
  • 网络dslr;DSLR Camera;Digital Single Lens Reflex;Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera
  1. 根据PhotographyBay网站最近披露的一份佳能专利文件显示,佳能旗下的数码单反相机很可能会是首批采用触屏控制系统的相机产品。

    Future Canon DSLRs could be some of the first to switch to touchscreens for much of their input , a newly unearthed patent filing shows .

  2. 该滑轨有五种不同的底座,用来把智能手机或小型的数码单反相机(DSLRcamera)安装到12英寸(约合30.48厘米)的轨道上。

    It includes five different mounts for attaching a smartphone or a small DSLR camera to a 12-inch track .

  3. 传统上,数码单反相机使用一个单独的对焦感应器进行相位侦测。

    Traditionally , phase detection in DSLRs has been conducted by a dedicated AF sensor .

  4. 于是他花1000块美金买了台数码单反相机,然后拍了3万张相片。

    So he bought a digital SLR camera for a thousand bucks and shot 30,000 images .

  5. 当我装备了我自己的数码单反相机的时候,我学习了很多事情比如,微摄影和体育摄影。

    Equipped with my digital SLR camera , I have learnt many things such as macro and sports photography .

  6. 佳能,尼康,宾得,奥林巴斯和索尼都提供电池夹具,以适应他们的数码单反相机。

    Canon , Nikon , Pentax , Olympus and Sony are providing the battery clamps to suit their digital SLR cameras .

  7. 由于数码单反相机被设计成更小,另外的一握提供了更好的摄像头处理一些额外的表面积。

    As digital SLR cameras are designed smaller , the other to provide a better grip of the camera to deal with some additional surface area .

  8. 在它的面前,一个数码单反相机电池手柄似乎未必是最有用的相机附件,但一旦你使用一个你可能只是改变了主意!

    In front of it , a digital SLR camera battery grip seems to not be the most useful camera accessories , but once you use one you might just change your mind !

  9. 在图像泛滥时代,在数码单反相机,修图软件普及的今天,一张照片仅仅拍得漂亮,已并不稀奇,艺术摄影师不得不面临任务的转移。

    In the era of the proliferation of images , with digital SLR cameras , Photoshop software popularizing , the photo just taken beautiful is not strange right now . Art photographers have to face the transfer of tasks .

  10. 这里您可以看到我们提取的新生儿宝宝的脉搏和心跳速率这是从常规数码单反相机视频中提取的,我们测出的心率和医院监测器测出的一样精确。

    So here you see the pulse and heart rate we extracted from a neonatal baby from a video we took with a regular DSLR camera , and the heart rate measurement we get is as accurate as the one you 'd get with a standard monitor in a hospital .

  11. 这门课同样适合那些懂得ISO感光度、光圈、快门速度、白平衡等摄影知识并能用自己的数码单反或桥式相机设置这些参数的同学。

    It is ideal for those who have an understanding of ISO , aperture , shutter speed , white balance and how to change these on your digital SLR or bridge camera .

  12. [港]数码影像传真数码单反相机成像特点及数字图像的后期处理

    The Imagery Features of Digital Single-lens Reflex Camera and Post-processing of Digital Image

  13. 手机,数码相机,或单反相机,专业或不专业,游客也好,摄影爱好者也好,都纷纷用镜头定格红专厂里特别的美景。

    No matter whether you are using cell phones , digital cameras , or digital SLR cameras , professional or unprofessional , tourists or photography lovers , the beautiful scenery at Redtory must be recorded .

  14. 数码相机大致可分为四大类:口袋机(pocket-size)、傻瓜机(point-and-shoot)、高倍数或超级变焦相机(super-ormega-zooms)以及数码单反相机(D-SLRs)。

    Digital cameras can be divided into four broad categories : pocket-size , point-and-shoot , super-or mega-zooms and digital single-lens reflexes ( D-SLRs ) .