
  • 网络Lack of data;Data Deficient;Data Deficient,DD
  1. VSIQ控制图可以解决经典休哈特控制图在样本数据缺乏的情况下不能应用的问题,并且可以加快检出速度。

    Different form classical Shewhart control chart , VSI Q control charts can be employed to solve problems without sufficient data , so as to find out variation rapidly .

  2. 根据Wolfers先生的观点,因数据缺乏,故在过去,收入与幸福间的关系晦暗不明。

    According to Mr Wolfers , the correlation was unclear in the past because of a paucity of data .

  3. 针对目前应用ERP系统实现质量管理时存在的数据缺乏组织性、利用率低、数据冗余的问题,引进数据仓库的概念,给出了其概念、性质、物理结构、逻辑结构。

    Analyses the problems such as inorganization , in low use , data redundance existed in ERP system at present . Introduces into the notion of data warehouse , then discusses the concept , character , physical structure and logistic structure of data warehouse .

  4. 信息更新滞后、信息数据缺乏统计、分析功能。

    The information update is lag . the lack of information data statistic and analysis capabilities .

  5. 本研究解决萨赫勒流动牧民社区中人口数据缺乏的问题。

    This study addresses the lack of demographic data on mobile pastoral communities in the Sahel .

  6. 在实证检验过程中为了克服数据缺乏的问题,采用了面板数据模型进行实证分析。

    In order to overcome the problem of data unavailability , it conducts an empirical panel-data analysis .

  7. 由于航空发动机研制初期数据缺乏,采用传统的方法往往很难合理地确定航空发动机可靠性的目标值,而运用模糊决策理论对其进行模糊决策不失为可行的方法之一。

    Fuzzy decision is made by means of the fuzzy decision theory for aeroengine reliability design values .

  8. 他表示,数据缺乏使十月能否减少量化宽松政策变得更加不明朗。

    He says the dearth of data makes October a more ambiguous time to reduce quantitative easing .

  9. 由于半结构化数据缺乏模式信息,因而半结构化数据的存储与查询将是一个十分重要且具有挑战性的研究课题。

    Storing and querying semistructured data will be a very important and challenging research because it lacks schema information .

  10. 针对星载天线展开机构系统设计初期可靠性数据缺乏的情况,提出了系统可靠性分配的未确知方法。

    Study of seizure-preventing reliability of synchronous gears in the deployment mechanism of a large satellite antenna based on the non-probabilistic model ;

  11. 首先针对部件特性数据缺乏的情况下如何对燃气轮机建模的问题,提出了基于相似理论的建模方法;

    A new method describing the gas turbine performance model in case of lacking of component characteristic is presented based on similarity theory .

  12. 我国学者的研究由于受数据缺乏的限制,较少采用定量分析,一般只是从定性的角度来说明问题,缺乏根据性。

    Chinese scholars have done less quantitative analysis but just from qualitative angle to illustrate this problem , because of the data restriction .

  13. 目前,决策层目标融合识别对决策系统的不确定性无法做出有效度量,对有噪声的目标数据缺乏研判能力。

    Presently , the target fusion recognition of the decision making level has no way to make the effective uncertainty measure on the decision-making system .

  14. 针对传统可靠性分析中数据缺乏的难题,研究了用模糊变量表示不确定性信息时的可靠性分析方法。

    In consideration of the shortage of data in reliability analysis , a reliability analysis method is studied by expressing uncertain information in fuzzy variables .

  15. 针对对苯二甲酸工业中的溶解度基础数据缺乏的问题,提出了一种测定高温下对苯二甲酸在醋酸水溶液中的溶解度的方法。

    For resolving the lack of solubility data terephthalic acid in aqueous acetic acid , a method of determining the solubility at high temperature was developed .

  16. 然而在我国保险行业当前的情形下,绝大多数非寿险保险公司都存在历史数据缺乏和数据质量低下的问题。

    But under the current circumstances of China insurance industry , most insurance companies have not enough historical data or the existing data are lack of reliability .

  17. 基于资产法则由于大多数高科技企业成立时间短,历史会计数据缺乏,也很难加以运用。

    The Asset-based Approach is also very difficult to be used because short established time of most high-tech enterprises , the accounting data of history are scarce .

  18. 针对三维模型数据缺乏自然的频域分解算法,鲍虎军等人建立的三维模型平面参数化方法是将三维模型数据转化成二维数据进行处理,但是算法很复杂。

    To overcome the difficult of3D model 's decomposing planar parameterization algorithm is proposed by Bao Hunjun , 3D data will be transformed to2D data in this algorithm .

  19. 但因历史数据缺乏及模型不完善,目前我国保险公司对操作风险的管理仍处于识别阶段。

    However , due to the lack of historical data and imperfect models , the current management of operation risk in the insurance company is still in recognition stage .

  20. 本文也不可避免还存在一些不足,例如由于相关数据缺乏,设计的生态效率指标有很大程度上是基于数据目前的可得性和可比性,因此存在敏感性不够强、准确性不够高等问题。

    For instance , the sensitivity and accuracy of the eco-efficiency indicators designed on the basis of existing data are not ideal enough due to the scarcity of relevant data .

  21. 中国物流统计数据缺乏,客观上限制了对其周期规律的研究,本文选取社会物流总额作为测度指标,设计了一种人工序列,解决了统计数据过短问题;

    In this paper , total logistics amounts are chosen as evaluation index , and artificial time series are designed to solve the shortness of statistical data in Chinese logistics .

  22. 但应用系统的建设相对薄弱,各应用系统相互独立,部门间缺乏协同,业务数据缺乏共享。

    However , the construction of application systems is relatively weak , the application system independent of each other , the lack of interdepartmental coordination , lack of sharing business data .

  23. 同时,这些模型的输入输出数据缺乏有效的统一管理,往往依附具体程序,因而独立性较差。

    At the same time , the data input and output of these models were lacking of effective management and often dependent on specific procedures , thus their independence were poor .

  24. 但是由于音频数据缺乏对内容语义的描述和结构化的组织,给音频信息的深度处理和分析工作带来了很大的困难。

    However , raw audio data is a binary data stream lacking semantic description of content and structured organization , which leads to great difficulties to the intensive audio processing and analysis .

  25. 该方法对建立各型鱼雷噪声数据库有一定的参考作用,有利于解决目前声纳和水声对抗试验和演练中鱼雷噪声数据缺乏的问题。

    It is useful for building noise database of certain types of torpedo , and solving the problem which is short of torpedo noise data in sonar and acoustic warfare testing and drilling .

  26. 然而这些系统之间往往是互不相通的,数据缺乏共享,这样容易造成系统重复建设、资源浪费等一系列问题,形成信息孤岛。

    However , these systems are often unlinked , lack of data sharing , which easily lead to the problems of redundant construction , the waste of resources and the formation of isolated islands of information .

  27. 此方法克服了分类数据缺乏固有的几何模型而只是简单的0-1匹配相似性度量,由于数据规模庞大而造成的距离趋零现象的现象发生。

    This method overcomes the lack of geometric model brought by categorical data with simple 0-1 match similarity measure and avoid " from becoming zero phenomena ", from becoming zero phenomena , caused by large-scale data sets .

  28. 新的模型不仅解决了现有方法在我国运用实际中面临的数据缺乏的困难,更重要的是将由于观察期不同而产生的随机效应融合到模型中。

    The new model not only solves difficult of lacking of data , which shows in the practice of existing methods , and more important is integrates random effects result of the different observation period into the model .

  29. 本文根据我国在雪害预警研究方面基础弱、技术条件差、历史数据缺乏的实际情况,提出了我国公路风吹雪雪害预测的研究思路。

    According to Chinese circumstances , deficient experience , low level of technology and lack of historical data in the research field about forecasting disaster of blowing snow , this paper presents the Chinese featured way to do it .

  30. 针对高速切削数据缺乏的问题,本系统采用了基于实例推理技术,实现为新工件材料、新刀具材料提供合理加工工艺和加工参数。

    Aimed at lacking of high-speed cutting data issues deducing technology on the basis of real instances is adopted in this system which can realize to provide rational process and manufacture parameters for new workpiece material and new tool material .