
  1. 提出了智能化剑杆织机的概念和智能化剑杆织机的解决方案。

    The concept and settling scheme for intelligent rapier loom are put forward .

  2. 智能化剑杆织机的信息管理与服务

    The Information Management and Service for Intelligent Rapier Loom

  3. 智能化剑杆织机具有产品质量高、品种适应性强、自动化程度高的优点,是剑杆织机发展的主要方向。

    Intelligent rapier loom has advantages , such as high quality products , good adaptability for products and high automaticity .

  4. 来自退伍军人权益组织“化剑为犁”在2016年3月的一份报告中汇编的数据,这一比例几乎是2002年至2013年期间获得不完全光荣退役的所有服役人员比例的1.5倍。

    That 's nearly one and a half times more than the percentage of overall service members who received less-than-fully-honorable discharges from 2002 to 2013 , according to data compiled in a March 2016 report by Swords to Plowshares , a veterans advocacy group .

  5. 人口老龄化是把双刃剑,对河南省经济发展带来负面影响的同时也为我省经济发展带来了机遇。

    It will have a negative impact on the economic development of Henan Province ; however , it also will bring opportunities for the economic development .