
  • 网络digital fingerprint;Digital Fingerprinting;finger print
  1. 数字指纹对Web网页的双重保护

    An Application of Digital Fingerprint in the Duple Protection of Web Pages

  2. 棉花优异种质遗传多样性分析及其SSR数字指纹图谱构建

    Genetic Diversity Evaluation and Establishment of SSR Digital Fingerprint of the Elite Germplasm Resources in Cotton

  3. DWI的基本功能在于以数字指纹证书的形式给网络系统中的用户添加数字指纹的属性,用于用户行为的标记。

    DWI marked network user activities by adding fingerprint attribute , in the form of generating digital fingerprint certificates .

  4. MD5算法是当今应用最广泛的提取数字指纹的算法,其采用复杂的线性运算和单向加密生成数字指纹。

    Message-Digest Algorithm 5 is a widely-used algorithm for abstracting digital fingerprint . It is produced by complex linear operation and one-way encryption algorithm .

  5. 当所引用的资源(XFDL文档)的数字指纹被计算后,Reference的DigestValue元素将为空。

    When the digital fingerprint of the referenced resource ( the XFDL document ) is calculated , the DigestValue element of the Reference is empty .

  6. IPP(IdentifiableParentProperty)码可构造用于版权保护的数字指纹(datafingerprint),文中给出了利用纠错码构造IPP码的充分条件,并给出了码字总数的上限。

    The identifiable parent property code can be used as the data fingerprint for copyright protection . The sufficient conditions are presented for the construction of IPP codes based on error-correcting codes ( ECC ) . An upper bound of ECC is also given .

  7. 该方案在数据写入过程中通过构造编码后数据分块的Hash值级连,即所谓的数字指纹,可实现Byzantine环境数据的完整性保护。

    In the process of data writing , through the construction of the Hash value class of data piece after coding , namely the numerical fingerprint , the integrality of the Byzantine environment data can be fully protected .

  8. 该US-Visit系统采用数字指纹和照片图像来识别美国的入境者。

    The US-Visit system uses digital fingerprints and photographic images to identify people entering the United States .

  9. 但是这些天,在线服务不需要询问信息,他们可以提供IDU,这种设备通过提取你的数字指纹就可以获得信息。

    But these days , on-line services don 't need to ask for the information , they can offer IDU just based on the the digital finger print of you device .

  10. 本文主要围绕抗合谋指纹编码和指纹检测两个方面展开了系统研究,主要工作和研究成果包括:首先,根据Tardos数字指纹编码方案的思想,提出了双层Tardos数字指纹编码方案。

    This paper is mainly based on two aspects : fingerprint detection and anti-collusion fingerprinting code , our work and research results include : First , based on this latest of Tardos fingerprinting scheme , we proposed a two-level Tardos fingerprinting scheme .

  11. 基于数字指纹的网页监控与恢复系统

    Monitoring and Restoring System of Web Page Based on Digital Fingerprint

  12. 基于矢量树结构的数字指纹调制方法的研究

    Research of Fingerprint Modulation Method Based on Vector - tree Structure

  13. 一种基于同态公钥加密体制的匿名数字指纹方案

    An Anonymous Fingerprinting Scheme Based on Homomorphic Public Key Cryptosystems

  14. 一种基于随机序列的数字指纹编码和跟踪算法

    A Digital Fingerprint Coding and Tracing Algorithm Based on Random Binary Codes

  15. 首先将指纹转化成模板,然后通过模板叠加的方式嵌入数字指纹。

    At first , the fingerprints are converted into an embedding template .

  16. 基于视觉模型的抗合谋数字指纹

    Anti-collusion Fingerprinting Algorithm for Images Based on Human Visual Model

  17. 数字指纹印中有追踪叛徒能力码的新构造

    The New Results of the Codes Having Traceability in Fingerprinting

  18. 用于版权保护的数字指纹技术的研究

    The Research of Digital Fingerprint Technology Used on Copyright Protection

  19. 叛逆者追踪方案是数字指纹技术的一个重要组成部分,对于数字化内容的产权保护及盗版追踪有很重要的作用。

    Traitor Tracing Scheme is an important component of the digital fingerprint technology .

  20. 一种基于秘密分享的非对称数字指纹体制

    An Asymmetric Digital Fingerprinting Scheme Based on Secret Sharing

  21. 数字指纹技术在这种背景下应运而生,因其能够有效地解决多媒体版权保护问题。

    Digital fingerprinting is the technology to prove of ownership on copyrighted material .

  22. 一种基于群签名的匿名数字指纹方案

    An Anonymous Fingerprinting Scheme Based on Group Signature FIGURE

  23. 数字指纹的技术分析与模型改进

    Technology Analysis and Model Improving of Digital Fingerprinting

  24. 用于盗版追踪的抗共谋数字指纹研究

    Research on Anti-collusion Digital Fingerprints for Piracy Tracing

  25. 一种二进制数字指纹编码算法

    A Digital Fingerprinting Algorithm Based on Binary Codes

  26. 一种基于纠错码的数字指纹方案

    A Digital Fingerprinting Scheme Based on Error-Correcting Code

  27. 数字指纹技术分析及其在数字电视版权保护中的应用

    Digital Fingerprinting Technology Analysis and Its Application in the Copyright Protection in Digital Television

  28. 整体看来,数字指纹的研究仍然处于起步阶段,其应用还有很大的局限性。

    In general , the research is just started and its application is localized .

  29. 其中只有匿名数字指纹能对购买者的真实身份进行保密。

    The real identity of buyers can be concealed only in anonymous fingerprinting schemes .

  30. 数字指纹作为一种新兴技术,提供主动交付后的版权保护。

    Digital fingerprinting is an emerging technology that offers proactive post-delivery protection of copyrighted content .