
  • 网络fluorinated polymer
  1. 本文主要概述了有机氟聚合物在涂料应用方面的新进展。

    Along with the advance of science and technology , fluorinated polymers have aroused ever increasing attention from scientists .

  2. 本文对有特殊性能的有机氟聚合物材料、纳米材料和仿生无机材料在石质文物保护中的探索研究进行了介绍,表明它们是很有潜力的新型石质文物保护材料。

    After discussing the exploring research of the organic fluorinated polymeric materials , nanoparticle materials and biomimetic inorganic materials having specific characteristics in stone conservation , it showed that they are the new potential protecting materials .

  3. 甲基丙烯酸2,2,2-三氟乙酯是一种重要的有机含氟聚合物单体,具有独特的物化性质,被广泛应用于涂料、光学纤维和接触镜片等领域。

    2,2,2 - Trifluoroethyl methacrylate is an important organism with the polymeric of fluoride . Because of its special property , it has been widely used as dope , optical fibres and contact lenses , etc.