
  • 网络Data Preprocessing;data pre-processing;data preparation;ETL
  1. 基于用户访问树的Web日志挖掘数据预处理

    Data Preprocessing in Web Log Mining Based on User Access Tree

  2. 基于协作过滤的Web日志数据预处理研究

    Research of Web log data preprocessing based on collaborative filtering

  3. Web使用挖掘数据预处理中的会话构造

    Session Construction in Data Preparation of Web Usage Mining

  4. 土地房产GIS的拓扑检查与数据预处理

    Topology Check and Pre-processing of Spatial Data in Land and Housing GIS

  5. GPS差分定位数据预处理关键技术的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Key Data Pretreatment Technology for GPS Differential Positioning

  6. 矿区开采沉陷GPS快速观测数据预处理方法

    Method for processing data observed from GPS for subsidence surveying in mining area

  7. 星载GPS观测数据预处理模型研究

    Study on GPS data preprocessing models onboard satellite

  8. 将该算法应用于经过数据预处理的Web日志文件数据库,实验结果显示该算法是有效的。

    The algorithm applies to web log file database which has been data-preprocessed , and the result indicates that the algorithm is effective .

  9. GM(1,1)模型用于目标方位数据预处理

    Target Bearing Data Pre-Processing based on GM ( 1,1 ) Grey System Model

  10. 双CPU高速数据预处理电路

    The Double CPU High-Speed Data Pre-processing Circuit

  11. TM数据预处理及东坪地区蚀变信息提取方法研究

    Preprocessing of TM Data and Study of Extraction Method of Alteration Information in Dongping Area

  12. 介绍了Matlab神经网络工具箱的一些重要内容,包括数据预处理、训练算法比较、网络泛化能力等。

    This paper introduced some content of neural network toolbox in Matlab , including data pretreatment , training arithmetic comparison , network generalization , etc.

  13. 首先,对SAR数据预处理,包括辐射校正、Frost滤波和几何精校正等;

    The SAR data pre processing includes radiometric correction , Frost filter and precise geometric correction , and so on .

  14. 目前流行的CAD系统具备一定的数据预处理功能,如:去除明显噪音点、对称基准重建、重定位整合等。

    The present popular CAD systems can deal with CMM data to some extent , such as : delete noisy points , rebuild symmetrical benchmark , data combination .

  15. Web使用挖掘研究的主要对象是用户的使用记录,研究的主要过程包括数据预处理、模式发现和模式分析。

    This article mainly discusses Web usage mining . Main research objects of Web usage mining are usage records of user , and main research procedures include preprocessing , pattern discovering and pattern analyzing .

  16. 扩充CIF版图数据预处理程序

    Pre-Processing Program for Mask Pattern Data in Expanding CIF Format

  17. 分析和设计了GPS数据预处理系统的体系结构,对系统的总体结构、系统的功能划分以及开发中采用的关键技术(如可视化技术、数据批处理等)进行了研究。

    The structure of data pre-processing system for GPS observation was analyzed . General structure and function of system and some critical technology used in the system development are studied .

  18. 海鸟系列CTD数据预处理分析

    Analysis of Processing of CTD Data of Seabird Series

  19. 将小波变换技术应用到Raman汽油辛烷值测定仪的数据预处理中,减弱荧光背景干扰和高频噪声,提高光谱数据的信噪比。

    In order to reduce the fluorescence and improve the signal-noise ratio of Raman spectra in gasoline , wavelet transform is used in the spectra pre-processing for gasoline octane number analyzer .

  20. 采用Visualc++及与其兼容的C语言开发的可视化程序实现了生产测井资料的预处理功能,并且多相流动测井数据预处理的软件化为以后的解释工作提供了方便。

    Pretreatment of the production log data is realized by use of the visualized program developed by visual c + + and c compatible . It offers convenience for latter interpretation making pretreatment of the multiphase flow log data software .

  21. 数据预处理是Web使用挖掘的一个关键环节,其结果直接影响到后续的事务识别、路径分析、关联规则挖掘和序列模式挖掘的结果。

    Data Preprocessing is a critical step in web usage mining . The results of Data Preprocessing is relevant to the next steps , such as transaction identification , path analysis , association rules mining , sequential patterns mining , and so forth .

  22. 论述了选矿数据预处理的方法和GA-BP神经网络的设计。

    The methods of original data pre processing , the design of BP neural network , and some parameters selection are studied .

  23. 在介绍了典型的数据预处理技术的基础上,指出Frame页面降低了挖掘结果的兴趣性,并提出相应的解决方法&Frame页面过滤算法消除其影响。

    After introduction of some typical Web log preprocessing techniques , it is pointed out that the frame pages in a Web site can reduce the interestingness of the result page groups . Then , a frame-filtering algorithm is proposed to solve this problem .

  24. 开发了一个统一的基于NURBS样条曲线插补的通用插补器,推导出一个简洁的NURBS几何数据预处理算法,详细论述了基于等弧长的插补技术和插补原理。

    An universal interpolation employing NURBS is designed and a algorithm to process NURBS data is developed , as well as the interpolation technology based on constant arc increment is also discussed in detail .

  25. 文中介绍了克立格法相关的计算方法,并基于Windows编写克立格算法流程图,提出改进克立格算法的若干方法,包括:①强化数据预处理;

    In this paper , the author introduces correlative computing method of Kriging , compiles flow diagram of the Kriging algorithm based on Windows , and puts forward methods of improving the Kriging algorithm . The methods include : ( 1 ) intensifying data preprocess ;

  26. DWG图纸中零件轮廓线提取是计算机二维不规则自动排料的数据预处理工作,对提高排料的自动化有重要的实用意义。

    Part outline extracting in DWG drawing is the data preprocessing for two-dimensional irregular auto-nesting problem , and has significant meaning for enhancing auto-nesting .

  27. 针对问题求解框架,在数据预处理模块中,设计了基于规则的任务分配和资源过滤专家系统。采用CLIPS专家推理引擎,实现了应急任务的规划平台分配和数据获取资源过滤。

    According to the framework , in the data pre-processing module , we design an expert system based on rules for task allocation and resource filtering by calling the CLIPS expert inference engine . 3 .

  28. RSO-4燃烧分析仪数据预处理方法的分析及其修正

    Analysis and Correction on the Digital Pre-Processing Method in RSO-4 Combustion Analyzer

  29. 正交信号校正(OSC)是一种新近发展起来的数据预处理方法,它的基本思想是仅从光谱矩阵X上移除与相应值矩阵Y正交的部分。

    Orthogonal signal correction ( OSC ) is a new popular pretreatment method , and its basic idea is that it removes the parts linearly unrelated ( orthogonal ) to the response matrix Y from spectral matrix X.

  30. 本研究表明:引用人工神经网络和X荧光分析进行的科技考古研究中,解谱结果、产地识别结果和谱数据预处理方法都达到了令人满意的效果。

    All our experiment works proved that in science and technology archaeology the satisfactory results are gained for the outcome of spectrum analysis and the identification of production places as well as pretreatment methods of spectra data by using the artificial neural network and X fluorescence analysis .