In CNC milling lathe , C-axis , that is the gyro shaft around the main axis ( Z axis ), and in CNC Machining Center , we always using C-axis function to achieve Interpolation movement , maching complex curves and surfaces .

  2. 重型数控铣车床是实现大型精密零部件加工的必需设备。

    The heavy and high-precision CNC milling lathe is one of the most necessary equipment in machining large precision parts .

  3. 第二部分讨论了一个具体的CAD/CAM系统&数控铣雕CAD/CAM系统的设计实现及关键问题。

    In second part , the design , implement and key issues of the CAD / CAM software for NC milling engraving are investigated .

  4. 数控铣齿机上切齿模型建立及TCA分析

    Establishment of Tooth-cutting Model on NC Machine Tool and Tooth Contact Analysis

  5. 应用西门子840D系统数控铣镗床的电气设计

    The electric design of NC boring and milling machine applied the SIEMENS 840D system

  6. HF-4数控铣镗床专用工具的研制

    Development of Special Tools for HF-4 NC Boring and Milling Machines

  7. 为加快对引进的日本产HF-4数控铣镗床功能的开发,先后研制了数控仿形扫描用仿形指和套筒等专用工具。

    In order to accelerate the function development of HF-4 NC boring and milling machines made by Japan , profiling finger , sleeve , etc special tools were developed .

  8. 本文课题来源于江苏省科技厅2003年科技攻关项目:小模数弧齿锥齿轮数控铣齿机(项目编号:BE2003031)。

    This dissertation has drawn from the project : " the Numerical Control Milling Machine Tool of Spiral Bevel Gears ", which is the tackle key problem of science and technology office of Jiangsu province in 2003 ( Item number : BE2003031 ) .

  9. 数控铣镗床滑枕下垂补偿系统

    Droop Compensation System for the Ram of A CNC Boring-milling Machine

  10. 欧式木窗数控铣榫机设计理论

    Study on Numerical Control Mill-tenon Machine for European Fashion Wood Windows

  11. 数控铣编程中的刀具补偿

    The Cutter Compensation in the Programming of the Numerical Control Milling

  12. 合理利用数控铣钻床加工管板

    Correct Operation Of Driller And Miller To Machining Pipe Plate

  13. 基于有限元分析的数控铣齿机立柱动静态设计

    FEM-Based Static & Dynamic Design of Numerical Control Gear Machining Tool Column

  14. 在螺旋锥齿轮数控铣齿机上加工斜齿圆柱齿轮

    The Generation of the Cylindrical Gears on the CNC Hypoid Cutting Machine

  15. 基于实时测量数控铣槽系统的研究

    Study on CNC Slot Milling System Based on Just-in-time Measurement

  16. 螺旋锥齿轮数控铣齿加工过程几何仿真研究

    Research on NC Gearing Geometric Simulation of Spiral Bevel and Hypoid Gears

  17. 用户子程序及宏程序在数控铣加工编程中的应用

    Applications of User Subprograms and Macroprograms in Nc Milling Programing

  18. 吹瓶模型腔数控铣加工的计算机编程

    The Programming for the NC Cavity Milling of Blow Molding

  19. 普通数控铣上螺旋锥齿轮的展成法加工

    Evolutional Method of Machining Screw Bevel Wheel on General NC Milling Machine

  20. 数控铣齿机主轴箱同步控制技术的研究

    Researches of Synchronous Control of the Gear Box of CNC Milling Machine Tool

  21. 数控铣时间和质量也有改善。

    NC milling time and quality were also improved .

  22. 在采用数控铣齿机进行弧齿锥齿轮和准双曲面齿轮的加工方面,各项研究则是刚刚开始。

    The tooth surface is mostly depends on the form of the machine .

  23. 数控铣微直线加工的算法

    Algorithm of Micro - Beeline Machining for CNC Milling

  24. 模具数控铣过切的原因与对策

    Overcut in NC milling of moulds and its solution

  25. 数控铣加工大围带弧段工艺方案探讨

    Discussion on NC Milling Process of Large Shroud Segment

  26. 专用数控铣&钻机床主轴箱计算机辅助坐标变换

    Change of Coordinates of Main Spindle Box for Special NC Milling - drilling Machine

  27. 数控铣刀具补偿及干涉的原理与应用研究

    Number control the Xian tool principle of repair and interference and application preliminary study

  28. 数控铣制三元流叶轮挖刀现象原因分析及解决方法

    Reason Analysis and Solving Method of Tool-trapping in Numerical Control Milling Three Dimensional Flow Impeller

  29. 数控铣仿真试验系统的研究

    Research on the NCM Simulation Experiment System

  30. 汽轮发电机线圈铜排数控铣孔机的研制

    Study and Practice of the CNC Machining Device for the Turbo Generator 's Coil Strip