
sì fēn zǐ
  • tetramolecular
四分子[sì fēn zǐ]
  1. 更一步的研究探讨后,认为RCT是依靠其分子孔穴内四分子的π电子中心结构所形成的大负电中心π而作用于甲醇分子中的甲基的。

    The further examination showed that the RCT interacted with the methyl of the methanol molecule through the large negative π electron center which was formed by the four molecular π electronic center structure in its cavity .

  2. 我现在已经完成了我的四分子一的工作。

    I have finished one fourth of my work now .

  3. 每隔365天四分子一天,地球环绕太阳一周。

    The earth moves around the sun once every365and a quarter days .

  4. 在此基础上,对双交换四分子的分析和着丝粒作图进行了详细地讨论。

    Based on this , double exchange of tetrads and centromere mapping are analysed and discussed in detail .

  5. 用显微操作器解剖了202个4孢子子囊,得到376个四分子单孢株,其孢子成活率达46.53%;

    202 asci were dissected and there were only 376 single spore clones , which means that spore viability was about 46.53 % .

  6. 等温增压过程,管内水分子的扩散系数一直变小,而等压降温过程却需要在特定压强值下才呈现一定规律,并且四分子水环的轴向扩散能力要强于五分子水环结构。

    During the pressurization process , the diffusion coefficient of water molecules become smaller , while the cooling process showing a regular pattern is required only under the specific pressure . The diffusion coefficient of the four-molecule water rings is bigger than the five-molecule rings .

  7. 5-氨基酮戊酸(5-aminolevulinicacid,ALA)是高等植物四吡咯分子如血红素和叶绿素合成的第一个调节位点。

    5-Aminolevulinic acid ( ALA ) is the first regulation dot of tetrapyrroles biosynthesis , such as chlorophyll and heme in plants .

  8. 首先,根据计算结果对SWNT-OH与四种分子的吸附能力进行了判断。

    First , the adsorption capacity of SWNT-OH on the four types of gas molecules was judged according to the the calculation results .

  9. 其次,根据分子前线轨道理论分析了SWNT-OH与四种分子发生吸附作用的难易程度。

    Second , the difficulty levels of interaction between SWNT-OH and four types of molecules have been analyzed according to the molecular frontier orbital theory .

  10. 用李代数方法构造四原子分子的势能面

    Constructing potential energy surface of tetratomic molecules using Lie algebra

  11. 准线型四原子分子高激发振动能级的动力学李代数方法

    Dynamical Lie Algebra Method for Highly Excited Vibrational State of Quasi-linear Tetraatomic Molecules

  12. 对四种分子内具有氢给体的电荷转移化合物与阴离子物种间的相互作用进行了研究。

    The interaction between four compounds containing hydrogen bond donors and anionic species have been investigated .

  13. 结果表明,上述四种分子筛的等温线随着温度的降低,氯气的吸附量增加;随着压强增大,吸附量相应增加。

    The results showed that the chlorine absorption amount increased with the temperature decrease and pressure increased .

  14. 使用特殊氢方法预测丙氨酸甘氨酸混合三肽和四肽分子共111个构象的相对稳定性,并与B3LYP/6-31G方法的相对能量比较,得到了满意的结果。

    The relative stability of total 111 conformers of Alanine-glycine tri-and tetra-peptide was estimated by the special hydrogen method and by B3LYP / 6-31G method .

  15. 而对于二氧化碳的吸附,虽然导电性也有所增强,但是变化非常微弱,检测效果相比以上四种分子要差许多。

    For the adsorption of carbon dioxide , although its electrical conductivity has also been increased , but the change is very weak compared to the other cases .

  16. 前人的研究工作已经表明半导体传感器能否对分子进行检测的依据便是导电性的变化,所以碳化硅纳米带可以作为传感器件对这四种分子进行检测。

    Previous researches have shown that whether the semiconductor sensors can detect the molecules is on basis of the changes in conductance . Therefore , silicon carbide nanoribbons can be used as gas sensors which can detect these four kinds of molecules .

  17. 本文通过对分子吸附的研究发现,二氧化氮、甲醛、一氧化氮和一氧化碳四种分子的吸附对碳化硅纳米带体系电子结构的影响较大,吸附后体系的导电性都有明显的增强。

    In the work , based on the study on molecular adsorption I have found that nitric oxide , nitrogen dioxide , formaldehyde , and carbon monoxide have great influence on the electronic structure of silicon carbide nanoribbons , after adsorption the conductivity increases significantly .

  18. 对四个H2S分子分别在吸附原子和剩余原子位上的分解反应路径进行了研究。

    The reaction pathways for four hydrogen sulfide molecules dissociation over the adatom and rest atom sites are explored theoretically .

  19. 介绍DNA探针、细胞计量术、基因重组法和PCR技术四种现代分子生物学技术在食品微生物快速鉴定中的应用及其原理。

    Four modern molecular biology techniques are introduced : DNA probes , folw cytometry , genetic recombination and PCR technique . Their principles and application in food microorganisms ' rapid indentification are also discussed .

  20. 一个碳分子和四个卤分子构成的化合物。

    Compounds composed of 1 carbon and 4 halogen molecules .

  21. 四种新型分子印迹电化学传感器的研究及应用

    The Studies and Applications of Four Kinds of Novel Molecular Imprinted Electrochemical Sensors

  22. 四端纳米分子桥的量子传输特征

    Quantum transport of four-terminal nano-molecular bridge

  23. “包括被认为持有行凶凶器男子的另外四名涉嫌分子目前仍逍遥法外。”

    Four other suspects remain on the loose , including the man believed to have the murder weapon ,

  24. 第四章从分子束的速率分布函数出发推导了与速度有关的能量、动量、频率和波长等物理量的分布函数。

    In chapter 4 , from molecule beam 's speed distribution function , this paper deduces energy 、 momentum 、 frequency and wavelength distribution function .

  25. 主要研究了油酸钠作捕收剂,草酸钠、水杨酸钠等四种小分子有机调整剂对一水硬铝石、叶蜡石、高岭石三种单矿物的作用。

    The effect of four small-molecule organic regulator to three single minerals such as diaspore , pyrophyllite and kaolinite was investigated using sodium oleate as collector .

  26. 作为生物体四大有机分子之一,糖的代谢是整个生物代谢的中心。它既是植物的生长发育过程中重要的结构组分,又是一种细胞间用于通讯的信号分子。

    As one of the four major organic molecules , sugars are important energy sources and structural components that act not only as metabolic substrates but also as signaling molecules between cell to cell .

  27. 杂合子样品经过PCR变性、复性之后,其组分包含四种双链分子:两种同源双链、两种异源双链。

    A heterozygous sample after denaturation , renaturation of PCR , contains four duplexes : two homoduplexes and two heteroduplexes .

  28. 通过对此菌进行染色体原位电泳、转化实验、限制性内切酶谱分析及MIC值的测定.从此菌中分离出四个具有不同分子量及耐药性的质粒。

    By means of in situ electrophoresis chromosome , transformation , restriction map analysis and measurement of MIC , 4 plasmids with different molecular weights and resistance to drugs obtained from the strain .

  29. 本文介绍了吸附于粗糙银电极表面的毗啶等四种喇曼活性分子的表面增强喇曼散射(SERS)光谱的实验研究工作及所得到的SERS光谱。

    This article presents the experimental investigation of SERS spectra of four kinds of Raman active molecule adsorbed at a roughened silver electrode surface . The SERS spectra of these molecules are given .

  30. 本文采用流变学方法从剪切流变和拉伸流变两方面,通过对剪切粘度、储能模量和损耗模量、松弛时间谱和拉伸粘度的表征,对四种具有不同分子结构PET的熔体强度进行分析。

    In this work , the melt strength and viscoelasticity of four types of PET was analyzed through characterization of shear rheology and extensional rheology of PETs , including the dynamic complex viscosity , storage and loss modulus , relaxation spectrum , and extensional viscosity .