
  • 网络two-way referral system
  1. 深圳市宝安区双向转诊制度实施现状分析

    Analysis of Situation of Implementation of Two-way Referral System in Baoan District in Shenzhen

  2. 社区卫生服务机构与医院双向转诊制度有效运作的探讨

    Investigation on the Effective Operation of Two-way Referral System between Community Health Service Institutions and Hospitals

  3. 推行双向转诊制度合理利用卫生资源

    Carry out two-way transfer treatment system to reasonable utilize health resources

  4. 社区与医院双向转诊制度的建立和服务的开展

    The establishment and practice of the community-hospital bi-directional trans-hospital system

  5. 国外双向转诊制度对我军基层卫生服务工作的启示

    Enlightenment from Foreign Transfer System on Military Medical Services

  6. 双向转诊制度问题探讨

    A Discussion of Referral Constitution Problem

  7. 随着社区医疗服务的深入发展,双向转诊制度在中国应运而生。

    Along with the in-depth development of community health services , two-way referral emerged in China .

  8. 双向转诊制度被认为是搞活社区卫生服务的关键。

    Two-way transfer treatment system is treated as the key point to vitalize community health service .

  9. 探索双向转诊制度模式破解社区卫生服务发展瓶颈

    Investigating the Mode of the Dual Referral System , Solving the Bottleneck of Community Health Services Development

  10. 建立双向转诊制度的为43.6%;为居民定期体检的仅占21.8%;

    43.6 % of them set up a bi direction referral service , regular physical checking is 21.8 % ;

  11. 本文通过介绍国外双向转诊制度中的经验,提出了加强我军基层卫生服务的建议。

    The article introduced the management experience of foreign transfer system and put forward some advices to promote military medical services .

  12. 出现这些问题的原因可能与国内首诊制度没有建立、先行双向转诊制度仍存在一些问题有关。

    The reasons might be the absence of the first-visit system and existing problems in the two-way referral system in China .

  13. 建立和完善社区首诊制和双向转诊制度,引导就医居民合理流向,充分利用社区卫生机构基础设施和设备。

    Building the first touch and bidirectional referral system , leading the hospitalized flow of residents , enough utilize resources of community .

  14. 目的:深入分析影响病人转诊意愿的影响因素,为完善双向转诊制度提供参考。

    Objective analyzing the influencing factors on the dual referral will of patients to provide information for perfecting the dual referral system .

  15. 双向转诊制度是社区卫生服务机构得以实现自身功能的重要途径,它能促使社会医疗资源被更合理的分配和利用。

    Two-way referral can promote community health services to realize their own functions and lets social medical resources to be used more reasonable .

  16. 结果建立了一系列与社区卫生服务双向转诊制度相关的各项规章制度,并运行良好。

    Results A set of bylaws concerning the dual referral system of the community health care service was set up and functioned well .

  17. 探讨双向转诊制度在实际运行中面临的问题,并针对这些问题提出了具体的建议和措施,希望能有助于双向转诊制度的实施和发展。

    This article analyzed the mam problems faced by the referral constitution and brought the suggestion to deal with them , which may be helpful to the development of referral constitution .

  18. 2上转、下转原因构成与转诊指南要求相符合。3.双向转诊制度对节约卫生服务对象就医费用及就诊时间均有积极作用4.卫生服务对象对双向转诊制度的满意度上升了8.3%。

    Turn of reasons consistent with the referral requirements in the guidelines 4.Two-way referral system to save costs and seek medical treatment and health services have an active role in visiting time 5 .

  19. 结论社区卫生服务机构通过提供社会心理生物模式的全科医疗服务、健康教育、与三级医院建立双向转诊制度等方法,改变患者的就医模式是有效和可行的。

    Conclusion It is effective and viable for community health service institutions to change patients ' health service seeking patterns through providing social-psychological-biological community medical services , enhancing health education and setting up a two-way referral system with third-tier hospitals .

  20. 有一个可以双向可调的接点以增加钳口的开口度的钳子。住院患者对双向转诊制度认知和认同感的调查研究

    Pliers with a joint adjustable to two positions in order to increase the opening of the jaws . Knowledge and Identification of Inpatients on Two-way Referral System