
háng zhōu
  • Hangzhou;Hangzhou(Hangchow)
杭州 [háng zhōu]
  • [Hangzhou(Hangchow)] 中国东部浙江省濒杭州湾的港市,浙江省省会,中国六大古都之名,是历史文化名城和著名风景区

杭州[háng zhōu]
  1. 杭州是世界上最美丽的城市之一。

    Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities in the world .

  2. 他们改道去杭州了。

    They changed their route and went to Hangzhou .

  3. 提起杭州,人们就联想到西湖。

    People always associate Hangzhou with the West Lake .

  4. 我在杭州停了五天。

    I stopped over at Hangzhou for five days .

  5. 你什么时候要离开上海去杭州?

    When will you leave Shanghai for hangzhou ?

  6. 杭州以其美丽的风景著名。

    Hangzhou is celebrated for its beautiful scenery .

  7. 杭州以西湖著称于世。

    Hangzhou is world-famous for its west lake .

  8. 他明天回杭州去。

    He will return to Hangzhou tomorrow .

  9. 上海、南京、无锡和杭州都是中国的名胜。

    Shanghai , nanjing , wuxi and Hangzhou are all places of great interest in china .

  10. 他的办公室位于浙江省杭州市大学象山校区。

    His office is located at the Xiangshan campus of the university in Hangzhou , Zhejiang Province .

  11. 西湖位于浙江省杭州市。

    The West Lake lies in Hangzhou , Zhejiang Province .

  12. 就读于浙江杭州恩特尔外国语学校,14岁就有折纸天赋。

    The 14-year-old has origami talent at Hangzhou Entel Foreign Language School , Zhejiang .

  13. 出生在浙江杭州的马云从小就很快乐。

    Born in Hangzhou , Zhejiang , Ma grew up as a happy kid .

  14. 四年后,包括马云、他的妻子和他的朋友在内的18人在杭州创立了阿里巴巴。

    Four years later , 18 people including Ma , his wife and his friends founded Alibaba in Hangzhou .

  15. 为了保障9月份G20峰会期间的蓝天,主办城市浙江省杭州市以及周边区域近期发布了防治空气污染的规划。

    To ensure blue skies during September 's G20 Summit , host city Hangzhou , Zhejiang province , and surrounding regions recently released plans to restrict air pollution .

  16. 杭州市政府的规划包括关闭几家化工企业。

    The city government 's plan includes the closure of several chemical enterprises .

  17. 你曾经去过杭州吗?

    Have you ever been to hangzhou ?

  18. 该市规定,杭州包尔得有机硅公司必须在8月中旬关闭并搬迁。

    It ordered that by mid-August , Hangzhou Bald Silicon1 must be closed and relocated .

  19. 此次大桥垮塌事故是自去年7月以来全国范围内发生的第六起,前两次分别发生在北京和杭州。

    It is the sixth major bridge collapse1 across the country since July last year , following one in Beijing and another in the eastern city of Hangzhou .

  20. 因为一段成功阻止杭州市某个交通繁忙十字路口的(地陷)惨剧的视频,浙江省杭州市40岁的交通协警礼为奇最近成了家喻户晓的人物。

    Li Weiqi , a 40-year-old auxiliary1 traffic police officer in Hangzhou , Zhejiang province , has become a household name after a surveillance video was broadcast showing how he prevented what might have been a major tragedy last week at a busy intersection2 in the city .

  21. GPS技术在杭州湾跨海大桥首级控制网测量中的应用

    The primary level GPS control surveying and crucial technology of the Hangzhou Bay Major Bridge

  22. 基于GIS的杭州市居民区土壤重金属污染现状及空间分异研究

    GIS-Assisted Assessment and Spatial Variation of Heavy Metal Pollution in Soils of Residential Areas of Hangzhou City

  23. 用BP网络预测杭州西湖富营养化的短期变化趋势

    Application of BP Neural Network to Predict the Short Term Trend of Eutrophication in West Lake

  24. 论文的最后部分中,作者将GECapital和杭州轴承厂两家企业在兼并中的成功经验和失败教训进行了对比分析,从实证角度证明文化整合的重要性及应当注意的几个关键点。

    In the end of the article , the author contrasts the success experience of GE Capital and the lessons of Hangzhou Bearing Factory .

  25. 主要包括了风景旅游城市杭州会议旅游发展模式分析和桂林市会议旅游发展SWOT分析。

    Including development pattern of conference tourism about Hang zhou , SWOT analysis on conference tourism of Guilin .

  26. 用超细玻璃纤维滤膜采集杭州市某道路上机动车排放的苯并(a)芘,经超声萃取,高速离心后直接进HPLC分析。

    The benz ( a ) pyrene discharged by vehicles was collected by air samplers with glass fiber filters , then analyzed by HPLC after supersonic extraction and clarification by centrifuge .

  27. 杭州湾跨海大桥70m箱梁预制、运输及架设的关键技术

    Key Technology of Precast , Transport and Erecting for 70m Box Girder in Hangzhou Bay Sea-Crossing Bridge

  28. 基于GIS和在线电子地图,我们对公交网络系统进行了一定的相关应用研究(主要以杭州为例)。

    Based GIS and on-line electronic map , we have done some related applications of public transport network ( Taking Hangzhou as an example ) . according by writing data conversion software , we get data entry to the database .

  29. 与高精度方法相比,采用Airy波浪运动理论在杭州湾地区计算所得的加速度误差在5%以内;

    The difference between the acceleration calculated by the Airy Theory and the highly accuracy method is with in 5 % for Hangzhou Bay .

  30. 更多的毕业生纷纷涌入“新一线城市”,诸如东部城市杭州,其在9月份举办了G20峰会。

    More graduates are flocking to the " new first-tier cities , " such as the eastern city of Hangzhou , where the G20 summit was held in early September .