
  1. 新时期实验室主任应加强的四个意识

    Four Consciousnesses That the Laboratory Director Should Strengthen in the New Era

  2. 抓好四个意识提高聘护素质

    Grasping Good Four Consciousnesses and Raising Diathesis of Employed Nurses

  3. 电视新闻学教育要大力增强四个意识树立大教育的新闻学教育理念

    Four Important Ideas of the Education of TV Journalism

  4. 高校图书馆应强化四个意识

    College Libraries Should Strengthen Four Kinds of Consciousness

  5. 论编辑的四个意识

    On the Four Consciousnesses of an Editor

  6. 军校青年教员思想政治建设要强化四个意识论新的历史条件下军队思想政治建设的使命

    Intensifying Four Sense in the Building of Ideas and Politics to Young Teachers in Army College

  7. 要做好本科教学评估工作,必须要强化四个意识,抓好四项建设,做到四个到位。

    If we want to do the evaluation well , we must strengthen four consciousness , four construction and four arrival place .

  8. 强化四个意识,即管理意识、竞争意识、服务意识、创新意识;

    Reinforcement of awareness in four aspects , viz . management awareness , competition awareness , service awareness , and innovation awareness ;

  9. 这种不断意识并体验内心存在的神,只能发生在第四个意识层,此即第四境。

    This constant awareness and experience of the God-presence within can only happen on a fourth level of human consciousness , which is called turiya .

  10. 提出了突出强化四个意识、着重三个创新,以体现党员教育管理工作的时代性、实效性和感召力的观点。

    Put forward extremely strengthen Four Ideology , emphasize Three Innovation to embody the period , effectiveness and inspiration of education and management of party members .

  11. 在体育教学中,要重视四个意识的培养,即自主意识、情感意识、合作意识、探究意识,这是完成学习任务的前提与基础。

    Automatic , cooperative , probing physical education teaching pattern , as a new teaching pattern , is one of the methods which are emphasized and advocated in Physical Education reform .

  12. 意识的四个要素是意识觉醒、意识内容、意识指向和意识感情。

    The four ingredients of consciousness are awareness of consciousness , content of consciousness , intentionality of consciousness , and affection of consciousness .

  13. 该部分主要是论述对当代大学生社会适应能力培养产生重要影响的四个因素:意识观念因素、环境因素、知识智能结构因素、素质水平因素。

    This part discussed four diathesis of important infection for training of the social suitable ability for the college student of the time : consciousness and concept , circumstance , knowledge and brainpower 's configuration , diathesis 's level .

  14. 按照本文提出的意识的四个要素理论,意识由意识的四个要素及它们之间的相互作用组成。

    According to the four ingredients theory of consciousness , consciousness consists of four ingredients and their interactions .

  15. 随后从家庭、学校、社会和初中生自身四个角度分析生命意识缺失的原因。

    There are four reasons for lack of the sense of life . They are family , school , community and the students themselves .

  16. 四个族群的宗族意识各不相同,导致英国圣公会在各自村落传播时,每个族群的民众做出了不同的反应。

    Four groups have different clan consciousness , people of each ethnic group make a different reaction when the spreaded in their own villages .

  17. 本文从语音、词汇、句法及篇章四个层面分析了意识流小说的代表作&《尤利西斯》。

    The thesis analyzes the writing techniques of Ulysses , the masterpiece of stream of consciousness literature , at the phonetic , lexical , syntactic , and textual levels .