
shù lǐ luó ji
  • mathematical logic
数理逻辑[shù lǐ luó ji]
  1. 《数理逻辑》智能CAI系统的研制

    Development of CAI systems of mathematical logic & intelligence

  2. 传统的智商(IQ)理论认为,智能是以语言和数理逻辑能力为核心,以整合方式存在的一种能力。

    The traditional intelligences theory regards language and mathematical logic as the core of intelligence which exist in an integrated way .

  3. 罗素通过运用现代数理逻辑对语言的判断形式S是P这个句子结构做出了重大突破,主要体现在主语项的消失。

    Russell through the use of modern mathematical logic to determine the form of language " S is P " in this sentence structure to make a major breakthrough , mainly reflected in the disappearance of the subject items .

  4. 可满足性问题(SAT问题)在数理逻辑、人工智能、机器学习、约束满足问题、VLSI集成电路设计与检测以及计算机科学理论等领域具有广阔的应用背景。

    The satisfiable ( SAT ) problem plays an important role in artificial intelligence , machine learning , mathematical logic , VLSI design and detection other areas .

  5. 本文讨论人工智能中的识别问题,从数理逻辑中的蕴涵式A→B出发,引出并定义了蕴涵度的概念,并且利用这个概念建立几个关于计算机模式识别模型。

    From mathematical logic formula A B . it draws forth and defines a concept of I he implication degree . Using the concept of the implication degree the models of pattern recognition system of the computer have been built .

  6. 在理论方面,维度本体延用了RDF理论中,使用数理逻辑来建立RDF理论模型的方法。

    In the aspect of its theory , Dimensional Ontology follows the methodology of using Mathematical Logic to establish the theory model , which has been adopted by RDF .

  7. 从早期的Z指标模型到传统的信用风险度量数理逻辑,再到现代信用风险度量模型,例如KMV和信用度量术模型。

    From his early Z index model to the traditional credit risk metric mathematical logic , and then to modern credit risk evaluation model , such as KMV and credit measure art model .

  8. 根据矩阵理论提出了计算Petri网S不变量和T不变量的一种比较简单和通用的算法,基于数理逻辑得到求解Petri网虹吸和陷阱的一般方法。

    On the basis of matrix theory , the algorithm for computing s-invariant and t-invariant of petri net are presented ; on the basis of mathematical logic , the solution method for siphon and trap of petri net are obtained .

  9. 这次图灵应邀参加了会议,在被沃默斯利介绍成令人生畏的“数理逻辑领域顶级专家”之后,他尽量简单地介绍了ACE。

    This time Alan was invited to attend , and after being dauntingly introduced by Womersley as ' an expert in the field of mathematical logic ' , he did his best to explain the ACE as simply as possible .

  10. Object-Z是形式规格说明语言Z的面向对象扩充,基于严格的集合论与数理逻辑,具有面向对象的特点:类、对象、继承、封装与多态等。

    Object-Z is an extension to the formal specification language Z , which facilitates specification in an object-oriented style and thus has object-oriented characteristics . It improves the clarity of large specifications through enhanced structuring .

  11. 常识问题常识、人工智能与数理逻辑

    The commonsense problem & commonsense , ai , and mathematical logic

  12. 数理逻辑中存在量词引入的必要性

    The Necessity for Introduction of the Existential Quantifier into Mathematical Logic

  13. 关于数理逻辑中的可靠性、完备性及协调性的讨论

    A Discussion on Soundness , Completeness and Consistency in Logic for Mathematicians

  14. 真值表在数理逻辑中的重要作用

    Important Action of True Values ' Table in Mathematical Logic

  15. 悖论与数理逻辑的发展探析

    A Study on the Development of Paradox and Mathematical Logic

  16. 数理逻辑是《离散数学》的难点之一。

    Mathematical logic is one of the difficulties of " Discrete Mathematics " .

  17. 中国传统音调的数理逻辑关系问题

    Mathematical Logic in the Tone-relation of Traditional Chinese Music

  18. 数理逻辑不能取代形式逻辑

    Formal Logic Will not Be Superseded by Mathematical Logic

  19. 协调性是数理逻辑中最基本的语法概念之一。

    Consistency is one of the most fundamental syntactic concepts in mathematical logic .

  20. 数理逻辑教学中的例题选择

    Choice How to Choose Examples in Mathematical Logic Teaching

  21. 然而,数理逻辑重视的是形式推理和严格论证,计算数学却追求的是数值计算,它允许近似求解。

    However the computational mathematics were striving after numerical computation and permits approximate solving .

  22. 故而,传统形式逻辑三大基本规律在正统数理逻辑中均不能成立。

    Therefore , the three basic laws are not applicable to orthodox mathematical logic .

  23. 因此,情报推理不能以正统数理逻辑作为推理工具。

    Therefore , intelligence inference should not be based upon the orthodox mathematical logic .

  24. 期权定价原理的数理逻辑探析

    Approaching Mathematical Logic of the Option Pricing Principles

  25. 具有“数理逻辑智能”的人,在数学和自然科学方面表现出有杰出的才能。

    Those who are " numbers and logic smart " excel at math and science .

  26. 论第2次数理逻辑革命

    On the second revolution of mathematical logic

  27. 中学物理课程与教学也是围绕对学生数理逻辑智力的培养目标进行定位的。

    The view on logical-mathematical intelligence determines the physics curriculum and pedagogy in high school .

  28. 莱布尼茨是一个发明家的演算以及祖先的现代数理逻辑。

    Leibniz was an inventor of the calculus and a forefather of modern mathematical logic .

  29. 数理逻辑在排队论中的应用

    Application of mathematical logic in queue theory

  30. 本文主要分析了几种数理逻辑思维方法及在艺术设计中的应用。

    This article mainly discusses several mathematical logic thinking methods and their applications in artistic design .