
  1. 建设高素质干部队伍应做好四个一

    Four Basic Ones in Building A Contingent of High-quality Carders

  2. 士兵们从左起四个一组大声报数。

    The soldiers counted off from the left by four .

  3. 三峡工程建设与四个一水电开发理念

    Construction of Three Gorges project and the scientific developing idea on hydroelectric development

  4. 四个一组四个人或项目为一组。

    A set of four persons or items .

  5. 四个一组之物四个(人或物)一组,如音乐四重奏,四缸发动机等。

    Something having four parts , units , or members , such as a musical quartet or a four-cylinder engine .

  6. 在四个一级指标下面又设了二级指标,从而对一级指标从定性和定量两方面进行了深入的分析。

    At the four level indicators located below the secondary indexes , to analyze thefirst – levelindicators from both the qualitative and quantitative aspects .

  7. 本文采用德尔菲法由专家小组对指标进行层层筛选,构建了由四个一级指标、十个二级指标组成的品牌拥挤度评价指标体系。

    The expert team selects 4 level-1 and 10 level-2 factors from the 20s to form a brand congestion evaluation index system by the use of Delphi method .

  8. 激励效能模型包括满意感、组织公民行为、任务绩效、周边绩效四个一阶效能指标和总体绩效一个二阶效能指标。

    The model of motivation effectiveness included four one-rank effectiveness indicators of satisfaction , organizational citizenship behavior , task performance , contextual performance and one two-rank effectiveness indicator of total performance .

  9. 根据地面地质与物探资料,在盆地内划出北部羌塘坳陷区、中央潜伏隆起区、南部羌塘坳陷区和东北缘斜坡四个一级单元、七个二级单元。

    Based on the combination of surface geological data and geophysical data , the basic framework of Qiangtang basin can be subdivided into four primary units , seven secondary units and a few third units .

  10. 自然条件、基础设施、社会环境、经济环境、运动休闲产业发展水平、法律法规因素、金融因素、科教因素等四个一级指标。

    Natural conditions , infrastructure , social , environmental , economic , environmental , sports and leisure industry standards , laws and regulations of the factors , financial factors , and educational factors and other four-level indicators .

  11. 文章通过山西省5年期间科技进步统计检测指标位次,进一步分析了科技进步统计监测体系的四个一级指标。

    Through expounding some statistical and monitoring indexes and orders of lhe sci-tech progress in Shanxi Province in period of 1998 ~ 2003 , this paper further analyzes on four primary indexes of the statistical and monitoring system of the sci-tech progress .

  12. 从松辽盆地形成与发育过程中的沉积和构造演化特征出发,将盆地划分为四个一级构造带:西部主断拗褶带;

    In the light of evolutionary characteristics of deposition and structures in the course of ItS formation and development , the basin is divided into 4 structural zones of the 1st order : the main fault bending zone in the western part ;

  13. 对我国民营企业家进行综合评价是一个具有理论和现实意义的问题,本文试图建立一个带有四个一级指标和若干分指标的综合评价指标体系对其进行评价。

    It is a problem of both theoretical and realistic significance to evaluate the private entrepreneurs of our country , this paper attempts to establish a synthetic evaluation system that includes 4 first level indexes and some sub indexes to evaluate the private entrepreneurs .

  14. 本文主要工作有四个,一是TTS系统视频采集部分测试,二是TTS系统测速模块测试,三是TTS系统用户界面测试,四是TTS系统测速模块算法的改进。

    There were four works in the paper . One is test of TTS system video collection part , the second is test of TTS system detect speed module , the third is test of TTS system user interface , the forth is detect speed module algorithm improvement .

  15. 一次演进表示通过生命周期的所有四个阶段一次。

    An evolution represents one pass through all four phases of the lifecycle .

  16. 直至现在,您需要考虑四个胶囊一天获得理想水平的锯棕榈。

    Until now you needed to take four capsules a day to get the ideal levels of saw palmetto .

  17. 肿瘤专科医院核心竞争力主要体现在四个方面一是肿瘤专科医院的核心价值观;

    The core competency of tumor hospitals includes following four aspects : First , tumor hospitals ' core value perspective ;

  18. 他的哮喘发作次数越来越少,从以前每三、四个月一次,减少到一年仅约两次。

    His asthma attacks have become less frequent , from once every three or four months to only about twice a year .

  19. 杰克·斯派洛:我为什么应该告诉你们啊?要知道你们四个有一个算一个,过去都曾想过要杀我。

    Jack Sparrow : Why should I sail with any of you ? Four of you have tried to kill me in the past .

  20. 第四个是一个人相信自己的社会地位是令人满意的,获得别人的尊重不需要通过暴力。

    And the fourth is a belief that a person 's position in society is satisfactory and that getting respect does not require violence .

  21. 此联立方程组分解为一组四个,一组两个和一组一个的三组联立方程。

    The set of simultaneous equations breaks up into one set of four , one set of two and one set of one simultaneous equations .

  22. 我们相信,当您的迭代少于四个或一个迭代持续两个月以上时,您将失去该实践的主要好处。

    We believe that you lose the main benefits of this practice when you have fewer than four iterations or single iterations lasting longer than two months .

  23. 本文就如何突出课堂教学的四个亮点一形象、情理、幽默和理论联系实际,谈了一些看法。

    This paper presents the writer 's viewpoints on highlighting the four glittering points ( image , sense , humor , applying theory to reality ) in classroom teaching .

  24. 研究方法:将四个高一班级作为研究对象,分为实验组和对照组,各120人。

    Study method : Have a survey on the four classes of grade one in high school . Divide them into experimental group and control group , 120 persons in each one .

  25. 根据世界银行的定义,有四个国家一点森林都没有,它们是圣马力诺、卡塔尔、格陵兰、阿曼。还有12个地方的森林覆盖率少于百分之一。

    There are four with no forest whatsoever , according to World Bank 's definition - San Marino , Qatar , Greenland and Oman - while in a further 12 places there is less than one percent .

  26. 汉普顿宫有着500年的历史,曾经是四个国王和一个王后的家。

    With 500 years of history , Hampton Court was once the home of four Kings and one Queen .

  27. 有一次,他派了四个学生去一个小农场看不同季节的苹果树。

    Once he sent four of his students to go to a small farm to see apple trees in different seasons .

  28. 第四个行星是一个实业家的星球。

    The fourth planet belonged to a businessman .

  29. 在UserTable组件中可以看到定义了四个属性和一个动作。

    From the User Table component , you can see that four properties and one action are defined .

  30. 新泽西州峰岭区(GlenRidge)的贝琪•米德尔顿(BeckyMiddleton)有四个孩子,一个6岁、两个9岁,最大的11岁。她说她想选的是能控制音量的咒语。

    Becky Middleton of Glen Ridge , N.J. , who has four children ages 6 , 9 , 9 and 11 , said her spell of choice would be volume control .