
  • 网络silicone monomer
  1. 丙烯酸酯单体主要影响到乳液的固含量、最低成膜温度(MFT)以及涂膜的玻璃化转变温度(Tg),有机硅单体主要影响涂膜的吸水率等;

    The acrylic monomers mainly influence the solid content , Minimum Film Formation Temperature ( MFT ) of the emulsion and the Glass Transition Temperature ( Tg ) of the film . The organic silicone monomer mainly influences the water absorption of the film .

  2. 先将乙烯基有机硅单体及环状有机硅单体在碱催化下,合成有机硅预聚体,再与丙烯酸酯进行共聚制得硅丙乳液及其建筑涂料。

    The silicone-acrylate emulsion and architectural coating were prepared with acrylate and silicone intermediate which was synthesized by vinyl group silicone monomer and cyclo-form silicone monomer .

  3. IR分析表明,产物确为丙烯酸酯单体与有机硅单体共聚而成。

    IR analysis shows that product is a silicone acrylate monomer copolymerization .

  4. 本文主要研究以高级脂肪醇与有机硅单体为主要原材料,通过酯化、磺化及乳化缩聚而制成FS-S系列柔软剂的机理及应用效果。

    Based on higher fatty alcohol and organic silicon monomer , FS-S range softening agents can be prepared by esterification , sulfonation , emulsification and polycondensation . The principle of above-mentioned reactions and application of FS-S are discussed in this paper .

  5. 有机硅单体用量在3%最佳。

    Organosilicon monomer amount is used in 3 % best .

  6. 八甲基环四硅氧烷与氨取代基有机硅单体的共聚动力学I聚合机理与动力学模型

    Copolymerization Kinetics of Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane and Amio-silicone Monomer ⅰ Polymerization Mechanism and Kinetic Model

  7. 我国有机硅单体的生产及工艺分析

    Production and technics analysis of organosilicon monomer in China

  8. 八甲基环四硅氧烷/氨基取代有机硅单体的本体阴离子共聚动力学

    Bulk Anion-copolymerization Kinetics of Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane and Amino-silicone Monomer

  9. 有机硅单体合成工艺的研究进展

    Advances in synthetic technology of organosilicon monomer

  10. 有机硅单体合成流化床的多相流模拟与流化特性研究

    Study on the Fluidization Characteristics of the Fluidized Bed Used in the Synthesis of Organosilicon Monomer

  11. 用含不饱和双键有机硅单体与丙烯酸酯单体共聚,制备高性能的改性丙烯酸酯乳液。

    Modified acrylate emulsion with high performance was prepared by vinyl organosilicon and acrylate monomer through copolymerization .

  12. 有机硅单体种类、用量和加入方式对丙烯酸酯乳液涂膜性能的影响

    Types of Organic Silicon Monomer , and Adding the Amount of Acrylic Emulsion on the Film Properties

  13. 如用阻碍性的有机硅单体进行普通乳液聚合反应,涂料的固化时间长,不能充分发挥有机硅的改性作用。

    The use of hindering organosilicon in the emulsion polymerization causes the long solidification time of the coatings .

  14. 研究了有机硅单体与丙烯酸类单体的乳液聚合反应,制备出高性能的改性丙烯酸酯乳液。

    The emulsion polymerization of organic silicone monomers and acrylic monomers is studied and modified acrylate emulsion of high performance is prepared .

  15. 近年来关于细乳液聚合的研究大多侧重于乙烯类单体的自由基聚合,而有关八甲基环四硅氧烷(D4)及功能性有机硅单体的离子型细乳液聚合的报道很少。

    Up to the present most researches of miniemulsion polymerization focus on radical reactions while few has been done on D4 anionic ring-opening miniemulsion polymerization .

  16. 本文研究了有机硅单体γ-甲基丙烯酰氧基丙基三乙氧基硅烷与丙烯酸类单体的乳液聚合反应,制备出高性能的有机硅改性丙烯酸酯乳液。

    Study was made of emulsion polymerization of organic silicone monomers 3 - ( triethoxysilyl ) propylmethacrylatewith acrylic monomers and high performance silicone-modified acrylate emulsion was prepared .

  17. 研究表明,有机硅单体的最佳用量为3%,过量的有机硅会导致材料结构缺陷,从而影响粘接强度。

    The result showed that the proper dosage of the silane was3 % , the excessive amount of silane will lead to structural defects of the material , so the adhesion strength decreased .

  18. 讨论了聚合机理,研究了聚合条件、有机硅单体含量、乙烯基硅氧烷含量、相容剂含量对乳液性能以及填料用量和细度对涂层性能的影响。

    Copolymerization mechanism was discussed and studied were influence of copolymerization condition , content of siloxane , vinyl siloxane and compatibilizer on emulsion properties and influence of filler content and fineness on coating film properties .

  19. 在壳层单体加入少量有机硅单体,对苯丙乳液进行改性,可以大幅度提高其涂膜耐水性能,但是容易引起凝胶率的增大。

    The research indicated that increases the organosilicon monomer in the emulsion , carries on the modification to the styrene-acrylate emulsion , may enhance its paint film water resistant performance large scale . But it is easy to cause gelatin rate enlargement .

  20. 分析了丙烯酸酯乳胶粒子的类型,壳层中交联单体、有机氟单体、有机硅单体等掺量和核壳乳液聚合中可聚合乳化剂用量对丙烯酸酯外墙乳胶涂料耐沾污性的影响。

    The effect of acrylate latex particle type , quantity of cross-linking monomer , organo-fluorine monomer and organosilicon monomer mixed into the shell , dosage of polymerisable emulsifier in polymerization of core-shell emulsion on stain resistance of acrylate emulsion coating for exterior wall are analyzed .

  21. 本论文研究了复合乳化剂体系、引发剂、有机硅单体与丙烯酸酯单体、反应温度及搅拌强度等因素对有机硅改性丙烯酸酯共聚乳液的聚合过程及产品质量的影响。

    In this paper , many influence factors of polymerization process and product properties of organic silicone modified acrylic ester emulsion are studied , such as complex emulsifier systems , initiator , organic silicone monomer and acrylic ester monomers , reaction temperature and stirring intensity and so on .

  22. 研究了有机硅功能单体用量以及丙烯酸交联单体对乳液性能的影响。

    This paper discussed the influence of silane contents and functional acrylic monomer on property of emulsion .

  23. 研究了有机硅氧烷单体的种类、用量和添加方式以及水解抑制剂用量、体系的pH值、复合乳化剂的配比对自交联型有机硅氧烷改性丙烯酸乳液稳定性的影响并揭示其规律。

    The effect of species , level and procedure of adding organic siloxane , content of hydrolyzation inhibiter , pH value and partition of composite emulsifier between nucleus and shell on the stability of acrylate emulsion was studied .

  24. 选择了封端聚醚、两性磷酸酯盐、特种非离子表面活性剂、高分子聚醚和改性有机硅聚醚等单体复配成HDG-2146涤纶FDY油剂,并与德国L-143WS/B油剂、日本F-1048油剂进行了对比。

    HDG-2146 PET FDY spinning finish was built from terminated polyether , amphoteric phosphate , spe - cific non-ionic surfactant , high-molecular weight polyether and modified silicone polyether .

  25. 采用有机硅和丙烯酸酯单体共聚的方法制备了有机硅改性的丙烯酸酯乳液。

    An emulsion was synthesized by copolymerized from siloxane and acrylic monomer .

  26. 使用含异丙氧基的阻碍性有机硅氧烷单体可提高乳液聚合的稳定性、增加有机硅氧烷的用量、改善涂膜性能。

    When hinder organic silicone monomer with isopropoxy was used , organic silicone level , emulsion stability and film performance could be improved .

  27. 在水性羟基丙烯酸树脂的合成中引入有机硅氧烷单体进行改性,以提高水性双组分丙烯酸聚氨酯木器涂料的耐水、耐溶剂等涂膜性能。

    These factors include such parameters as the acrylate monomer type , the organic siloxane monomer type , the acid value of the resin , the hydroxy c.

  28. 有机硅产品包括有机硅单体和聚合物。

    Organic silicone products include organic silicone monomer and polymer .

  29. 研究了有机硅及有机氟单体的种类、改性方法、改性单体加入量等因素对乳液性能的影响。

    The effect of the type of organ-silicon and organ-fluorine monomers , the amount of the monomers used and the methods administrated on the properties of the acrylic emulsion is studied in detail .

  30. 利用含有碳碳双键的有机硅氧烷与其他有机硅单体聚合,制得聚硅氧烷乳液;

    At first , polysiloxane emulsion was synthesized by polymerization with organosiloxane contained carbon-carbon double bond and uther organosiloxane monomers .