
  1. 小说不再是与治世化民无关的小道,而能够与经史并论,在学术文化教育结构中据显要的地位。

    Novel became important in academic cultural style .

  2. 以德治国包括行德政而治国和施德教而化民两个内涵。

    Running a country with morality has two connotations : rule the country with moral administration and guide people with moral instructions .

  3. 中国古代不仅注重学校教育,尤其注重社会道德教育,如礼乐化民的道德教育传统,以圣贤人格率先垂范的权威道德伦理或曰模范道德伦理,至今仍极具启发性,值得人们借鉴取法。

    At present , the tradition of moral education of teaching the people through Etiquette and Music and the exemplary moral standard of saints make us inspired greatly and deserve emulation .

  4. 本文就航空发动机产业发展中的市场、高技术与产业化、民与军、集团化等问题作了探讨。

    Abstract In this paper it is discussed how to deal with matters related to the market , high technology , civil and military production , industrialization and grouping in the aeroengine industry .

  5. 农民工半市民化与后市民化衔接机制研究与新农合衔接后的农村医疗救助方案测算研究

    The Carryover from Semi-citizenship to Post-citizenship ; Calculation of Medical Aid Scheme linked to New Rural Cooperative Medical System

  6. 我国仲裁机构行政化与仲裁民同性的特征不符,应当恢复仲裁民间性的特征。

    The administration in the arbitral authority of China does not ac-cord with the folk character of arbitration , so we should resume the folk character of arbitration .

  7. 欲化农民,先农民化对高校村官教育的启示

    The Inspiration from " To Be Peasants , Being Peasants " to the Cultivation of Village Officials in Colleges

  8. 故事化、模糊化、民本化:1990年代以来新闻叙事的范式转换

    Narrative , Obscured , People-oriented : The Paradigm Shift of News Narration since 1990 's

  9. 大众文化以其强势的技术化视听冲击力、娱乐化的内容和平民化风格有效地解构着精英知识分子的文化壁垒。

    Mass culture , with its impact of audiovisual power , recreational contents and popularized style , has been deconstructing the cultural bulwark guarded by elite intellectuals .

  10. 平民化的自由人格呈现五个方面的特征;培养平化民化的自由人格有三条基本途径;

    It has five characteristics and three basic cultivating ways .