
  1. 兴安盟中考化学实验操作考试的研究

    Study of the Middle School Chemistry Experimental Examination in Xing'an League

  2. 化学实验操作与学生动手能力培养

    Chemical Experiments ' Operation and Students ' Abilities ' Fostering

  3. 高师化学实验操作规范化能力和习惯培养与研究

    On Standardization of Chemistry Laboratory Practice in Teachers Colleges

  4. 论培养学生化学实验操作技能的基本方法

    On Basic Methods of Developing Students ' Operating Skills in Doing Chemical Experiment

  5. 化学实验操作规范多媒体教学课件的初步设计

    Design of Multimedia Courseware for Chemistry Experiment Operating Rules

  6. 技能②:化学实验操作技能。

    Skill two : chemistry experiment operating skills .

  7. 化学实验操作技能测量与评价的方法浅析

    Analysis On the Approaches to the Measurement and Evaluation of the Operational Skills in Chemistry Experiment

  8. 化学实验操作技能的测量与评价应根据不同目的与不同学习水平要求,选择和设计不同的方法。

    The measurement and evaluation of operational skills in chemistry experiment should choose and design different approaches according to the requirement of the different purposes and different learning levels .

  9. 接着采用档案袋评价的形式对高二学生从情感领域、知识能力、化学实验操作等方面进行发展性评价的实践。

    Then the author adopts the portfolio evaluation and practices the development evaluation on the high school students of senior 2 in emotion field , knowledge and ability , chemical experimental operation .

  10. 本文介绍了用多媒体技术开发化学实验操作规范教学课件的设计思想、开发策略、系统组成和功能,并阐述了课件制作过程中的关键技术。

    The paper introduces the design idea , development strategies and ways of multimedia courseware for making chemistry experiment operating rules . The function and the key technique of the courseware are described , too .

  11. 文章的第二部分是初中化学实验操作的含义与基本内容,主要是从化学实验操作技能的含义和初中课程中化学实验操作技能的内容两方面进行阐述。

    Part two of this article is junior high school chemistry experimental operation of meaning and basic content , mainly from the chemical experimental operation skills meaning and the middle course in chemistry experiment operation skills content two aspects .

  12. 化学实验教学操作方法改进研究

    Research on Improving the Methods of Experiment Teaching Operation

  13. 在化学实验中,操作和滴加试剂顺序的先后,对实验的成功有着至关重要的作用。

    In the chemical experiment , the operation and the instillment reagent order 's priority , has the very important function to experiment 's success .

  14. 用建构主义思想促进学生认知结构的发展&从中学化学实验一个具体操作谈起

    Accelerating the Students ' Development of Cognition with the Theory of Constructionism

  15. 在该部分先比较了中外高中化学实验体系、实验操作、实验仪器的不同,然后分析了实验过程、科学方法训练上的不同。

    First , compare the difference of experimental system , experimental operation , experimental apparatus of Chinese and Foreign high school chemistry textbooks . Then , analyse the difference of experimental processs and the training of scientific methods .