
  1. 超高速数字用户环路(VDSL)是利用无屏蔽铜芯双绞线传输高速数字信号的新技术。

    VDSL is a new technology which transmits high-speed digital via unshielded twisted pair wire .

  2. 一线制(1-wire)技术是Dallas公司推出的一种新技术,可通过普通双绞线传输双向数据,且能够为总线上的1-wire器件提供电能。

    1-wire technique , a new technique of Dallas , can transmit both power and bidirectional data in a single twisted-wire cable , and is used in low-speed control system or the systems of multi-objects controlled .

  3. 火箭发动机测试系统前端的信号通过屏蔽双绞线传输,由于传输信号小,所以很容易受到环境噪声的干扰,EFT干扰就是其中最常见的、影响最严重的干扰。

    The front-end signals of rocket engine dynamic parameter measure system are transmited through the shielded twisted pairs . The transmission signals are little , hence they are susceptible to be disturbed by the environmental noise . EFT is one of the most common and the most serious interference .

  4. 双绞线传输在闭路电视监控系统中的应用

    Analysis of Twisted Pair Transmission Applied in CCTV Monitoring System

  5. 用五类双绞线传输视频信号的有源适配器

    An Active Adapter for Transmitting Video Signal Through Twisted Pair of Category 5

  6. 在焊接测控系统中使用双绞线传输视频信号,抗干扰能力强,传输距离远。

    Video signal in welding fields can be increased the anti-interference ability and transmitted to a long distance over twisted-pair .

  7. 传输介质方面,采用了楼宇间、楼层间光缆传输和楼内双绞线传输结合的方式实现信息传输。

    As for the transmission medium , both optical cable among buildings and twisted-pair in buildings are utilized to fulfill the information transmission .

  8. 分析了传感器接口电路常见的干扰及其影响,并讨论了滤波、屏蔽、接地、双绞线传输、隔离等抗干扰技术。

    This paper analyses usual interference and its effects , and discusses anti-interference techniques such as filtering , shielding , grounding , transmitting in twisted-pair and isolating .

  9. 火箭发动机测量系统前端的屏蔽双绞线传输毫伏级的小信号,由于现场电磁环境复杂,编织电缆之间存在严重的串扰。

    The millivolt-level small signal is transferred by braided cables in rocket engine measuring system , but as complex electromagnetic environment of the scene , there is serious crosstalk between braided cables .

  10. 基本原理为在发送端将单端的视频信号转换成差分信号并通过双绞线传输,在接收端则将差分信号转换成单端视频信号。

    The basic principle of the transmission is that single ended video signal is transformed into differential signal in driver and the differential signal is transmitted over twisted-pair and transformed back into single ended video signal in receiver .

  11. 试验结果表明,以光纤替代屏蔽双绞线作为传输介质的1773光纤数据总线能够使1553B总线系统具有更强的性能和更高的可靠性。

    The experimental results show that the 1773 data bus with fiber-optic as the transmission media instead of twisted shielded pair cable could provide higher performance and reliability .

  12. 本文首先对铜双绞线的传输特性、噪声特性、ADSL系统的技术特性、结构特点给以介绍,并详细介绍了DMT调制技术的理论知识。

    Firstly , the transmission characteristic and noise characteristic of copper wire , the technology and architecture characteristic of ADSL system are discussed in this paper . And it introduces the theory knowledge of the Multi-Tone modulation technology detailedly .

  13. 采用普通双绞线远距离传输动力、图像、双向数据的方法

    Method to Transmit Power , Video and Bi-Directional Data Through a General Twisted - Pair Power Cable

  14. 以太网是一种典型的总线型局域网络。其传输介质采用同轴电缆、双绞线,传输速率10bi/s。

    Ethernet is a kind of topical bus network , its transmission media is coaxial cable with 10 bps .

  15. 利用一根双绞线作为传输通道,主控中心使用智能控制服务器和节目源控制器等设备可以提供传输接口和实现节目源的切换调用功能。

    The central node of this distance teaching system is consisted of a smart server controller , which provides the transmission ports , and a program controller , which manages the switch of teaching programs .

  16. 利用低成本的五类双绞线作为传输基带视频信号的载体,降低了安防监控系统的安装和使用成本,同时也便于今后用跳线方法改变与增加监控点。

    The cheap twisted pair is used as a carrier to transmit the base band video signal , which reduces the installing and using costs of security surveillance system , and is convenient for using the jumper method to change and add surveillance site in future .

  17. VDSL是通过双绞线实现最后传输的接入技术,因此信道环境的仿真过程,就是双绞线信道的建模过程,所以对双绞线信道的建模尤为重要。

    VDSL is the connecting technology realizing the final transmission by the twisted-pair , so the simulating process of channel condition is the modeling process of twisted-pair channel , which shows that the modeling of twisted-pair channel is more important .

  18. 通过一条总线电缆双绞线就可传输变频器全部控制信息,适应工业控制系统的分散化、网络化、智能化发展方向。

    Only one twisted & pair bus is used to transfer all control information of in - verter , which adapts to the distribution , network and intelligentize of industrial control system .

  19. 此系统应用在野外环境下,它以通信兵架设的背负线(铜芯双绞线)为传输介质,用宽带接入设备构架成网络传输平台,实现远距离(5公里以上)的数字视频监控。

    The system used in the wild environment , it 's transmission medium is carried line ( UTP of Copper cable ) which is installed by the signal corps , using broadband access network transmission equipment framework into the platform , and achieve distance ( 5km ) figures video surveillance .

  20. 其实双绞线对局域网的传输性能影响最直接,本文剖析双绞线的测试与识别、线序与连接、常见故障。

    In fact the Twist-Pair influence on the transmission function of Local-Area Network most direct , this paper analysis Twist-Pair test and identify , line order and connection , familiar trouble .

  21. 分析了传统的双绞线在实现数字传输技术中的难点和缺点,提出了采用时间压缩复用和回波抵消技术的新的全双工数字传输技术。

    This paper analyses the difficulty and disadvantage of the traditional twisted-pair applied in digital-transmitted technology and puts forward to the new digital-transmitted technology about full duplex adopting the time-compessed-multiplexed and echo-cancellation .

  22. 本文对长双绞线上电信号传输的相关技术作了透彻的研究,比较分析各种调制和编码方法,并在此基础上建立一套灵活高效的实验系统。

    In this thesis we we have thoroughly studied the related technologies by comparing and analyzing each kind of modulation and coding method , and have established a highly effective experimental system in this foundation .

  23. 在本课题智能化门禁系统中,由于采用了CAN现场总线技术,较好地解决了在低成本传输介质(双绞线)条件下传输距离、节点数量和传输时间之间的矛盾,达到了预期的目标。

    Hi this subject on intelligent gate system , the contradiction among transmission distance , quantity of node and transmission time under the condition of low-cost transmission media will be solved , so that the anticipative target will be achieved , thanks to the CAN technology .

  24. 通常是通过双绞线实现,双绞线对于传输话音数据是足够的,但是对于像Internet这种网络的高带宽要求就显得力不从心了。

    Traditionally this connection is a twisted pair of copper wires , which is adequate for telephone calls , but the wide scale introduction of the Internet is placing higher bandwidth demands on the entire network .