
  • 网络harmful use
  1. 如何减轻有害使用酒精造成的负担

    Ways to reduce the burden from harmful use of alcohol

  2. 问:有害使用酒精是一个公共卫生问题吗?

    Q : Is harmful use of alcohol a public health problem ?

  3. 关于有害使用酒精的项目也是如此。

    This is true for the harmful use of alcohol .

  4. 有害使用酒精(实施者和受害者)

    Harmful use of alcohol ( perpetrators and victims );

  5. 针对危险和有害使用酒精广泛实施筛查规划和简短干预措施。

    Implementing screening programmes and brief interventions for hazardous and harmful use of alcohol .

  6. 目前对于酒精相关疾病的估计只是部分地显示有害使用酒精的影响。

    Current estimates of alcohol-related diseases only partly reveal the impact of harmful alcohol use .

  7. 有害使用酒精对社会造成了深刻影响。

    Thus , the impact of the harmful use of alcohol reaches deep into society .

  8. 你们将审议的一份报告涉及减少有害使用酒精的战略。

    You will consider a report on strategies to reduce the harmful use of alcohol .

  9. 有害使用酒精、饮食不良和缺乏身体活动是其它的主要高危因素。

    Harmful alcohol use , poor diet and physical inactivity are other main risk factors .

  10. 大会就有害使用酒精引起的公共卫生问题开展了长时间的讨论。

    The Assembly held lengthy discussions on public-health problems caused by the harmful use of alcohol .

  11. 又例如久坐不动的行为、吸烟以及有害使用酒精和其它物质。

    Like sedentary behaviour , smoking , and the harmful use of alcohol and other substances .

  12. 有害使用酒精是一项损害个人和社会发展的全球性问题。

    The harmful use of alcohol is a global problem which compromises both individual and social development .

  13. 确定在全球范围内减少有害使用酒精的重点领域和实施计划;

    Elaborate priority areas and implementation plans for reducing the harmful use of alcohol at the global level ;

  14. 该决议敦促各国加强本国为应对有害使用酒精造成的公共卫生问题而采取的应对措施。

    The resolution urged countries to strengthen national responses to public health problems caused by the harmful use of alcohol .

  15. 这些疾病有四个共同危险因素:烟草使用、缺乏运动、有害使用酒精以及不健康饮食。

    They share four risk factors : tobacco use , physical inactivity , the harmful use of alcohol and unhealthy diets .

  16. 正如你们一些人指出的那样,为减少有害使用酒精的全球战略是一个真正的突破。

    As several of you noted , the global strategy for reducing the harmful use of alcohol is a true breakthrough .

  17. 累积证据表明有害使用酒精与艾滋病毒/艾滋病和结核病等传染病之间有关联。

    Accumulating evidence suggests a link between harmful use of alcohol and such infectious diseases as HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis .

  18. 世界卫生大会于2010年通过了一项决议,批准了减少有害使用酒精全球战略。

    In2010 , the World Health Assembly approved a resolution to endorse a global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol .

  19. 有害使用酒精的风险程度随消费者的年龄、性别和其它生物特征而有所不同。

    The degree of risk for harmful use of alcohol varies with age , sex and other biological characteristics of the consumer .

  20. 要求世卫组织在2010年向世界卫生大会提交一项关于减少有害使用酒精的全球战略草案;

    Called upon WHO to present at the World Health Assembly in2010 a draft global strategy to reduce harmful use of alcohol ;

  21. 发起减少有害使用酒精全球战略的世卫组织国家对口实施单位全球网络;

    Inaugurate the global network of WHO national counterparts for implementation of the global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol ;

  22. 你们将在城市化和有害使用酒精项目下处理慢性非传染性疾病应对之道。

    You will be addressing components of the response to NCDs in your items on urbanization and the harmful use of alcohol .

  23. 我们知道,有害使用酒精和不健康饮食是这些疾病四个主要危险因素中的两个。

    We know that the harmful use of alcohol and unhealthy diets are two of the four risk factors for these diseases .

  24. 大会还通过了一项决议,要求世卫组织审查有害使用酒精引起的公共卫生问题。

    The Assembly has adopted a resolution calling on WHO to examine public health problems caused by the harmful use of alcohol .

  25. 烟草使用、缺乏运动、不健康饮食以及有害使用酒精会增加罹患大多数非传染性疾病的风险,或者导致发病。

    Tobacco use , physical inactivity , unhealthy diet and the harmful use of alcohol increase the risk of or cause most NCDs .

  26. 战略旨在提高关于有害使用酒精所造成问题的认识并帮助各国更好地预防和减少此类危害。

    The strategy aims to raise awareness on the problems of harmful alcohol use and help countries to better prevent and reduce such harm .

  27. 该战略发出了一个强烈的信息:各国愿意共同努力,针对有害使用酒精采取强硬立场。

    The strategy sends a powerful message : countries are willing to work together to take a tough stand against the harmful use of alcohol .

  28. 有害使用酒精定义为过量饮酒以至于对健康造成损害,并常常包括不良的社会后果。

    Harmful use of alcohol is defined as excessive use to the point that it causes damage to health and often includes adverse social consequences .

  29. 有害使用酒精还与若干传染病,如艾滋病毒/艾滋病、结核病和性传播感染等有关。

    The harmful use of alcohol is also associated with several infectious diseases like HIV / AIDS , tuberculosis and sexually transmitted infections ( STIs ) .

  30. 心脏病和中风的最重要行为危险因素是不健康的饮食、缺乏身体活动、使用烟草和有害使用酒精。

    The most important behavioural risk factors of heart disease and stroke are unhealthy diet , physical inactivity , tobacco use and harmful use of alcohol .